Monday, January 3, 2011

Obama dinner found in third place "uninvited guests"

United States secret service (US Secret Service) that have not been invited and attended the United States President Barack Obama in November, organized by the State Banquet "uninvited guests" appeared in the third person, led to a new White House security program.

Secret service said Monday that they investigate the time for dinner, Prime Minister of India's security problems found during this vulnerability. Before that, a Virginia couple Tarek • Sarah Greek (Tareq Salahi) and m Jia Le • Sarah Greek (Michaele Salahi) was found to have been invited and attended the banquet, at present, two people are under investigation.

According to the secret service that third place unwanted "guests" are the official delegation from India at the local hotel, and together with the delegation arrived at the banquet scene. Secret service said that this person in the hotel and the delegation of India with the other members of the adopted all of the required security measures, and together with the delegation boarded a bus or van to the White House. Secret service says there is no indication that this person has passed the welcoming staff, there is no indication that he and Obama or first lady met.

Embassy of India in the United States, a spokesman for the Jabra (Rahul Chhabra) said, this man is not a member of the delegation of India, India Embassy has not arranged for him to dinner. Associated press (Associated Press) quoted an official from the United States Department of State, reports say, who is a United States citizen.

Discover the third position in the White House dinner "uninvited guests" accentuates the White House security procedures and a potential weaknesses.

Monday, news sparked some federal institutions of mutual accusations, the secret service's statement of the delegation of India pointed out that the reception by the Department of State.

Generally speaking, the State will submit to the secret service and the President met with members of official delegations, for verification. Members of this type of delegation before we can produce an invitation to enter the White House.

A bit familiar with the investigation process, at the request of the Embassy of India, the State Department in Washington, Willard Hotel Hotel build-up of a group of India-born Chief Executive Minister ready to participate in state dinner. This person said that in the process, someone snuck into the group, and the State Council is not found.

Another person familiar with the investigation said the secret service is to strengthen foreign official delegation of control of safety procedures.

State Department spokesman Hora (Darby Holladay) said that the matter is under investigation. The White House declined to comment.

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