Monday, January 3, 2011

G20 Summit and powerful to global economic policy

Summit of twenty (G20 Summit) will be held on 24 and 25 June in the United States held in Pittsburgh, 20 countries are ready to make a major global economic policies, including the United States to increase savings, reduction of the deficit reduction of dependence on exports to China in order to maintain world economic lasting growth.

Given the global experience of decades the most severe economic recession, now recovers, States that there is a need for economic policy changed their course in order to establish a sustainable growth of the economy, in which the United States, Europe and China will need to make significant changes.

Before the Summit to focus on the United States, States that "a lasting balance growth framework", which is called United States increase savings and reducing the budget deficit, to reduce reliance on exports from China, Europe is a fundamental change to promote commercial investment. 20 countries and will discuss industry-developed countries and developing countries, can come together, like a Board, monitor the global economy.

20 countries for a new proposal is certainly not entirely agree that Europe considers the United States on global economic growth, may have unrealistic views, while China is reluctant to agree to participate. United States shared the views of the developing countries in Beijing: the International Monetary Fund and other international bodies have greater powers to take the win over China.

If the new policy, China's biggest challenges, it must change the economic model to minimize dependence on exports of United States. China has been reluctant to change, because the change in size is too large. But European and American officials said this time agreed to participate in China, because China recognizes its export-driven economy mode, in the future cannot provide sufficient growth.

Chinese President Hu Jintao has 21, 9: 30 a.m., the plane to visit United States to attend four international Summit. Hu Jintao's tour to five United States will have to attend the UN climate change Summit, the United Nations General Assembly, the general debate, the Council of the nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament Summit and 20 countries financial Summit. Summit clearance, Hu Jintao also met with leaders, material including United States President Barack Obama and Japan's new Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

Brown urges increase in consumer demand in China

Summit of the Group of 20 (G20 Summit) 24, is about to debut in the United States, United Kingdom Prime Minister Pittsburgh Brown will be proposed to improve China's consumer demand termination of the global economy overdependence on United States consumers.

Taiwan Central News Agency reported that Brown apart from taking part in the 24 and 25 March the G20 leaders meeting, at the United Nations General Assembly, China increasing domestic consumption, will be the focus of his proposal.

Brown, United States President Barack Obama and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) common conception of a new global system, hoping to encourage China to stop accumulating large amounts of foreign exchange reserves.

A United Kingdom officials said that the past 15 years in the global economy relies on the United States population, consumption, to avoid falling into recession, now can no longer rely on the United States, "we must find new growth kinetic energy."

Brown will be the G20 Summit that China and other countries a large number of holding Exchange, might harm the world economy. Reported that, although China's economic growth rate will reach 8%, but last year's financial crisis lead to 2000 million migrant workers, who were forced to return to the factory closed countryside.

Brown believe that last year's financial crisis so that Chinese understanding of domestic and international economy are closely related, and the benefits of international cooperation, in order to allow China to accept the offer, you may let the Chinese in the IMF have a greater say.

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