Saturday, January 1, 2011

Federal Reserve to spend 70 billion U.S. dollars rescue stabilization fund.

The Fed on Sept. 14 the establishment of the United Bank of the United States seventy billion U.S. dollars ten stabilization fund, there is the risk of bankruptcy is used to provide funding for financial institutions, ensure market liquidity. .<P> Associated Press September 15 quoted the words of Bank staff involved in this initiative designed to prevent the global stock market and other financial products market panic. .</ P> <P> the ten banks are Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse Group, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs Group, JP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley .and Swiss banks. .</ P> <P> said in a joint statement that they participate in self-help bank committed to each pool of funds allocated $ 7,000,000,000; that any one of 10 banks in total funds may borrow up to the pool 1 / 3. .The statement said that "as other banks allowed to join the (self) tool," the amount of money will continue to grow. .</ P> <P> analysts believe that the world's major financial institutions, to take urgent measures to deal with the crisis is mainly due to the parties worried that the U.S. financial sector crisis and the domino effect of further spread and adversely affect the global financial system. .</ P> <P> Earlier, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Saumil Parikh of New York hosted a three-day emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with the U.S. financial market turmoil. .The seventy billion average fund measures and introduction of the market speculation that the Fed is likely there will be further measures, including lowering interest rates to prevent the sub-prime crisis further. .</ P> <P> before the introduction of the rescue package, Barclays Bank and Bank of America to give up just announced the acquisition of Lehman Brothers, which last week show just a week setback 77% of the shares, the brink of bankruptcy. .In addition, Bank of America to fifty billion U.S. dollars acquisition of the same Nizushenxian the famous Wall Street investment bank Merrill Lynch. .</ P>.

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