Saturday, January 1, 2011

Crisis is over? depression is making the streets of New York

Last weekend, the two-day annual meeting of the Federal Reserve, the participating States of the Central Bank Governors agreed that the financial crisis, the worst phase is over, the world is gradually out of 70 years the most severe economic recession, but still a long road to recovery. The President also pointed out that easing at this point the brakes too early.

The Kansas City Fed's hosting of the Fed's annual Conference on Friday held in the United States of Wyoming, the world's central bankers and economists, attended the meeting.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has published a review entitled "crisis year" speech, he said, experience a substantial decline in the past year, the United States and worldwide economic activity seemed to begin to stabilize. Recently, the growth prospects for economic recovery appears to be good. To this end, the report said that Ben Bernanke the Fed does this statement after the meeting last week, yixi statement argument more optimistic. As a leading United States economy entered a recession in the United States the culprit, the housing market contraction in four consecutive years, recently presented signs of warming. According to the latest data show that the United States into housing sales for the month of July to the last two years the highest level, the July single room housing starts for the first five months of growth, and since October last year. This week will be announced July consumer expenditure data, the market is expected to continue to grow, but appears compared to the growth rate will decline occurred in June. Ben Bernanke also pointed out that the United States and the global economy is still facing major challenges, the pace of recovery may be relatively slow at first. On Friday the United States financial regulators and close four banks, makes this year bank number climbed to 81. Well-known analyst Whitney forecasts, given the serious problems of Bank debts, the United States this year there will be more than 300 banks will fail, is now defunct number of 4 times.

ECB President Trichet indicated that there was some economic recovery buds, but this assertion economy is about to resume normal too early, European finance financial institution officials still have much work to do. This year's second quarter, two major economies in Europe, Germany and France's GDP growth is seen on the chain. Germany August services confidence index record since January 2006, investor confidence index also creates the best of three years.

Japan Central Bank Governors kitashirakawa party tomorrow in the last month expressed optimistic expectations for the economy, but he also said the economy back on track for sustainable growth requires a period of time. This year's second quarter GDP growth ring than Japan 3.7 per cent five-quarter growth, since the first quarter increase 6.3% export.

Israel's Central Bank President Fisher said, now you can speak up, the global economy worst is over. The first wave of economic signs appear longer than 9 months before the expected earlier.

Harvard University Professor Roger's day also said that there is no doubt that the global economy is recovering gradually out of the recession. IMF Deputy Chairman Lipski is said as signs of economic growth, the IMF might appear again by the global economic growth next year long predicted value. In addition, OECD Secretary-General Geliya said that next month will increase 30 Member States of the Economic Outlook.

At the meeting, proposed for economists easing implementation is not timely, the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and Japan's Central Bank, represented by the National Central Bank Governors was of the view that progressive and flexible relaxed policy is the control of inflation, the most effective means. At the same time, the Central Bank Governors agreed that now about the liberal policy of "exit strategy" too early.

Deserted streets of New York

August 22, 2009, New York, after closing of shops, the shops of signs hanging sublease.

The old lady has 77-year-old DELFINAATABOY, but Bill pressure let her have been seeking work, she can often obtain an interview, but because of old age and not be employed.

August 22, 2009, New York, after closing of shops, the shops of signs hanging sublease.

August 22, 2009, New York, playing out in the shop window dressing big sale signs, all 3 fold.

August 22, 2009, New York, there is no business of yellow taxi parked in the streets.

Local time on August 24, 2009, the United States Virginia, Aldi supermarket United States opened the first 1000 branches, local residents to shopping. Germany discount grocery chains Aldi supermarket price policy in the financial crisis.

Rubbini-Bing to sing empty financial crisis Ⅱ is about to explode

In Buffett, Ben Bernanke, who published the optimistic about economic recovery, and some of the comments noted that the issue of pessimistic tone. Recently, a "Dr. Doom" of Ruby, and "currency war"-author-Bing on various occasions, coincidentally the same viewpoint was published: the economy is stuck in second recession risk ... This is an alarmist or "criticize"?

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