Saturday, January 1, 2011

U.S. to build multi-level fear into Japan's Asian diplomacy in isolation.

U.S. President George W. Bush will attend the Group of Eight 7 (G8) summit, summit meeting with Asian countries. .Analysts believe that the United States in Asia to build a multi-level diplomatic relations with Japan if it can not deepen the relationship between Asian countries, may be "post-Bush" era into isolation. .<P> (Http://finance.) Bush highlighted the results of America's Asian diplomacy. .8 years tenure in the Bush, described the bilateral relations in Japan as "Japan-US honeymoon." .He said, "I and other Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi made efforts to establish a personal relationship. To build the foundation for strong strategic relationship." .</ P> <P> However, when talking about the relationship between the United States George W. Bush made a similar boast style of speech, saying "I and President Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Chairman of the two countries established a personal relationship. Can talk heart to heart" and "Taiwan Strait .Although it is difficult, but now the situation very well. " .More than the United States that the DPRK nuclear issue is in progress on the outcome of six-party talks. .US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue has become a norm. .</ P> <P> for China's development a global food shortage, the factors and energy prices, Bush expressed his understanding. .He called that "even if in order to curb consumption in China, Japan and the U.S. should provide technical assistance to China." .</ P> <P> Bush told Japan and China also welcomed the strengthening of bilateral relations, saying "Do not be a zero-sum diplomacy. Hope that the Japanese have built a good relationship with China." .</ P> <P> Bush's statements in the past China as a military threat to the U.S. position is entirely different. .In contrast, with historical issues, to China as a competitor, hoping to use the relationship with the United States to contain China, while Japan's diplomatic posture rendered obsolete. .</ P> <P> the Bush administration has also strengthened relations with India, the two sides signed a nuclear cooperation agreement. .Although India has not yet joined the "NPT" and conducted a nuclear test, the U.S. Democratic Party also opposed the civilian nuclear cooperation with India, but the Bush administration's preference is fierce with the development momentum of relations between India and stable strategy. .</ P> <P> the other hand, for once referred to as "axis of evil" North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il, Bush's tone has eased, saying "he could no longer stand in isolation." ."New York Times," Evaluation of progress in six-party talks is "the only merit of Bush's foreign," the US-DPRK relations have improved. .</ P> <P> Bush called the U.S. strategy for Japan's "hub" and spoke highly of the Japanese Self-Defense Force activities in the Indian Ocean and the oil sent to Iraq. .Bush accepted the Japan 6 2 newspapers and news agencies, as well as four joint television interview. .Bush said the U.S. government who favor the foreign media that it is an exception. .</ P> <P> However, the new term next January after the U.S. president came to power in Japan for their cooperation for the war on terrorism will be the "past." .The next U.S. government may also be further deepened with China, India. .If Japan can not actively participate in and help resolve the Korean Peninsula, China and India-related problems that may be strong in the United States and Asia, the loss of the status of the diplomatic maelstrom. .</ P>.

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