Saturday, January 1, 2011

Unemployment rate in the United States deficit reached a new high

White House Senior Economic Adviser, Ms. Valeria · Garet recently pointed out that Obama is currently considering to create jobs in a number of possible measures, including the introduction of a new economic stimulus plan.

Garet, high unemployment is the United States Government facing the greatest challenges; in addition, the huge amount of federal government deficit as well as not fully determined to walk out of a slump in the real economy, and United States Government concern. While these problems require the adoption of the United States to further stimulate the economy to be addressed.

At present, the entire us unemployment rate has risen to 9.8% is expected this year in the United States there will be four million people are unemployed.

In addition, according to the United States Treasury Department on Friday published data show that in the year ended 30 September 2009 financial year, the United States government deficit reached a record $ 1.42 trillion, equivalent to the United States gross domestic product (GDP) of 10%, the highest level since World War II. While the Government debt is as high as 11.9 trillion.

So Ben Bernanke yesterday called on the United States Government to reduce its budget deficit and increasing consumption in China and other countries.

In fact, the Obama administration is about to enact a national and local housing agencies of new support plan to give thousands of buyers and rental offers of help. The Government refers to the scheme including provide consumers with lower loan interest rates, as well as reduce buyers and renters credit requirements. The Government also will buy more bonds to the real estate market to inject more capital.

Downward trend accelerated USD

United States Treasury Department announced on 16 October, as of the end of fiscal 2009, the United States government deficit reached a record $ 1.42 trillion, as the highest level since World War II. High budget deficit has been so bleak prospects for even more sinister dollar, while reducing the deficit of the greatly limits the Obama government revive the economy of energy.

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