Monday, January 3, 2011

The great sweep of American anti-corruption day, 44 arrests.

23 U.S. attorney's office said the number of New Jersey mayors, state legislators, government officials and the Jewish high priest was arrested on charges including bribery, money, trading, international money laundering. .Judicial anti-corruption investigations in New Jersey has been going on for 10 years, a total of 23 arrest of 44 suspects. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px align=center> </ P> <P> government officials taking bribes </ P> <P> "Xinmin Evening News" report, 23 the early morning, hundreds of FBI agents began arresting suspects the United States .people, local television footage showed several officers into custody by police in handcuffs. .</ P> <P> arrested 44 people, including Hoboken Mayor Kama Serrano, Secaucus Mayor Elwell, Deputy Mayor of Jersey City, Bertini, New Jersey Senator Smith .and Fanpei Walter. .</ P> <P> Kama Serrano allegedly taking bribes from an undercover witness the hands of $ 25,000. .Elwell $ 10,000 bribery. .Bertini form of extortion in connection with campaign contributions for $ 20,000. .</ P> <P> Fanpei Stewart allegedly from an undercover agent posing as a witness in the hands of real estate developers to receive $ 10,000 bribe to help the latter get the Ocean County, a real estate development rights. .Smith and several government officials suspected of bribery charges that undercover to ensure he received the land development rights. .</ P> <P> clergy money laundering </ P> <P> the U.S. attorney's office said, with an undercover witness to help a Jewish high priest led international money laundering network of surfaced. .The network activity in New Jersey, Brooklyn, Deer between the two cities and Israel, in June 2007 to July 2009 to help the undercover witnesses, money laundering between about 300 million U.S. dollars. .Brooklyn City, a large Jewish Rabbi Cassin, Deer City, Rabbi Haim and Tim Wu, who is satisfied that 23 were arrested for money laundering. .</ P> <P> Prosecutor Mara 23 in Newark, New Jersey, said at a news conference: "The accusation drew a portrait of some of the ugly religious clergy. They led the money-laundering organizations, as .criminal gang leader, the use of charitable organizations or bodies, to do good on the surface, secretly laundering millions of dollars. "</ P> <P> addition to money laundering, the New Jersey part of the Jewish clergy also suspected of trafficking in human organs, Brooklyn, City rabbi .Rosenbaum was accused of involvement in 10 years, organ trafficking. .Mara said: "His business is to spend $ 10,000 encourage disadvantaged groups to sell their kidneys, then sold $ 160,000 changed hands." </ P> <P> corruption is like cancer </ P> <P> about New Jersey .the story of the U.S. state of a Mafia family drama "The Sopranos" has been hit in the U.S. for 8 years, did not think they played the real version now. .</ P> <P> Prosecutor Mara said at a news conference, such a large scale corruption involving officials of the arrest "shows the universality of New Jersey, public corruption," "politicians themselves Nachulaimai, upright on the surface .high-profile clergy also engage in illegal activities. " .</ P> <P> Federal Bureau of Investigation in New Jersey, is responsible for white-collar crime and public corruption agents Ka Heer with "cancer" metaphor of the problem of corruption in New Jersey, said "corruption is rooted breed in New Jersey's political culture soil" .. .</ P> <P> New Jersey Governor Corzine, said: "The operation revealed the scale of corruption outrageous and intolerable. Any corruption is not to be accepted, no matter when, where, how humans .. "</ P>.

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