Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Weak dollar" caused soaring commodities.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, yesterday, the bull market turmoil has once again swept the domestic futures market, the three commodity futures exchanges all eighteen species listed without a fall. .</ P> <P> which landed yesterday palm oil futures in Dalian Commodity Exchange, and the small increase this year, the corn futures market funds are favorable, both closed to the limit by buying; In addition, the recent upwards .breakthrough "Soybean family" continued strong performance, soybeans, soybean meal and soybean oil during the three varieties of yesterday hit a new high again. .Shanghai Futures Exchange copper, aluminum, zinc and other base metals, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, sugar, wheat rose yesterday, are heavy volume. .Will be held on Wednesday the Federal Reserve meeting on interest rates, widely expected to prevent the U.S. economy into recession, the Fed cut interest rates now likely brings up the banner, cut the rate may even reach 50 basis points; and according to established practice, when entering the United States .rate cut cycle, the implementation of the "weak dollar" policy, including crude oil, gold, non-ferrous metals, grain, including the global commodity prices will rise to some extent, this is because the price of most commodities are denominated in U.S. dollars. .14:40 Beijing time yesterday afternoon, the New York Mercantile Exchange NYMEX electronic quotation system tray light crude for December delivery rose $ 1.15 a barrel, the highest reported $ 93.01 / barrel, a record high. .</ P> <P> crude oil prices rose sharply again on the domestic commodity futures market clearly had a strong incentive effect. .Yesterday, the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the main fuel oil futures contract rose 118 points closing 0801, at 3896 yuan / ton, up to 3.12%. .However, the most fierce rally yesterday was undoubtedly the agricultural commodity futures, and Dalian Commodity Exchange in major contracts have held up quite well, corn futures broke up with a Changyang nearly a month of consolidation period, massive release of the main contract 0805 ., a total turnover of 1,093,600 hand throughout the day, Zhong Pan daily limit to close at 1,717 yuan price / ton. .In addition to maize, the "soybean line" futures contracts have hit a new high yesterday, rising channel is further opened, the main soybean contract closed at 0805 and 4439 yuan / ton, compared with 3 months before the full rose more than 1100 yuan, or up to 33 .%. .</ P> <P> Xin Guo Lian R & D department that the soybean market's long-term trend remains bullish, northern soybean production cuts, the dollar continuing to slide, the energy market will gradually rise all soy and firm support for long-term. .In fact, not only soybeans, crude oil prices in the context of continuous upside, the agricultural bull market is filled with atmosphere, "alternative energy" concept enthusiastically participated in the sign is on the rise. .Analysts said the U.S. rate cut cycle led to the "weak dollar" is bound to boost crude oil prices rose to higher office, which also inspired the human enthusiasm for bio-energy alternatives, fuel ethanol is currently more mature technology in the United States and other developed countries .taking shape, "agricultural prices industrialization" is gradually revealed. .Insiders pointed out that even if the implementation of this technology to improve the current demand for agricultural products is limited, as long as gold, crude oil prices, global commodity prices will spontaneously seek their own and the ratio between crude oil price of gold, which is caused by the current commodity futures .prices continued to rise in the fundamental cause. .</ P> <P> Disclaimer: This story is purely personal point of view of, only for investors and does not constitute investment advice. .Accordingly investors operate your own risk. .</ P>.

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