Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bush leaves office does not affect Sino-US relations will continue economic dialogue.

U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary <P> McCormick 30 in New York think tank, "Council on Foreign Relations," speech, said that even if President Bush leaves office, the United States and China Strategic Economic Dialogue or will continue. .</ P> <P> the third China-US economic dialogue last December, held in Xianghe, Hebei Province, the U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said at the time, China and the U.S. should establish certain institutional basis to ensure their own and Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi retired .The two sides will continue the dialogue. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Paulson said, "The value of economic cooperation is, when you pick up the phone call to each other, you can trust people who call to tell you there .everything - even if you do not agree with him. so you can cooperate with him, which is very important. "</ P> <P> the former chairman of Goldman Sachs as Treasury Secretary in the seventies before the visit to China .many times, after which he also put to establish and consolidate relations as an important strategy for the implementation of the letter. .He stressed that mutual trust is established through long-term contacts. .</ P> <P> Central News Agency reported, McCormick emphasized that through this dialogue, communication between Washington and Beijing can resolve bilateral economic relations. .Reasonable appreciation of the RMB is still very concerned about the U.S. political and industry issues. .McCormick pointed out that this progress has been made, the United States still hopes that China will accelerate the pace of appreciation. .He does not believe that legislation can put pressure on the U.S. Congress, also spoke of the need to consider whether it will lead to market volatility. .</ P> <P> participating financial community that sovereign wealth funds in Asia and the Middle East, generous investment in the United States. .McCormick said that sovereign wealth funds investing in the United States based on commercial considerations than three decades. .The United States welcomes foreign capital, while the U.S. capital market is indeed huge foreign exchange reserves for China holds considerable appeal. .</ P>.

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