Saturday, January 1, 2011

American mind, the best ranked first professional survey software engineer.

What is the American mind <P> ideal career? .United States, "Personal Finance Magazine" recently under development prospects, income, stress level and other indicators of the work of hundreds of ranking among the top 10 of which are: 1. Software Engineer; 2. University; 3. Finance .consultants; 4. Human Resources Manager; 5. residents; 6. market research analysts; 7. Computer Information Technology Analyst; 8. real estate appraiser; 9. pharmacists; 10. psychologists. .</ P> <P> "Personal Finance Magazine" to pressure, flexibility, creativity and the size of the high and low threshold to do this occupational rating of 10, divided into A, B, C, D four, where A represents the maximum .or maximum. .</ P> <P> 1. Software Engineer </ P> <P> average income: $ 80,500. .</ P> <P> 10 years of demand growth rate: 46%. .</ P> <P> all sectors of economic need software engineers, it became one of the fastest growing profession in the United States. .In addition to requirements of a good mathematical foundation and creative problem-solving skills, the professional is more inclined to young people. .</ P> <P> any good: The most cutting-edge work, such as the design of new electronic games. .</ P> <P> any deficiencies: visual fatigue, back, wrist and hand pain. .</ P> <P> the highest income: responsible for designing the configuration of the final version of software engineers, income of up to 6 digits. .</ P> <P> Education: bachelor's degree, but to continue to climb usually requires master's degree. .</ P> <P> B A creative flexibility of the pressure B C threshold </ P> <P> 2. University </ P> <P> average income: $ 81,500. .</ P> <P> 10 years of demand growth rate: 31%. .</ P> <P> Master's degree to teach at the university, but need discipline to compete with private companies, such as health sciences or business, requiring much higher. .Furthermore, creative thinking is indispensable. .</ P> <P> any good: Professor of flexible arrangements can be almost completely their own time, and there is no dress code required! .</ P> <P> any deficiencies: the need for sub-papers, title, salary is also very low low! .</ P> <P> the highest income: university president's salary can reach $ 550,000 or more, but most can only earn half that number. .</ P> <P> Education: Master degree or title of professor; tenured professor Ph.D. usually required. .</ P> <P> B A creative pressure A flexible C threshold </ P> <P> 3. Financial Advisors </ P> <P> average income: $ 122,500. .</ P> <P> 10 years of demand growth rate: 26%. .</ P> <P> pension system since the company to cancel from the United States, Americans need to save money for the retirement, financial plan tailored not only the rich need. .Therefore, more and more MBA, lawyers and accountants to squeeze into this profession to make money. .</ P> <P> what is good: If you are good with numbers and dealing with people, you think you can own, small shops or finance a giant financial services company! .</ P> <P> any less than: a lot of paperwork are essential to it! .Pressure is also big. .</ P> <P> the highest income: Customer is responsible for a list of the investment income of more than 200,000 U.S. dollars consultants. .</ P> <P> Education: University degree, plus professional certification and continuing education. .</ P> <P> C Pressure creative B B B flexible threshold </ P> <P> 4. Human Resources Manager </ P> <P> average income: $ 73,500. .</ P> <P> 10 years of demand growth rate: 23%. .</ P> <P> a growing number of companies, human resources are no longer just about financial management and employee information. .Human resources management more and more the type of work. .</ P> <P> any good: the goal is to enable employees to work more satisfactory, to help shape corporate culture and to develop strategic goals. .</ P> <P> how inadequate: sometimes to fire employees. .</ P> <P> the highest income: Senior Human Manager up to $ 285,000 salary. .</ P> <P> Education: bachelor's degree, but usually have a professional certificate. .</ P> <P> B pressure A flexible creative A threshold B.

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