Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Merrill Lynch report: last year, more than the New York World millionaires population

Merrill Lynch 20, published a survey reported that last year the global individual asset exceeds the number of rich people reached $ 870 million, more than the total population of New York City has more than 50 million.

The most significant increases in the Middle millionaire

This survey shows that these millionaire owned assets total has reached 33.3 trillion.

In the high oil price and the stock market, in 2005, the Middle East region has the highest rate of growth of the millionaire, nearly 10%. Merrill Corporation in charge of the Middle East Branch Carmona · shahbazi stated: "here has developed into a very attractive investment areas. ”

The Middle East are growing up to become a millionaire, which to a large extent, also thanks to the local stock market boom, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the stock market last year increased by 100%. However this year some stock market decreased more than 50%, this means that some day this year might be a millionaire.

The largest number of North American millionaire

Affected by the impact of European and American economic cooling, global rate of slightly last year millionaire after two years ago, but the value of more than 30 million of super rich growth rates has increased, more than 10%, reaching 8.54 million. Merrill Lynch said that the excellent performance of the super rich thanks to their selected Asia, Latin America and the Middle East these investments in high-growth regions. In contrast, in North America and Europe to invest almost as much.

The 870 million millionaires of distribution are: North America up to 290 million people; followed by Europe, about 280 million, followed by Asia, about 240 million; Latin America and Africa have 30 million respectively and 10 million.

In addition this survey also found that most millionaires have their eyes turned to overseas, approximately 65%% people begin to focus on foreign markets, and another 30% of the purchase of real estate abroad.

10 years ago, Merrill company first begins to statistics the number of the world a millionaire, at about 450 000 millionaire. 10 years, the number of millionaires in the world has increased to 870 million, almost doubled.

New Report: Asian American population into the nation's most affluent.

<P> United States is a nation of immigrants, of which the ethnic Chinese population is represented by the Asian one of the fastest growing ethnic groups, has now increased to 1,400 million, accounting for 4.85% the U.S. population. .Last week released a new market research report shows that already the nation's most affluent Asian population, with 434 billion U.S. dollars in purchasing power, has become the nation's consumers can not be ignored all walks of life. .The report predicted that by 2010, Asian buying power will reach 611 billion yuan, of which Chinese is the largest and most important Asian consumer groups. .</ P> <P> Asian nation's most </ P> <P> units of a network of Maryland launched market research company, "Asian Survey spending power," that the education level, household income, popularity of computer and network ., in the number of professional and managerial work in terms of all of the leading Asian. .The report combines the U.S. Federal Census Bureau data, and manufacturers have been released for the Asian market over the past data synthesis. .</ P> <P> findings of the report shows that as the nation's most affluent Asian population, the average median family income of 5.6161 million, 26% higher than the U.S. average, 15% higher than the white community than the Hispanic .56% higher than twice the African American community. .About 28% of Asian households earning more than 10 million. .</ P> <P> to the average personal income, Asians 2.5786 million also lead all ethnic groups, the nation's per capita income of only 2.4020 million. .Among these, the highest per capita income of Indians, to 3.1438 million, followed by Japan, Chinese ranks third in per capita income of 2.8012 million. .</ P> <P> Asian preferred investment </ P> <P> to the report, each Asian families spend an average of $ 50,000 per year, higher than the U.S. 14% of general consumption units, but Asian household consumption .style, not the U.S. mainstream paycheck to paycheck, a considerable portion for savings and investment. .</ P> <P> relative to the average American, Asians have a higher proportion live in large cities, so the scale of their living expenses than the average American. .Their overall spending 9.7%, is generally used to pay the mortgage, 6.8% higher than the average American. .</ P> <P> both men and women, Asian Americans are more general than the love of shopping, even if not to buy things, a lot of Asian men and women will go shopping. .In general, they pay great attention to price, will be looking for more cost-effective products. .Compared with the overall U.S. adult consumers, Asian consumers are more likely due to discounts or coupons which they rarely made a special trip to patronize the business, or spend an hour at factory direct stores, and patiently wait until the business reduction .only pockets. .</ P> <P> Asians like every two or three years to buy a car, and usually buy a new car, rather than second-hand cars popular in the United States. .Asians are more likely than the average American consumer is better that the quality of foreign cars, open up more display their status. .</ P> <P> than Asian people do not want money, but also want others to think they have healthy honest. .They are more than the average American consumer financial security, but they also knew that poor financial management capability of financial investments, poorly understood. .Even so, Asian Americans are more likely than the average for financial investments. .They often feel that the U.S. stock market risky, but 19% of Asian investment in mutual funds, more than 16% of Americans, three percentage points higher than the proportion; 13% of Asian investment in stocks than the average ratio of 10% of Americans .high..

Into the global economy, high inflation era of high interest rates.

<P>: Http://finance. News </ P> <P> ● aside fears of recession or deflation, while they worried about economic overheating or inflation, the world in the end what happened? .</ P> <P> ● away from the real economy and the virtual economy, there are two causes: first, loss of basic global monetary system constraints; the second is between the major economic powers to implement a floating exchange rate monetary system </ P> <P> ● China .The rapid growth of world exports, is the world's real important force for economic growth, ensure that the global price of basic consumer goods remained low </ P> <P> ● global economy into high inflation, high interest rates higher and higher probability, China .immune to the need to plan ahead </ P> <P> recent weeks, the global financial market is the most dramatic events, but the world's major central bank's monetary policy reverse. .Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and the Japanese central bank injected funds to the mass market, has totaled over 500 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> West does not light Dongfang Liang </ P> <P> Fed sudden reversal of policy direction, from worries about inflation instead of credit market collapse, reducing the discount rate is the first step, the market generally expected that the next .Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting will be to reduce federal funds rate, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan to at least maintain the current interest rates unchanged, does not rule out further rate cuts. .</ P> <P> Although the world's most important central banks join forces to rescue the market, subprime mortgage crisis still lingering, the United States, Europe and Japan stock markets remain volatile, do not rule out the possible substantially lower, better financial institutions will face continuing .losses and even bankruptcy fate. .</ P> <P> like China, the central bank continued to adopt various monetary policy instruments to contraction of liquidity, interest rates have become commonplace, excess liquidity, China's biggest challenges facing monetary policy. .However, the stock market and real estate market contraction of liquidity the central bank ignore the multi-pronged approach, the stock market to new heights, irresistible; real estate prices rose overtake each other, the high price of real estate news of the day do not have. ."The scenery here is fine," "the West does not light Dongfang Liang." .</ P> <P> side is the lack of liquidity or credit crisis, while it is excess liquidity and credit expansion; side of the fear of economic recession or deflation, while they worried about economic overheating or inflation, the world in the end what happened? .</ P> <P> the real economy and the virtual economy </ P> <P> serious departure from the </ P> <P> If I were an alien economist, overlooking the small planet, I will look at how the human .economy? .</ P> <P> answer is: first, the last 30 years, the human economy in the total amount of monetary aggregates and credit growth are substantial, both the growth rate or stock size, are far more than the real economic or human .The growth rate of real wealth and size. .In 1970, the global stock of base money, but tens of billions of dollars, today more than 5 trillion; 1970, the global credit total several hundred billion dollars, however, has surpassed 400 trillion U.S. dollars today; 1970, global foreign exchange transactions and .volume of derivatives transactions is minimal, the scale of today's trading day, more than three trillion U.S. dollars, year over 80 billion U.S. dollars; in 1970, the global scale, but billions of dollars of debt today has reached tens of trillions of dollars, only U.S. Treasury bonds .close to 5 trillion dollars (foreign purchases of U.S. treasury bonds in 2006 reached 2.2 trillion U.S. dollars). .In contrast, nearly 30 years, the global real economy or the growth rate of real wealth (measured by real GDP), averaging less than 5%..

Americans, Bush, Hillary most admired men, women in the first row.

<P>: Http://finance. News, "USA Today" magazine - at 26 December Gallup released a poll showed President Bush and the next U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton once again become the popular .of the most respected men and women. .</ P> <P> the most admired men in the survey, Bush received 10% support rate, although ranked first, but it is 7 years of his presidency to the lowest score ever. .Bush came in after Clinton (8%), Gore (6%) and Obama (5%). .Females, Clinton received 18% of the vote, was elected the 12th America's most admired women. .Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey, ranked second, her approval rating is 16%. .</ P> <P> U.S. media said Bush's poor performance has been able to get this honor is stained with the presidency of the light, because since 1981, as long as president will be in the annual poll of the class .elected. .</ P>.

Buffett comments stable u.s. stocks gradually optimistic mood on Wall Street

: Http://finance. United States stock Tuesday built, pull up a 130 points, mainly benefit to share God Buffett's announcement. He is a United States represented within the financial TV shows, its flagship will cover worth listing 8,000 billion in bonds at all levels. Notes from the underwriting of large debt insurance company, but the time you press storm, these debt insurance companies such as Ambac, MBIA and Financial Guaranty, financial strength affected by market, is likely to trigger another round of bond turmoil. This Buffett's premium, the company is willing to assume the responsibility for the debt-to-life insurance company, in other words these bonds once an accident, Buffett want compensation to bond holders.

Wall Street's investment community believes that this would mean that the chances of an accident on the bonds is very minimal, and at this time given the fragile, Buffett's commitment is to add the stock market.

Buffett shows more shows that most companies ' stock prices have been caught in a reasonable level, in other words the stock price to drop, the representative value. A United States analysts, this does not reflect the stock market will immediately bounced back, because the senior investors see stock price premium, but as long as bearish sentiment day is not reversed, big city will have a soft, but the atmosphere is better.

In fact, as early as last week, the United States announced a series of consumer confidence indicator was sharply, will lead to major US stock shock. This is mainly due to economic recession, retail will bear the brunt, coupled with its negative economic livelihood of the domino effect gradually surfaced, u.s. stocks have been picking up momentum. Since the beginning of this year, more and more data that reflect the United States economic ups and downs of the retail trade, the thermometer is undergoing of maximum 5 years, means that the overall economic landslide prospects with haze. Credit card spending dropped, shopping malls, Internet shopping pedestrian flow. The most disappointing, many consumers use cash gift card to buy daily necessities, reflect cash shortage. The retail store owners, commercial construction and consumer goods manufacturer surprised, this is the livelihood of the critical turning point.

In many large retail chains have announced layoffs and clearance store, Macy layoffs 2,300, Home Depot cut 500 jobs, from Christmas till last week announced the closing of shops are about to 900, followed by many more. According to the shopping centre, the International Department of the United States this year predicting material 5,770 shops closed, representing a significant increase in 07 years 25%.

The massive rise in retail shop, empty commercial real estate and mortgage also greatly reduced, the banks to tighten lending against very heavy. Other such as container shipments, orders reduced significantly; inventory, advertising budget cancelled, electronic media and the press have been unfortunate, is exactly the same negative domino effect.

However, this Buffett's comments, coupled with some great lines are turning to United States, pointed out that the situation is not as aforesaid pessimistic, it seems that the US stock market is expected to hit the bottom.

Of United States experts believe there are three positive factors. First, the United States Federal Reserve Board on March 18, material and then cuts and stimulus programmes 1,500 billion has already been adopted, cheques, this poses a series of substantive recovery process.

Secondly, as United States bear a study recently quoted Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon said: 「introduction The subprime thing is yesterdays news......we are double-counting subprime losses (to the effect that the press is yesterday's news that the time you press the losses have been double calculation). This reflects in part 」 United States the financial community, have started from extreme pessimism to optimism.

The third largest city in the United States, is in decline, the recent momentum of three very prominent technology trends: first natural gas stocks and commodities unit, all the shares, which breaking through short-term resistance and the price of coal and natural gas prices in the near future to pull up relevant; second, Goldman Sachs, big mo, Lehman, etc. larger securities firm stock prices fell, but in the near future are securities index was once maintain uptrend. The third is the semiconductor sector index was sailing and l; semiconductor stocks fell in the recent fall in between, it is the outpost of the rebound. The first trend indicates that the current strong stocks; second trend reflected most bad sectors over intense; the third trend is reflected in the first fall unit (retail, technology and housing) might go.

Therefore, all the signs that we don't take on too pessimistic after city.

The interests of both sides worried about melting ice damage to the U.S..

This is the hypothesis put forward by Washington state people: With the improved cross-strait relations, China announced the southeast coast targeting Taiwan, the abolition of 250 missiles, as the establishment of the first step in cross-strait military mutual trust mechanism; relative, the mainland hopes Taiwan to stop purchasing " .Patriot "III anti-missile system, and do not want Taiwan to join the U.S. missile defense system. .May I ask, how to deal with Taiwan will? .<P Align=center> Miyu "accident" does not match their own interests </ P> <P> (http://finance.) Shortly after the election, Vice President-elect Vincent Siew met with Chinese President Hu Jintao. .In Washington, Deputy Secretary of State Negro Punta Teti Coincidently, there is a lecture, he spent a lot of time talking about China, but no mention of cross-strait dialogue; the next Q & A, he omitted to mention the Hu-Siew; wait .stepped out of the venue, the media followed, before the line went ahead Negroponte still did not answer. .Finally, the corner on the stairs, he finally stopped speaking a few words, that would certainly Xiao Hu. .</ P> <P> course, then the State Council, the answer to Nepal's place website for public information. .But it is curious that so many opportunities before, why he refused to comment on Hu-Siew meeting? .</ P> <P> few days later, an understanding of those who thought the U.S. State Department said it was because the U.S. government is "very careful to observe the progress of cross-strait relations." .While the U.S. hopes cross-strait dialogue, on the one hand they are also worried that the dialogue level and range of content, whether a new "accident"? .After all, a direct impact on cross-strait relations with Taiwan, the relationship between the United States. .</ P> <P> As think-tank report that the U.S. really was worried about cross-strait relations are too close and hurt U.S. interests, but also suggested that U.S. policy is bound to be adjusted for improved cross-strait relations. .Wilson, a conference center, stage experts Tanruo Si said that Taiwan and the mainland if the merger "does not meet the U.S. interests, not in Japan interest, does not meet the interests of South Korea, and even Vietnam, the Philippines want to see" and so on; in .audience, the former head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs, who had to be no secret and Road, "Yes, Yes, exactly." .</ P> <P align=center> U.S. worried about cross-strait military procurement melting ice reduction </ P> <P> experts in Washington more than a month again so that the mainland can not ask too many give Ma Ying-jeou, or have concerns not only the United States, .will rebound within Taiwan, neighboring countries are not assured. .When the question mark in the hearts of all the parties when the mainland and the disadvantaged. .</ P> <P> However, if the concessions Taiwan, the mainland also give the two sides will not appear willing to see the development of the United States? .The answer lies in the commitment before the election, Ma Ying-jeou, of "no unification, no independence, no use of force." .But Stimson Center Romberg, head of Asia Pacific that the United States said that Taiwan people to decide the future of the Taiwan Strait, the United States did not stereotypes, "This is the United States have said, must be kept." .</ P> <P> also worry that Washington is "how would Taiwan's military procurement has changed?" That is, whether the Taiwan-US military procurement reductions, lower quality? .The answer is: the mainland's military modernization will not stop, can only be accelerated with the economic development, not to mention the report as the U.S. Department of Defense claimed that modernization is not limited to Taiwan, but includes the South China Sea dispute, the energy import routes .security and other more remote target. .So, the mainland's military threat continues, Taiwan's national security will not be relaxed moment, the U.S. military procurement will have to continue. .</ P> <P> which experts often say, is not only the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan Relations Act stipulates that the obligation is also based on Taiwan's security, the most important issues like the Taiwan Strait experts Glaser said, "sales and strengthening .military cooperation between Taiwan, the purpose of cross-strait relations are not hurt, but because of a guarantee for the security of Taiwan, and Taiwan have a greater self-confidence to deal with China. " .</ P> <P align=center> difficult to unload the U.S. mainland increased strength of anti-heart </ P> <P> the past eight years, the Bush administration was originally the most friendly government of Taiwan, Taiwan authorities denounced the results into the least false .color of the government resigned. .The reason: Some Aspects of Taiwan, the United States in the interests of the content of violent collision; in the form of the United States was caught off guard, that is, one after another busy react to the U.S. "accidental." .</ P> <P> this practice undermined the mutual trust, so that the first line of diplomats exhausted. .When negotiations with the United States, no matter how contentious, but the attitude of the other party as the person who experienced it said, "It seems like a slap in the face of left and right of a slap in the face, teach people depressed." .</ P> <P> now finally expected to Sudden Impact, which is the relationship of "change." .Together in Washington after the election, "relieved" mentality is: the U.S. has changed the Taiwan Strait do not worry about every day, it can be more properly deal with the mainland, such as the North Korean nuclear weapons, Sudan and other issues, the United States can more effectively increase the requirements of the mainland .Jin. .</ P> <P> that is, between the U.S. and Taiwan into the normal, will help the United States into the middle of normal. .Ma Ying-jeou won the election so a warm welcome to the United States, precisely because the interests of the United States itself has greater protection. .</ P> <P> However, bilateral relations between the U.S. and Taiwan into the royal road to really do this? .This inevitably affect bilateral relations must be to view the "change" factor. .One of the most critical is the growing strength of the continent, the United States in dealing with Taiwan affairs, more and more to consider Beijing's attitude. .As a former chief of China's State Council said, nothing could involve China, the increasing volume of business subjects, "can almost be renamed the China Science and Technology Division of the World." .</ P> <P align=center> make life difficult for the United States between two foreign small </ P> <P> Taiwan for the heads of state, but still powerful neighbor, which is a grim reality, but also unable to change, must face .challenges. .</ P> <P> strong United States is still the world alone, but the U.S. military into a quagmire in Iraq, American diplomacy in many hitting the wall, weak U.S. economic weakness, the U.S. internal affairs but also in their own election boom. .Under the impact of these factors, the U.S. government and people of Taiwan have much interest? .Commitment to fulfilling security (which has always been controversial) there will be more strong determination? .Taiwan in the United States have much sway? .</ P> <P> Therefore, Taiwan to buy F-16C / D fighters, and Taiwan to sign a free trade agreement with the United States (FTA), by U.S. support of Taiwan to enhance international participation (United Nations, the World Health Organization, etc.) .Taiwan would like to ..., but how far the U.S. can do? .</ P> <P> than the fighters and international organizations, FTA's political sensitivity should be lower. .However, the Senate as early as in the past six and a half ago already proposed, the U.S. administration refers to "likely" also has more than six years, but remains elusive. .No wonder, Ma Ying-jeou was elected, Washington was filled with an optimism that President Bush's message can be represented. .</ P> <P> cry of the child candy. .However, if the adults busy not open, or whether the adults that good, he was also nobody will know you cried themselves hoarse. .Taiwan's relations with the U.S. today is the United States, China, Taiwan and the interaction of a ring, and cross-strait relations can not be cut. .U.S. diplomacy is not so much as it is to draw the line between the two. .</ P>.

The Fed "will not cut interest rates" gradually clear argument.

Associated Press analysis of 25 published a report, Fed officials in a variety of recent comments, the "no cut" argument gradually clear. .<P> Associated Press article said Kevin Walsh, Fed officials recently talked about the interest rate issue, out of words has always been vague, but more literary. .He said: "Even if further economic weakness, we still tend to ignore those who have been expected, spontaneous shot again, the voice of the Fed." <P> Fed number two man, Vice Chairman Donald Kohn of the institution's position is more like a central .banker. .He believes that the current interest rate policy "appears to be timely." .Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Janet Yellen said the current interest rate level is appropriate. .<P> Associated Press article, the official arguments were echoed Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues to pass the message last month: 20 years, the most aggressive Fed interest rate cut move may finally end. .<P> Article, the Fed cut interest rates change in attitude does not mean that the U.S. economy has been out of the woods. .At present, food, energy and other commodity prices situation, the rise of U.S. inflation worries gradually from. .This may be the Fed continues to cut interest rates to contain a major cause. .<P> The last-mentioned article, many economists believe the Fed will be the end of June this year, the next decision-making meeting, the federal funds rate at 2% to lowest level in 4 years. .</ P>.

Qi soar inflation in Europe and America next move the Fed to raise interest rates.

As skyrocketing food and energy prices, inflation rates in Europe and America in June hit a new high, which makes the engine of global economic prospects are two more pessimistic. .Federal Reserve (Fed) minutes released on Wednesday also showed that policy makers worried about rising inflation risks, which increases the need for rate hikes. .If the Fed to raise interest rates, the ECB will raise interest rates a firm position. .<P Align=center> U.S. CPI increase highest in 26 years peak </ P> <P> integrated media reports, the U.S. Labor Department on Wednesday, the United States in June compared with May CPI rose by 1.1% to June 1982 the largest increase since .. .Excluding food and energy prices, core CPI, including increased by 0.3% compared with May. .</ P> <P> For Fed officials, the more disturbing may be the food and energy price inflation has begun to spread to the signs of the economy, in June of housing, transportation and service prices have risen sharply .. .</ P> <P> the latest CPI data highlight the Fed officials are facing the dilemma. .For Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday said in testimony to Congress, the inflation level is too high, the Government is balancing the risks facing the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> the FOMC meeting minutes released on Wednesday showed that the members are basically the risk that economic growth has declined, rising inflation risk is still increased, so the next policy adjustment is likely to raise interest rates. .But most members of the view that economic activity and price pressures remained very uncertain future, and thus the implementation of future policy measures in the timing and intensity are quite uncertain. .</ P> <P align=center> high euro zone inflation rate </ P> <P> In addition, Eurostat has confirmed that this June's annual inflation rate of the euro zone hit a new high of 4% .record. .May this year has been set up in 1999 reached the highest since the annual inflation rate of 3.7% in the euro area, not only in June, he returned to refresh its highest inflation rate, while the euro area than the requirements of the European Central Bank inflation rate should not exceed 2% rule .twice. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> in the euro zone in June this year, countries with the highest inflation rate was 6.8% in Slovenia and Belgium 5.8%; the lowest was 2.3% in the Netherlands and Germany, .Portugal 3.4%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> European Central Bank was July 3 raised the benchmark interest rate to 4.25 per cent, regardless of the risk of economic slowdown, showing .its fight against inflation. .If the Fed decided to raise interest rates, no doubt the ECB will raise interest rates a firm belief. .</ P>.

U.S. Treasury Federal Reserve announced an emergency capital injection.

U.S. Federal Ministry of Finance should (Fed) request, announced the launch of a temporary "Supplementary Financing Program", shot to save frequently troubled financial institutions help Fed to impose its complement "ammunition" to ease the financial market liquidity .pressure. .<P> (Http://finance.) United States Treasury Department said, in addition to the U.S. Treasury has been borrowing scheme, the "Supplementary Financing Program" will constitute a series of short-term U.S. Treasury bonds, which will provide active use of Fed .funds. .</ P> <P> the U.S. Treasury Department said that in the "Supplementary Financing Program", the auction announcement and participate in the auction in accordance with the provisions of the existing Ministry of Finance to manage. .Ministry of Finance will advance notice as possible, circular on "Supplementary Financing Program" bond auction time, size and duration of the situation. .</ P> <P> data show that the acquisition of Bear Stearns in the JP Morgan deal, Bear Stearns, the Fed assumed value of 29 billion U.S. dollars of mortgage-related assets, and provided loans to support JP Morgan Chase. .In addition, in order to protect Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and held 5.3 trillion guarantee mortgages, the Fed will be resumed by the two institutions of state. .The Fed also agreed on the open market purchase of variable amounts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guaranteed or held mortgage-backed securities, and, this month the Fed has bought 50 billion of its security or hold securities. .</ P> <P> latest development, the Fed announced the evening of 16 U.S. time, has authorized the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's caught the edge of bankruptcy of AIG to provide 85 billion U.S. dollars emergency loan. .</ P> <P> frequently shot in the Fed funds stretched, is an indisputable fact. .U.S. Treasury should be fixed from time to time, it seems also reasonable, but some analysts that it is difficult to dispel market concerns. .</ P> <P> Earlier Wednesday, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation chairman has just said that the U.S. Congress should formulate relevant laws to ensure that there are problems other non-bank financial institutions are properly ordered treatment. .He is in the very period that the United States, Fed and Treasury are doing what they feel should be doing, but he is worried that this approach is only taken in exceptional circumstances, special means. .He said the Government should refer to the FDIC's management approach to develop a process. .</ P> <P> In fact, this is not the only worry the market. .As early as the Fed bail Bear Stearns, "Fannie and Freddie," when the voice is a challenge. .The reason is very simple questions: First, such a move undermined the traditional regulation of U.S. financial liberalization; secondly, why the taxpayer's money without the consent of the Congress, they curve relief due to "greed" and troubled financial institutions. .</ P> <P> support the Fed's answer is an unusual situation to be shot. .</ P>.

Liu Hongbo: nobody bribery of bribery case

United States Avery Dennison Corporation · China company offering bribes to Chinese officials to get project. In the United States, it is inescapable. In China, this is a case of knowing what's no bribes to head case.

It is inescapable in the United States, both companies understand that recognize Alice, United States of public documents, and process the results, Avery company $ civil penalty, and are asked to hand in illicit proceeds 31.8 million.

It is in China without a head case. Strictly speaking, it does not become a lawsuit, because no one was because bribery investigation, Avery Chinese companies are also not affected by the bribery allegations. United States SFC open documents pointed out several bribery, seems to be regarded as a "foreign reporting." However, since the United States Securities and does not copy files on China's discipline and anti-corruption authorities, listed several bribery and multiple unspecified bribery, why people are naturally unable to proceed with the investigation.

Particularly interesting is that the United States securities only specified in the file name of the Agency, located in Wuxi in the Ministry of public security traffic management Science Institute, also carried out. First is the Declaration of Wuxi City Public Security Bureau and the Bureau has no associated events. Followed by the Ministry of public security traffic Science Institute official said, "confirmed that there was accepted the gift and the associated costs and other issues."

The Ministry of public security traffic "does not exist" someone to accept gifts and related costs, certainly gratifying, Avery company and United States SFC has so incomprehensible. Avery company recognized sent gifts and cost, United States, the report and the Commission have a fine, named in the receiving party that does not exist it was receiving gifts and cost, this is not very strange?

If I believe that the Ministry of public security traffic verification results of Scientific Research Institute, that had to be two possible interpretations, and one is what gifts, expense, in China and the United States have different semantics; another is that corporate bribery is China Eli Eli company and the United States securities performed by a deed, actually does not exist.

I cannot believe the difference in culture to an even greater gift and costs are not faithfulness to the extent of the translation, you can only understand Avery bribery events or scientific research Institute of the Ministry of public security traffic is verified and inaccurate or is Avery company and United States the Commission acted in deed. But ele company and United States Securities Act closely, what is necessary? according to a kind of thinking, this is slander China business environment and the role of officials of the image. However, the capital of the company but selfish Avery at the expense of such fame performance, no matter the time of the survey or analysis from the pros and cons, I am more inclined to believe that "does not exist it was accepting gifts and related costs" should not be a final conclusion.

Avery company event exposure, many people are discussing how foreign zhizhu "," Northern to China on bribery, I was interested in that. Banquet given invited admission rules, the Chinese enterprises do, foreign company will not make a fool of Gan. It has also been talk about the "foreign help China's anti-corruption", is of course also against corruption is the field of international cooperation, but also within the "sovereignty", is the country's political problems, highly sensitive, it would be to help countries, so there is help for the respective cleaning Chamber Qu?.

Liu Hongbo author of senior media people, well-known News Home

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Second United States Congress passed the anti-China trade bill vote.

<P> The White House does not want to pass the bill. .Members also know that many of their final bill will not become real legislation, but to encourage them to put forward some proposals too far, made some strong remarks, just to leave their own records, and to gain political allies. .Even if the bill eventually become the British Ge Lixi formal legislation, the Chinese can still file a complaint at the WTO - Carnegie Foundation for the Chinese economic experts Keidel Location: Washington, United States Congress; time: U.S. time at 16:00 on the 27th; .Number of votes: 255 168; Event: U.S. House Speaker slams down a heavy hammer, announced that seeks to impose countervailing duties on Chinese goods, "U.S. Trade Rights Enforcement Act" clearance. .</ P> <P> members from Pennsylvania for the British Geli Xi, the years do not discount does not spare to promote this trade bill against China at this moment to finally reveal his contented smile, even though he .know very well that after a second "Break" was passed, and the dispute with the United States will be bipartisan bill may end up tangled just a "fake." .</ P> <P> as a "pawn" of the British Geli Xi proposal once the "dust settles", the efforts of the Republican Party in return received after 8 hours: 27 midnight local time, the Bush administration pushing the Central American Free .Trade Agreement (CAFTA) by 217 votes to 215 the end the most votes in the House of Representatives by a slim margin. .</ P> <P> suspected of a political deal </ P> <P> at least as early as 2003, the British began to make Geli Xi related to China's trade proposal. .In his proposal, the implementation of trade agreements to force China first, and then accuse China of currency manipulation is required, and this ground tariffs on Chinese goods. .</ P> <P> However, these proposals are numerous other proposals, like the Congress, the ultimate all down the drain, but this does not affect the continuing British Geli Xi put forward a similar proposal. .Pennsylvania is an old industrial base, by the serious impact of economic globalization, English Geli Xi need a little action, and good to go home to his constituents when the cross. .</ P> <P> in this session, the British Geli Xi went on to repeat the job. .He first made in June 21, the Ministry of Finance to review the RMB exchange rate, if it is proved China is manipulating its exchange rate, overall tariffs on Chinese goods. .July 14, he proposed a broad and comprehensive plan, that "the United States Trade Rights Enforcement Act", requires the countervailing duty law to expand the scope so that it can be applied to China and other "non-market economy" of goods. .This time, the opportunity finally came. .</ P> <P> At the time, House Republican leaders are to promote CAFTA and the bruised and battered. .This trade agreement will eliminate the United States and six Central American countries trade and investment barriers between the United States can therefore more easily enter the market, but must also open the door to these countries. .U.S. manufacturing will inevitably be subjected to further shocks. .</ P> <P> determined to win the White House to hold by the determination of CAFTA, this determination is not derived from economic factors. .U.S. exports of goods to the six countries of Central America about 150 million U.S. dollars, which for more than one trillion U.S. dollars a year in exports is only a drop in the bucket. .However, in politics, Bush too need this shot in the arm CAFTA was. .</ P> <P> Bush's new term began several months, lousy. .Look at polls continued to decline, although the White House seems calm, but in fact, a victory for Bush too need to build support in Congress, so too quickly into the second term "lame duck" status. .In addition, CAFTA is clearance, but also to build his grand Free Trade Area of the Western Hemisphere. .</ P> <P> CFATA vote in the House of Representatives, Congress is scheduled to leave on August 1st completed. .Although the bill had been in the Senate poise, but more in the members of the House of Representatives, but the state is facing almost out of control. .Republican leaders, according to estimates by at least 20 votes in this Agreement, the gap. .At this juncture, it clear that the British Geli Xi does not support CAFTA, as an "ugly duckling", like a swan, like jumping into the eyes of Republican leaders. .</ P> <P> in the UK Geli Xi July 14 trade with China announced its new proposals at a press conference, a lot of power in the House Tax Committee Chairman Thomas (BillThomas) show up to attend. .This move has shown that Republican House leaders will give the green light for the proposal. .Thomas admits, as the British Geli Xi insists that linked China, CAFTA bill and, therefore, in exchange for support for CAFTA, and he will oppose the proposal before the conversion support. .</ P> <P> British Geli Xi also reciprocated, in addition to said he would absolutely support the CAFTA vote, he has also promised that if the proposal can be put to the vote, at least there will be other 4-5, and his colleagues will .the same turn. .For Republican leaders, despite this does not ensure that the CAFTA pass, but at least can still give it a try. .</ P> <P> twice "checkpoints" </ P> <P> 7 26, that is, the day before the CAFTA vote, the British began to break through the barrier proposal Geli Xi. .Republicans want a quick fix by the Tax Commission decided the proposal directly to the delivery of hospital-wide vote. .According to the provisions of the legislative process, we must obtain two-thirds majority, the proposal to be adopted. .</ P> <P> the day of the debate, strong opposition to the CAF-TA Democrats, on the proposal to launch attacks on the British Geli Xi, criticized the proposal is the political deal. .The final result of the vote the proposal was 240 votes to 186 votes, failed to meet two-thirds majority, temporarily blocked. .The news came out, many are quick to Chinese media reports, the proposal was blocked applause. .</ P> <P> However, the United Kingdom Geli Xi, at least his first opportunity to lobby on the rules of procedure, the face of all the members for his proposal that keep on fighting and applaud. .</ P> <P> Republicans immediately change its strategy, the proposal submitted to a vote of the schedule is responsible for program committee. .If the Commission decided that the proposal be put to the vote, only need a simple majority to pass. .In the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, it is not difficult. .</ P> <P> 7 27 afternoon, the House of Representatives debate on the proposal again. .In the morning, I also rare in the Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, accompanied by the Congress in person, stay more than 1 hour for the evening will be the CAFTA vote warlord encouragement. .</ P> <P> for the Democrats, the United Kingdom Geli Xi China is no different in the CAFTA vote on the proposal of the outpost, they launched attacks more violent. .Heated debate in both parties, the Democrats attacked the Bush helpless in the face of economic problems. .Democrats probably will not forget, they have put forward a similar proposal, but under the Republican's have no chance to block out the vote. .</ P> <P> McDermott Democrat Washington (JimMcDermott) said: "The U.S. deficit than the speed of the shuttle launch even faster. Republicans blame everyone else except other than to do nothing. ."He ridiculed the British Geli Xi said that the proposal is only to return when he can say," I am very tough on China. "pretend as if he cares about voters. .</ P> <P> However, all this ultimately failed to stop the proposal by 255 votes to 168 votes clearance. .</ P> <P> radical original "go down" a proposal or a "fake" </ P> <P> 7 月 27 At about midnight, news of the burning the midnight oil the U.S. Congress, after heated debate in the night, .215 by 217 votes to Republican votes in the most narrowly passed the CAFTA. .From 11 pm, the voting scheduled for 15 minutes, delayed for nearly 1 hour. .Republican leaders at the last minute is still tight marking to lobby wavering party members are. .</ P> <P> high when singing the praises of George W. Bush, claiming that the freedom-loving countries to promote peace and prosperity in the Western Hemisphere when the commitments made by the British Geli Xi members to plan for summer enjoyable journey home, and would like to .think how he will portray the great achievements of the next campaign posters. .As to whether this is a "fake", to him, it is not important. .</ P> <P> legislative process under the provisions of the bill is finally the British Geli Xi to become formal legislation, passed in the Senate needed, and need to get signed by the President. .However, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (HarryReid) has this day pot of cold water poured down. .He said the lack of any signs of the Senate will push this legislation, so this bill is unlikely to become legislation, can only be a "fake." .</ P> <P> the Carnegie Foundation's China economist Keidel (AlbertKeidel) also believes that once the House of Representatives election every two years, lawmakers need to be seen, to win re-election, while the Senate every two .Only a third of re-election, so the pressure is not so much for re-election. .</ P> <P> Keidel believe, in fact, the White House does not want to pass the bill. .Members also know that many of their final bill will not become real legislation, but to encourage them to put forward some proposals too far, made some heated words, their purpose is simply to leave their own records, and to gain political allies. .</ P> <P> He said that even if the bill eventually become formal legislation, China can still appeal in the WTO because the U.S. does not recognize China in the WTO as a non-market economy status, but also in the domestic legislation .China as a market economy. .</ P> <P> However, the degree Keidel resumes for the Congress in September there are some concerns. .U.S. Treasury Department October 15 to submit a new assessment of China's semi-annual report, he said, then, the Democrats fear that Bush will pressure China is not enough, the Republicans will say that China has improved, the same .also played the political game. .</ P> <P> China Institute for International Economics expert Radi (NicholasLardy) also believes that Congress initially positive reaction for the yuan appreciation, but they may slowly realize that, in fact, a slight appreciation of the impact on Sino-US trade .little discontent with the United States will likely grow. .Moreover, the People's Bank of China has denied the rumors continue to rise, the future of Sino-US trade issues between the less likely will not. .</ P>.

Bring disaster to the U.S. shortage of cheap labor in China holiday.

<P> Although a few months from the end of season, U.S. retailers have been looking forward to make a killing. .Recently, however, because of unexpected problems and their distress. .Retailers in the U.S. manufacturing base - China's cheap labor drastically reduced, making it difficult at the end of the U.S. holiday retail ready before the arrival of rich goods. .In the U.S., selling the commodity of the fourth quarter, more than 50% of toys sold in the 11 and Dec., and toys made in China accounted for 90% of world market share, which makes toy suppliers in North America is facing a crisis even worse. .Chinese enterprises in the transport or production processes in any significant delay to the U.S. vendor will bring economic losses. .World's second largest toy maker Hasbro said it has been closely following China's labor issues. .</ P> <P> 4 years ago, is located in Guangdong and Fujian in southern China began to experience labor shortages plant has many workers from rural areas to look closer to home more attractive job opportunities. .New York-based labor organization, a labor shortage attributed to China for 3 reasons: </ P> <P> First, from the late 70s of last century has changed the implementation of family planning, China's population structure. .At present, China is reducing the supply of young workers in 2015, China's working population (15-64 years) will reach its peak, and then began to fall; Second, China has been pursuing in recent years, attention to agricultural policy, the government has increased the agricultural .subsidies and abolition of agricultural taxes, increasing income of farmers, many migrant workers who return to re-farming; the third, the industrial areas of low wages forcing rural workers to Shanghai and other cities in search of higher service revenue related to work. .</ P> <P> some of the regional economic experts believe that China's southern industrial zone in particular, there is cheap labor shortage, coupled with rising raw material prices will eventually undermine China's strong export capacity, so that foreign investors will be transferred to other plants .area. .Wharton Professor Mayer said: "If China's labor problems persist, Vietnam and Thailand will become an alternative production base for U.S. companies." </ P> <P> Toy Industry Association, the American consultant Weijia Li believes that U.S. companies .will soon move out from the Chinese market, "U.S. companies in China conducted a large number of science and technology, infrastructure, training and supplier's investment in network construction, it is difficult in the short term will be transferred to factories in other countries. even if wages increase in China .By contrast, other regions are still not cheap. If the U.S. toy manufacturers to absorb some increased costs, while U.S. consumers spend more money when shopping so that we can ensure adequate supply. " .▲ </ P> <P> (taken from the August 9 CNN, the original title: China's labor crisis bring disaster to the U.S. holiday of 帕里加卡尔 Wiens, Zhao Dongguo translation) </ P>.

Dollar "dispersed" low dollar reserves

Last week, the global foreign exchange markets felt the presence of China. Because the outside is expected China might have on its huge reserves diversified, the dollar-euro exchange rate fell to its lowest level in 10 weeks, against the pound sterling exchange rate has hit a new low of 18 months.

Chinese State television reported on Monday, the Chinese foreign exchange reserves have exceeded $ 1 trillion for the first time one of the highest in the world.

Analysts said, although it has been in the market generally expected, but it is likely to trigger a debate about RMB. Many trading partners think China renminbi underestimated.

However, the US dollar in this matter has become a focus of attention of the market, because of China's National Research Institute (National Economic Research Institute), the Chinese Central Bank's monetary policy Committee members on the issue of the exchange rate fan gang against official for the attack.

He said that the world faces the real problem is the dollar overestimated, not only is the US dollar exchange rate of RMB to overestimate, the US dollar against all major currencies are overestimated. He said: "this imbalance is the primary responsibility of the United States dollar Treasury spamming. ”

Analysts said that China's foreign exchange reserves may be 70% of US dollar assets, and the Chinese Government officials claimed that dollar overestimated, therefore, the Chinese may be considering its foreign exchange reserves constitute a radical adjustment.

China's Central Bank Governor Zhou xiaochuan, on Thursday said, China is "considered a variety of investment vehicles" to distribute foreign reserves portfolio. In his speech, the dollar fell immediately.

But Brown Brothers Harriman, New York's foreign exchange policy strategist Mark • Chandler (Marc Chandler) said that Mr Zhou's speech is not new, the weakness of the dollar investors just use such statements as an excuse to throw dollars.

Chandler said: "the dollar the true source of the current pressure, not China's $ 1 trillion in foreign reserves, but the United States of 80 billion — United States national debt at November 15, need the approximate amount of repayment. "He added, the foreign investor may gain about 40%.

Inspire confidence in the Fed rate cut U.S. stocks record biggest gain in 4 years.

<P>: Http://finance. News, U.S. stocks rose on Tuesday, the largest in four years, after the U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates substantially so that investors expect the economy to get rid of the property market continues to decline and credit market crisis. .</ P> <P> the first time in four years the Fed cut the federal funds rate and the rate lower than many investors expected large. .Standard & Poor's 500 index crashed in March 2003 to record the biggest one-day percentage gain. .</ P> <P> percentage gain in the Dow Jones industrial average today is the largest since April 2003. .</ P> <P> cut interest rates before the Fed announcement, Lehman Brothers announced a surprisingly strong performance, investors will also help ease the credit market contraction on the impact of the banking sector concerns. .Lehman surged 10%, to $ 64.49. .</ P> <P> benefit from the shares of banks today cut interest rates among the biggest gainers, Citigroup and JP Morgan were up about 5%. .</ P> <P> Clearbrook Financial LLC's chief investment officer Tom Sowanick said: "The Fed was worried about impact of economic activities in the credit situation, we now are willing to sacrifice for economic stability in inflation. Stock market react accordingly." </ P> < .P> According to the latest data, the Dow Jones industrial average <. DJI> closed up 335.97 points, or 2.51%, at 13,739.39 points; Standard & Poor's 500 Index <. SPX> surged 43.13 points, or 2.92%, at 1 ., 519.78 points, Nasdaq Composite Index <. IXIC> rose 70 points, or 2.71%, at 2,651.66 points. .</ P> <P> the New York Stock Exchange said after the decision in the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, extended gains due to share price has implemented measures to limit inflation. .</ P> <P> current federal funds rate to 4.75%, the lowest level last May. .</ P> <P> S & P financial index <. GSPF> rose 4.5% rate cut is conducive to bank profitability. .Citigroup rose 5.2%, to $ 48.44. .JPMorgan Chase rose 5.6%, to $ 47.82. .</ P> <P> real estate stocks have held up quite well, the Dow Jones U.S. Home Construction Index <. DJUSHB> jumped 6%. .</ P> <P> the first time in four years the Fed cut interest rates by more than expected </ P> <P> U.S. Federal Reserve's policy meeting today, its benchmark interest rate - overnight lending between banks by 0.5 percentage point cut in interest rates .from the current 4.75% to 5.25%. .This is the Federal Reserve since June 2003 reduced its benchmark interest rate for the first time, but also the Federal Reserve from August 17 to lower its discount rate again after the rescue act. .This is Wall Street looking forward to the news has been a long time after, although Wall Street had expected the Fed cut interest rates a virtual certainty, but there has been reduced to half or quarter point of the debate a little, and most economists tend to fall a quarter point .more likely. .Present results clearly exceeded market expectations, analysts believe that this shows that the Fed is worried about the deepening U.S. economic outlook, Wall Street's troubled subprime mortgage crisis may generate more negative macroeconomic effects. .</ P>.

Reputation will not use the strategic oil reserves to stabilize oil prices.

<P>: Http://finance. News, 2 White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said President Bush would not use the strategic oil reserves to stabilize the current high oil prices. .Day, the international crude oil futures topped 100 U.S. dollars a barrel mark. .</ P> <P> Dana Perino said the U.S. government knew that the current high oil prices, while growth in oil demand is also great, but unless it encounters a "real emergency", or the president will not use strategic oil reserves. .</ P> <P> She also explained that, based on past experience, even the temporary use of strategic oil reserves, nor will produce large changes in oil prices. .But she stressed that the president is taking steps to increase U.S. oil supplies. .</ P> <P> U.S. crude oil inventories, including inventories and the strategic oil reserve of two parts. .Among them, the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve level is currently about 6.956 million barrels, about 57 days to meet U.S. oil use, as the world's largest strategic petroleum reserve. .</ P>.

Robust fed on price formation support

After four days of decline after (in the meantime, Platinum up 9 percent above), the gold price today back upward. Gold price continues to be limited to us $ 890 to $ interval 930, but needs to create new records, will be able to avoid it back to us $ 845 USD/865 zones more depth adjustment. News from South Africa's support, to uplift the precious metal prices, due to Eskom's report, now Platinum prices have far exceeded US $ 2000. In the United States published January retail sales report, show increased 0.3 per cent instead of market observers expect the same magnitude downward, the strong performance of the USD yesterday. This morning, the Declaration of the Bay Sodra expected interest rate cuts from the dollar index declined to 76.14, crude oil prices continue to go up high, to reach 1.40 cents to $ 94.67 per barrel.

:http://finance. New York gold trading close slightly higher, closing at $ 907.20 per ounce, one-day hikes 2.30 dollars. Market participants are now informed that Ben Bernanke, Paulson and Cox trio today at the United States to the Senate on the economy of the reassessment. They say the essence of the content is, for the avoidance of larger issues that need to be taken all measures that will be put into practice. Stock market for possible further interest rate cuts by the commitments do not have excessive enthusiasm, more focused on the three speakers on still slowing down economic diagnosis.

Several fundamental-oriented background story, has been the trend in gold recently affected, and market participants can see hesitate to help. Today's statement, and we remember the since September last year, gold has the advantage of all. Interest rates, the world's financial markets and the succession of bad news, dollar decline in oil prices, etc. This view would be a good witness, gold prices will surge to $ 920 USD/925, but we will get some benefits. Silver rose penny, closing at $ 17.22, and in the evening before the Japan TOCOM contracts limit increase, Platinum continued its upward trajectory in the run up to $ 12, $ 1998.00 each ounce. $ 3, Palladium ornaments, gone up, from $ 434.00 per ounce. Platinum class metal currently have reached this area, the lack of Eskom companies sustained profit may eventually be brought some back to the spit of bad news. In any case, their performance is clearly better than gold (recent) performance is better.

When the supply of precious metals began to problematic, the good old friend might come to Russia to rescue-at least in part.

"Giant Norilsk Nickel metal Russia company on Thursday said, because of its major precious metals refinery upgrade, it has slightly increased this year its Platinum, Palladium ornaments, production of metal.

In 2008, due to the increase of the recovery rate, and reduced production time of metal refining, distillation plant JSC Krastsvetmet will concentrate in the production of additional 19500 ounces of Platinum metal refining, Norilsk statement said.

"Considering the new centralized processing period, Norilsk Nickel improves its 2008, Palladium ornaments, production guidelines, from a previously published 300 to 305 million ounces, increased to 302-307 million ounces (about 0.7 percent)," the statement said.

Norilsk is the world's largest producer of nickel and, Palladium ornaments,, diesel, Palladium ornaments, mainly used for non-automotive catalysts, it can help clean up toxic smoke from exhaust gas. ”

For the United States economy is stuck in some form of economic recession (its properties not yet explicitly), the market is awaiting further confirm, at the same time, the secondary debt loss of bad news and there came one after another. Even from overseas. Last quarter, Switzerland UBS Bank in its more than 130 billion of assets from the glittering Zurich window directly were thrown into the Limmat. Who's the culprit? you already know. This is more appropriate: "you and us"-you should not borrow money to lend money, cause we lost billions. Borat is able to say?.

Market speculation abounds in, someone said in March (if there is no interest rate before this one) would cut interest rates in 3 months (if not earlier) at least one former Fed officials (Laurence Meyer) estimates that there will only be marginal adjustment of 25 basis points, then in the second quarter of this year, an increase in real interest rates. Many people still remember, in early 2000, the Federal Reserve's response to excess of interest-a press release that ultimately lead to a confusion of the real estate, this confusion in the present is not already expanded, as it expedites the crazy speculation. These days, the speculative behavior (though still not crazy) have gradually in commodities. However, the real estate of the problem is not to be underestimated, to beg for money has the ability to jump in. Rather the opposite.

Continue to seek opportunities for significant shocks, and $ above price levels remain vigilant, because this is still the recent decline in people with confidence to reverse the trend of a necessary component.  Wishing you a happy trading. (In time for the United States Eastern time)

Fed rate cut end of the meeting suggest the economic slowdown expected inflation.

Federal Reserve (Fed> Fed) 21 Minutes released in April, lower economic growth forecast this year and warned of inflation and unemployment may rise, while unlikely to further reduce interest rates recently suggested. .<P Align=center> also cut rates even if the economic downturn </ P> <P> (http://finance.) Fed> Fed on April 29 to 30 minutes of the meeting said the meeting, several members .It was suggested that such a view: if there is information that the U.S. economy to slow further or even decline, the central bank to ease monetary policy may also be defective, unless the significant deterioration in the economic growth prospects. .</ P> <P> Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting in April with eight votes in favor and two votes against the vote results will determine the federal funds rate of 0.25 to 2 per cent. .This is a few months since the Fed> Fed cut interest rates seventh, cut interest rates a total of 3.25 per cent. .Fed> Fed commercial banks and investment banks for the discount rate has been reduced to the same extent. .The latest minutes of the meeting support the market for Fed> Fed will be a longer period of time is expected to keep interest rates unchanged. .</ P> <P> meeting noted that the meeting last month, downside risks to the economy as the arguments have been inappropriate, because the current view, this risk upside risks to inflation have become more balanced, .also said that financial markets deteriorated sharply and gave a serious blow to economic activity, the possibility has been significantly diminished. .In the March 18 meeting of the Fed> Fed meeting, some officials expressed the housing market and financial market-driven concerns about the severe economic decline, officials will call this case a vicious circle. .</ P> <P align=center> lower rate of economic growth </ P> <P> But Fed officials said that while reducing the possibility of severe economic recession, but a weak real estate market and employment conditions remain sluggish .downside risks facing the economy. .The housing market is still weak, consumer spending seems to significantly slow down, the outlook for business spending did not pick up. .</ P> <P> Fed> Fed in the updated quarterly economic forecast that it expects GDP growth of only 0.3% -1.2%, lower than the previous forecast of 1.3% -2%, in addition to increased unemployment .rate expectations and the overall and core personal consumption expenditures price index forecast. .</ P> <P> Fed> Fed said that the export was a notable bright spot, strong economic growth overseas and the dollar gave exports a support. .But there are many officials pointed out that if the slowdown in overseas economies, exports will be implicated. .Boost by the export program, the U.S. first quarter gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 0.6% annual rate in the revised data released this month when the government, GDP growth could be revised up to about 1%. .</ P> <P> In addition, this quarter tax rebate of the federal government will have a positive effect, consumer spending is expected to be boosted. .But Fed> Fed officials are not sure whether from consumer spending to get much help. .</ P> <P align=center> inflation outlook mixed </ P> <P> Fed> Fed Jizhong at the meeting described as a mixed outlook for inflation, while food and energy prices push the overall inflation rate increased, and the other .the one hand, good performance of core inflation. .But officials believe the performance of core inflation is better to some extent by short-term factors. .Fed> Fed added that inflation is expected to heat up the possibility of facing the inflation outlook is the main upside risks. .</ P> <P> officials were slightly raised the 2009 total and core inflation rates are expected, but remains basically unchanged in 2010 expected that the overall personal consumption expenditure price index rose 1.8% -2%, the core personal consumption expenditures .price index increased by 1.7% -1.9%. .</ P>.

Obama attacks McCain fight economic weakness in Western Key States.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Tuesday that he will aggressively fight for those who vote for Republicans 4 years ago, the western states, and focus on economic issues, this just is not good for the economy and a decision McCain .level. .<P> (Http://finance.) Obama and McCain campaign began to compete for the key western states - New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado. .President Bush also went to the west, McCain and Republican fund-raising, but for McCain, it is a blessing or a curse is also unknown. .</ P> <P> Obama now only a thin 52 party can win the Democratic nomination, while Hillary Clinton is now substantially behind, almost impossible to re-nomination. .</ P> <P> Obama 27 to conduct elections in Nevada, he would have focused attention on economic issues. .April, the loss of Nevada, the right to housing foreclosure rate reached the highest level of the United States, 146 homes lost in foreclosure have a right to receive the relevant notification, 4 times higher than the national level. .</ P> <P> 27, McCain plans to speak in Denver, then to Nevada. .Obama plans to visit later this week in Colorado. .</ P> <P> Bush, 27, organized a 3-day travel in the West, but only in the Phoenix airport, Bush and McCain appear together briefly before the public. .Since this is 3 months before Bush publicly endorsed McCain and McCain after the first joint appear. .</ P> <P> Obama hinted that eventually released in the Democratic nomination, he will be lost in those four years ago, the Democratic Party's campaign efforts in the western states. .He said he needed to introduce themselves to voters, and he improved the economy, ending the Iraq war and the issue of universal health insurance plan. .McCain said that Obama's problems in these areas, no experience, no knowledge, no background. .</ P>.

CIC investment in overseas funds did not hit a mine, said stop plate prior to the redemption fund RP.

<P> In light of recent media reports of a U.S. investment in the investment loss of 5.4 billion U.S. dollars Monetary Fund regarding the cast, said yesterday that the investment in the fund before the panel issued a comprehensive stop redemption orders, according to relevant laws, the investment company .comprehensive legal claim the return of all principal and interest of the Fund. .</ P> <P> As of September 1, CIC's branches Stable Invest-ment Corp is the oldest U.S. money market fund's largest shareholder RP, RP funds held by Lehman Brothers as loss of short-term bonds .785 billion U.S. dollars, many investors in order to avoid losses, a large number of redemption, leading to last month fell below $ 1 net of the hedge fund mark, and suspended redemptions. .Earlier media estimates, the investment may be up to 54 billion dollars have been frozen. .</ P> <P> "is not present in the CIC shareholders of the fund investors, but the creditors. In the investment company has invested in the fund, but before the fund announced the stop plate issued a comprehensive redemption instructions .and the fund has confirmed in writing to return all principal and interest in the investment company. According to relevant laws, the investment company has a comprehensive legal right to require the Fund to return all principal and interest. "CIC said yesterday. .</ P> <P> PR funds by the end of September because the net has fallen below $ 1 to $ 0.97, according to the price of such redemption, the investment company may still face a 3% loss of principal. .Prior to the vote whether to issue redemption instructions as a focus of concern. .</ P> <P> CIC said that under the Fund bulletin, stop late in the redemption of fund investors are not likely to face loss of 3% of the principal, but the investment in the company's redemption of stop plate .ago, should not bear the loss. .</ P> <P> CIC said in response, stopped late in the fund, the investment performance of the fund companies pay close attention to the progress of the repayment obligations, and parties made representations with the United States, highlighted the Fund .our commitments and repayment in full legal rights to vote and urged the parties to facilitate the return of the Fund arrears as soon as possible. .The Fund has recently announced the first batch will be the return of funds, the amount will reach 35% of the funds owed. .The Fund is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under the direction of development of the balance of return plan. .</ P>.

Lang: China's "bubble" or throws a world crisis

"China's asset bubbles if blasting, will result in the 2010 World economic crisis. "In yesterday's world economies in transition in China enterprise development opportunities and challenges and the second annual meeting of the Soviet Union's development, has been a remarkable" language "of the famous economist lang, several reference World Bank President Zoellick speech, expressed over the coming year 2010.

Lang, into 2010, China began to encounter a new crisis, do not forget that should be more careful.

"At present, around the world including the Americas, Asia, Europe on the appreciation of the Renminbi requirements under increasing pressure, here I am very worried!" He said that if the continuing appreciation of the Renminbi, the economic effects will be increased. Secondly, since 12 September "tire-Rams at" China fails, the United States began a series of trade sanctions, has now spread to Europe, Asia, South America, China's export-oriented urban economy is a very great impact.

In addition, the recent water, electricity, oil and iron ore and other prices, but also to the Chinese economy has brought a great cost pressure. He said that after the financial crisis, international environment on the Chinese economy increasingly unfriendly, growing pressure on the exchange rate at the same time, trade sanctions, trade barriers have also become more and more serious, it's all in the enterprise in China reminded 2010 extreme caution.

As for the people that are always hot rates, lang is expressed great concern. He quoted on November 26, World Bank President Zoellick to China's "warning" indicates that China's asset bubbles is causing concern in the first half of the world, a large number of credit funds inflow is the asset bubbles in a first step, then continues to worsen.

"What worries me most is what are the prices soared, and is not a rigid requirements. "Lang through Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and four data study concluded that over the past few months, representing the current mainstream purchasing power in the high-end and office building-up of falling rents, means that the rigid demand decreased; in this case the price of silver is funding push-type, intrinsic reason is for entrepreneurs, investment, environmental deterioration, overcapacity, and purchased from the real economy, a large number of real estate career to evade inflation hedge funds into the market, which will house prices with high, produce a large volume of foam, if the Government does not timely processing, would have serious consequences.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

High oil prices can not stop the U.S. holiday shopping frenzy.

<P Align=left> </ P> <P> 11 25, 2005, the first day after Thanksgiving, the United States. .From this day to the next year, the United States enter into the traditional holiday shopping season, merchants will usher in the public sale of the year the most popular season. .</ P> <P> "discount", "Sale" has always been the focus of the holiday shopping season term background of high oil prices this year will be even more passion to the extreme promotion business. .The first wave of panic buying on Friday set off a wave of fully indicates that this year is expected to create the most popular American in the history of the holiday shopping season one. .</ P> <P> crazy "Black Friday" </ P> <P> many choices of stores to open at 5 o'clock in the morning, some of them are at midnight to start a business, introduced the so-called "more .As early as the more expensive "business habit of special promotions to the first day after Thanksgiving, known as" Black Friday "because customers are flocking to this day the store buying holiday gifts, make the profitability of the business soared, performance are reflected in ."black." ."Black Friday" is also the year which is considered the busiest shopping day. .</ P> <P> 25, the U.S. southeast and sunny in most parts of the west, is a shopping good weather, but even sub-zero temperatures in the northeast also failed to stop the Americans, the fiery " .grab goods "trend. .Many customers as early as dawn to the door in the business of waiting in long lines for the first time is able to grab a favorite long bargain. .</ P> <P> many choices of stores to open at 5 o'clock in the morning, some of them are at midnight to start a business, introduced the so-called "the sooner the cheaper the" special promotions. .Electronic products, clothing and toys are the three best-selling merchandise, Wal-Mart launched the $ 378 that day special notebook HP Pavillion 6:30 am before they were sold out, and even a customer of the quarrel occurred fights. .</ P> <P> "The current situation can only be 'crazy' to describe the history of business this will be the earliest and most aggressive promotion of 'Black Friday' one." National Retail Federation President Tracy Mullin said: ."Many stores opened earlier than ever the time, and gives incredible big discounts for customers large pocket." </ P> <P> because of the current oil prices remained high, American families this year .heating costs will be higher than last year, when consumers are in the money so it would be more cautious. .Businesses which want to grab in the first before the arrival of winter heating bills for people as soon as possible so as not to miss the opportunity to spend shopping, which is this year's "Black Friday" is more popular than in previous years the main reason. .</ P> <P> retail leader Wal-Mart in the Nov. 1 start of the holiday shopping season on the advertising campaign, marking the company's history, the earliest record. .Operating on Friday in the first hour, a total of 200 million customers crowded Ruwoerma the major outlets. .</ P> <P> emerging "Cyber Monday" </ P> <P> analysts predict that this year's U.S. holiday shopping season, online sales are expected to nearly 200 billion U.S. dollars, was officially launched today in this market if the "black .Friday "holiday shopping season is the traditional kick-off drama, then" Cyber Monday "to pull the online holiday shopping in the big screen. ."Cyber Monday" is after the Thanksgiving weekend, the first Monday is followed by "Black Friday" holiday shopping season is another. .</ P> <P> Ernst & Young, director of retail product Jay McIntosh explained the United States, most Americans like in the company for online shopping, not at home, because the company's Internet access speed and the conditions to be generally better than at home. .As the holiday shopping season for the first working day, Monday will become the largest concentration of online shopping transactions a day, "Cyber Monday" hence the name. .</ P> <P> analysts have predicted U.S. holiday shopping season this year, online sales are expected to nearly 200 billion dollars, while the market is from today officially launched. .According to comScore statistics, in November -12 month period, U.S. consumers in the non-travel products online shopping expenditure will reach 19.6 billion, compared with 15.8 billion U.S. dollars last year, up 24%, which accounted for all the holiday sales in the U.S. .5%. .</ P> <P> online shoppers this year is particularly pleased that "Cyber Monday" has been placed in the major business and "Black Friday" as important as height, which provides a substantial trade discounts, .enjoy the same online. .In addition to eBay and e-commerce giants like Amazon, traditional retailers have to take this opportunity to invest to build their own online shopping paradise. .</ P> <P>.

The dollar plunged Wu Xiaoling shocks Forex commentary flames

With the United States economy concern deepens, the dollar-euro exchange rate has fallen from last Friday 19-month low against the dollar exchange rate has dropped to £ 18 months minimum.

GBP/USD exchange rate by 0.9%, to $ 1.9333 cumulative increases in a week 2.1%.

Euro overcomes previously $ 1.2980 high point during the year, up from $ 1.3109 up high.

New York foreign exchange market of shares on Friday, the EUR/USD, compared to the previous 1.3090 weipan 1.2% cumulative increases in a week 2.1%.

People's Bank of China (Peoples Bank of China), Deputy Governor Wu Xiaoling on Friday published an academic report putting pressure on the dollar. Wu Xiaoling, said in the report as the main reserve currency dollar continues to decline, increased depreciation of East reserve assets.

China's foreign reserves in excess of $ 1 trillion, ranking first in the world. While central banks may be huge amounts of foreign exchange reserves, from the dollar to other monetary assets, this has become a foreign exchange market a controversial topic.

Wu Xiaoling remarks led to the replacement reserve currency, primarily the euro – a buy of madness.

$ 1.30 euro breakthrough, triggered the traders in this level preset automatic polishing disc stop loss orders, the dollar fell to April 2005, the lowest level since.

One of the reasons the euro is strong, strong economic data in Europe and the United States weaker indicators is in sharp contrast.

Market in think the Fed (US Federal Reserve) in the 2007 relaxation of monetary policy, interest rate futures contracts show that traders expect the ECB (European Central Bank) at the end of the interest rate will be increased to 3.5%.

The interest rate again early next year is expected in the market, but the euro rose may reduce the interest rate.

The European Central Bank President Jean-Claude • Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet) and Board Member Miguel • Angel • Finland Desmond • Ordonez (Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez) last week indicated that inflation risks remain.

But the European Parliament (European Parliament) in charge of economic and Monetary Committee pervanche • Beires (Pervenche Beres) indicated that if the European Central Bank on euro higher than the $ 1.30 raising interest rates, when it will damage the economy in the European region.

Her last Friday said: "the European economy is not a good message. ”

Foreign Editorial: China is a risky move, or threaten the Bush step in the U.S..

<P> According to finance. News, United States, "The Wall Street Journal," 3, the author pointed out that the U.S. government has just in the WTO on China's so-called "trade subsidies," file a complaint, this may pose a risk to the United States. .Because, as the Bush administration to cater to the Congress on trade issues in China to take a tougher stance with China, a major trade partners are also likely to deteriorate. .</ P> <P> U.S. trade with China, a hardening of positions </ P> <P> U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab announced on Friday, has made representations to WTO, accusing China of providing subsidies for domestic manufacturers to boost exports .. .She claims the move is to safeguard the U.S. interests of workers and manufacturers. .</ P> <P> this, "The Wall Street Journal," 3, entitled "WTO litigation highlights the new position of U.S. trade with China," the article pointed out that the latest move shows that the Bush administration on trade issues with China, are moving .a tougher stance with the change, but also to the White House "at the economic and trade relations with China worsened the risk." .</ P> <P> reported in recent months, the United States more and more attention to the U.S. through the strategic dialogue to resolve trade disputes. .However, the rapid increase in trade deficit with China and the Democratic congressional majority in the pressure to force the Bush administration have addressed a number of U.S. manufacturers complain. .They claim their products are difficult to enter the Chinese market, because of subsidized Chinese products constituted unfair competition. .</ P> <P> According to U.S. government estimates that 2005 trade deficit with China exceeded 200 billion U.S. dollars, is expected to hit a new high in 2006. .The level of trade deficit hit a single country's trade deficit with China the most, have incurred some U.S. lawmakers and interest groups dissatisfied, they have been called on the government to take action. .</ P> <P> in the latest complaint, the U.S. accused China of iron and steel, wood products and export industries such as information technology, provide tax breaks, saying such acts are of WTO rules is prohibited. .</ P> <P> However, "The Wall Street Journal," the article quoted analysts as saying that even if China is more substantial adjustments in the tax policy, not necessarily shake the cheap labor to the Chinese manufacturers the competitive advantage. .The report quoted Foreign Economic and Trade University, Beijing International Investment Research Center Lu Jinyong as saying: "We do not fear such a complaint. Strategically, we have not considered, tactical, we are to face." </ P> <P> senior Chinese .more concerned about the trade imbalance </ P> <P> article also noted that recently, the Chinese leadership is concerned about the trade imbalance increases, the report quoted the Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai said last month's speech, reducing the trade surplus .The Chinese government's top priority this year. .But the article also pointed out that Bo is not clear that the current policy which specific changes occur. .</ P> <P> It is reported that the U.S. will start a lengthy appeals WTO dispute settlement procedures, first, a 60-day consultation period, if the negotiation fails, the United States will set up a special right to request WTO dispute settlement committee. .If the U.S. wins, WTO authorized the United States would levy retaliatory tariffs on Chinese goods. .</ P> <P> reported that this is the second time the Bush administration over the past year to the WTO complaints against China. .Last March, the U.S., EU and other countries have import tariffs on auto parts in China to the WTO Joint filed a complaint accusing China through tariff measures "to prevent unfair," the United States and other foreign auto parts to enter the Chinese market. .The case is still pending. .</ P>.

U.S. dollar spot price of gold back to $ 740 callback.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, correction in the dollar yesterday, rising international price of gold by buying support, back on the $ 740 mark. .As of press time, the latest international spot price of gold reported $ 743.65 / ounce, up $ 5.85 / ounce, or 0.79%. .</ P> <P> Analysts said the dollar rose slightly adjusted after entering the market worried about the impact of the credit crisis intensified on the dollar, causing safe-haven buying of gold increased, prompting the international price of gold continued to rise for two days. .More optimistic about the current market environment, a small amount of profit taking is difficult to stop gold's rise. .U.S. Federal Reserve announced Tuesday morning meeting showed, the Policy Committee members voted unanimously to cut interest rates. .</ P> <P> boosted by rising international price of gold on Tuesday, the Shanghai Gold Exchange yesterday, spot gold closed higher. .Gold closed at 178.70 yuan Au99.95 / g, up 1.82 yuan / g, a total turnover of 3624 kg; gold Au99.99 closed at 178.80 yuan / gram, up 1.16 yuan / g, a total turnover of 715.60 kilograms; Gold closed at 179.87 yuan Au100g ./ g, up 0.87 yuan / g, a total turnover of 41.80 kg; gold Au (T + D) deferred transaction types to close at 178.90 yuan / gram, up 2.17 yuan / g, a total turnover of 5,398 kilograms, to close at 340.98 Platinum PT99.95 .yuan / gram, up 3.98 yuan / g, a total turnover of 40 kg. .</ P> <P> In addition, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, silver Ag (T + D) deferred transaction types to close at 3,440 yuan / kg, up 19 yuan / kg, a total turnover of 1440 kg. .Shanghai Hua Tong platinum silver trading market Spot silver prices rose, 1 silver spot price 3425 yuan / kg to 3435 yuan / kg, 2 silver spot price 3415 yuan / kg to 3425 yuan / kg, 3 silver spot price 3405 yuan / .kg to 3415 yuan / kg. .Settlement price of silver over a variety of 9, up 15 yuan / kg. .</ P>.

U.S. demand not dead this year, housing prices have bounced up the opportunity.

<P>: Http://finance. News, the U.S. property market last year because of the subprime mortgage crisis brought to its knees, the latest data showed U.S. new home sales in November 2007 decreased by 9%, a decline in nearly 17 years to the highest level, new home prices also fell .. .However, the professionals said that the U.S. real estate market demand has not died, it is only a temporary standstill. .Material prices were mixed this year, such as a roller coaster. .</ P> <P> Market watch writer Kou Sidi Jun pointed out that the demand for U.S. real estate market did not die, it is only a temporary standstill. .He found that luxury home sales potential is strong gains, and depreciation of the dollar and the case of real estate prices, it is easy to imagine many foreign people to seize the opportunity to increase production in the United States set the contents of their portfolios. .</ P> <P> to some areas of southern Florida, for example, the local real estate sales and prices both fell 25%, Kou Sidi Jun believe that when the price dropped to a certain level, these foreign investors will certainly be willing to .purchase. ."In this first wave of energy, the real estate market will bounce again." He said. .</ P> <P> new hot spot for investment this year </ P> <P> According to Realty Times reports that two Texas cities along the Gulf coast city of Port Arthur and Beaumont, in 2007, the growth of house prices has highlighted the performance of ., the average price from the third quarter of 2006, 117,000 yuan, up from 129,000 the same period in 2007. .Just in the past three years, local housing prices rise in times of adversity rebate, the price rose as high as 38%. .Many foreign people to seize the opportunity to increase production in the United States set the contents of their portfolios. .</ P> <P> Texas A & M University's Real Estate Center ﹑ Milken Institute 2007 Best Performing Cities Index, the city of Beaumont, Port Arthur and the inclusion of the 100 best cities in the nation within the indicators will .the performance of major U.S. metropolitan areas to make the merits of ranking, based on innovation and the burden of employment opportunities around the ability to choose the most recommended cities. .</ P> <P> the pointer display, Beaumont, Port Arthur ﹑ ranked 85 in the rankings from 167 in 2005 has been significant progress. .More job growth over the past year ranked No. 28 nationwide. .Continue to support economic development in the local real estate market. .More recent announcement that the upcoming local eucalyptus 16 billion to build, but also for the region to create 2 more than a thousand jobs. .</ P> <P> real estate experts suggest that Policy Year </ P> <P> Michael Linden real estate experts believe that the U.S. housing prices will once again return to stability, but before that, house price changes .like a roller coaster, especially for housing sellers. .He suggested that in the case of weak market demand, the seller may wish to wait a little. .Michael Linden provides 2008 selling strategy: </ P> <P> 1 ﹑ understand the value of the house depends on how much people are willing to pay, and the price of the concepts are relative. .So that might sell for the Housing capital investment incentives, such as the addition of LCD TVs, or to provide financial assistance of the buyer, such as to help them find the right loan or pay transfer fees, are valid approach. .</ P> <P> 2 ﹑ improve housing will sell. .It can not be status quo is not finishing the house to sell, a little renovation renovation is necessary, unless the seller is willing to accept the basement of the general price of the deal. .</ P> <P> 3 ﹑ looking for an experienced real estate agents, can increase the percentage chance of selling. .</ P> <P> 4 ﹑ depth understanding of local real estate market conditions. .</ P> <P> 5 ﹑ managed to list the house for sale board the network. .</ P> <P> 6 ﹑ addition to selling the house, the rental house to provide the tenant ﹑ or "rent to buy" option, but also consider other options. .</ P>.

The biggest crisis for 20 years: the sub-prime induced loss of 7.7 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide stock market.

<P> Bank of America recently released a report, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in the global stock market losses since last October has 7.7 trillion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> Bank of America chief market strategist 约瑟夫昆兰 said the crisis was "the most serious financial crisis in the history of one of the" damage than any crisis in the past few decades to be large, including the 1987 .Wall Street's "Black Monday", the Brazilian currency crisis of 1999 and 1998 Long Term Capital Management hedge fund collapse. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, Bank of America's analysis shows that the subprime crisis culminated three months later, the world's market capitalization fell by 14.7%, which is larger than in previous crisis .3 months after the loss of figures: Long-Term Capital Management crisis, the loss was 13.2%, "Black Monday" after the 9.8%, Brazil 6.1% after the currency crisis. .</ P> <P> 2001, the losses also greater than "9.11" terrorist attacks, beginning in 1997 the Asian financial crisis, Argentina's 2001 debt crisis and the Mexican peso crisis of 1994 caused the loss. .</ P> <P> Quinlan said: "Although people think that subprime mortgages have been smaller, restricted to an area in the U.S. financial sector, but in the past few months, contrary to fact becomes more obvious .. "</ P> <P> Standard & Poor's recently published report showed that global stock markets in January this year alone, the total losses of 5.2 trillion U.S. dollars. .Quinlan believes that it is unclear whether the stock market over this disaster. .</ P>.

Sub-prime crisis not over three years, banks will bankrupt the United States 150.

As the credit crisis sweeping the globe, dragging down the economic slowdown, and hit some good in the real estate boom during the rapid expansion of the banking industry, RBC Capital Markets predicted that the next two to three years, the United States will have at least 150 bank failures. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> reason will have a banking crisis, mainly because of the real estate market decline from prosperity. .Prior to the banking sector more and more mortgages issued, and there are many small and medium organizations will be a lot of money into construction and development loans. .Loans increased rapidly in 2004-2005, but most of the unit in charge failed to properly review, or restrict the rapid expansion of credit. .Now, the default situation is deteriorating, many banks may have been destined to go bankrupt has been found. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) According to Gerard Cassidy of RBC Capital Markets predicted that the next two to three years, the United States will have at least 150 bank declared bankruptcy. .Compared with the past, from the second half of 2004 to the end of 2006, the United States declared bankruptcy ten consecutive quarter of home odd number, the length of time a new record. .</ P> <P> he said: "The supply of loans over the past, but now many banks can not close to the capital markets." In the financial pressure, if the banks must raise money, they can be through high interest rates certificate of deposit (CD) to .raise the deposit site. .</ P> <P> according to data, IndyMac Bancorp one-year certificates of deposit interest rates high, the other discharged into ten also included within the Corus Bankshares, Imperial Capital Bancorp and other companies. .Last year, the struggling Countrywide Financial, the Federal Reserve's banking sector began offering high interest rates, certificates of deposit to establish deposit site. .</ P> <P> In addition, RiskMetrics Group data show that, as of the end of 2007, construction and development (C & D) loans accounted for Corus for 83% of the loan business. .After following the collapse of the mortgage business, experts worry about C & D loans in the banking sector will be the main source of the next wave of losses. .</ P> <P> to mortgages and other consumer loans, small and medium sized banks found themselves in the past in the national market is difficult to compete with large banks. .As a result, many banks will be the focus lock in C & D loans because this type of financing has mostly local, and rely on personal networks. .</ P> <P> end of last year, in the Colonial BancGroup's lending operations, C & D loans accounted for 37%, Sterling Financial accounted for 33%, UCBH's 20%. .</ P>.

Bernanke suggested interest rates will come forward to defend the dollar stabilized.

Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Ben Bernanke on the dollar, reversing a long tradition of silence, in the June 3 opening defend the dollar, that dollar weakness will continue to make the U.S. inflation. .He also pointed out, Fed unlikely to cut official interest rates further. .Boosted by their speech, New York, U.S. currency rose against the euro and the yen. .<P> Analysts said Bernanke's speech on Tuesday clearly showed that, Fed has changed the weak dollar helped boost economic growth view, but that against the negative effects associated with inflation are more important. .</ P> <P> integrated media reports, Bernanke in an international monetary conference speech delivered by satellite, he noted that the Fed is aware that changes in value of the dollar and its impact on the relationship between inflation and inflation expectations, the Fed continued to .maintaining price stability and prosperity as much as possible to ensure that the determination of the employment market is to continue to keep the dollar strong and stable currency of the main factors. .</ P> <P> Also, Bernanke also said, Fed interest rate current position is appropriate, not only help to promote moderate economic growth and help restrain inflation. .The Fed will closely observe the development of the situation and is ready to act when necessary preparations. .</ P> <P> Bernanke said in the past, the weak U.S. dollar prices of imports caused by the magnitude is not significant. .Such talk is all gone now, he is now the argument is that the weak dollar leads to inflation, resulting in a risk. .In fact, Bernanke has been changed to the weak dollar and rising inflation expectations linked together. .</ P> <P> signs of accelerating inflation in the U.S. could make to the strategy of the Federal Reserve cut interest rates come to an end. .In view of inflation has picked up signs, the Fed lowered interest rates 3.25 PCT, the market expects U.S. interest rates will not decline. .The Fed now hope to make the U.S. economy to recover from the subprime crisis came at the same time, do not want to let the outside world as commodity prices rise and turn a blind eye. .</ P> <P> Bernanke also said the second quarter, the U.S. economy may be weak, but the second half of the economic conditions will improve and increase the pace of increase in 2009. .</ P> <P> addition, the U.S. Commerce Department said factory orders in April, the element of surprise to jump by 1.1%, than the market fell by 0.1% better than expected, mainly due to the outside world for the increased demand for oil and chemical industry. .U.S. orders for machinery and electrical equipment increased, meaning that overseas demand for the United States increased this will help the country's factories operating, because the weak dollar made U.S. products more attractive overseas. .</ P> <P> Bernanke's speech, the dollar go up. .New York trading late Tuesday, electronic trading, the euro was $ 1.5461, down from $ 1.5539 late Monday; U.S. dollar against 105.16 yen, higher than the 104.55 yen late Monday; 162.58 yen against the euro late Monday .against 162.49 yen; sterling 1.9645 U.S. dollars, down from $ 1.9672 late Monday; dollars from 1.0372 francs late Monday rose to 1.0418 Swiss francs. .</ P>.