Thursday, March 3, 2011

Worst week on Wall Street.

<P> Last week, when the people immersed in the National Day holiday when, across the Atlantic on Wall Street has had a "worst of the week." .9.11 S & P suffered the biggest weekly decline after the terrorist attacks. .</ P> <P> 9 29, due to the House of Representatives failed to pass the 700 billion U.S. dollars Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, the U.S. stock market crash, the Dow fell 700 points. .Although the Oct. 3 bailout plan was approved after several twists and turns to surprise the market failed, global stock market continued oscillation. .</ P> <P> day of the three major U.S. stock indexes have again diving, falling close in nearly three years low. .Among them, the Dow closed down 157.47 points, or 1.5%, the highest since October 2005 the lowest closing level; Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 1.35% on 3, the highest since October 2004 the lowest closing level; while the Nasdaq composite index date .or 1.48%, the highest May 3, 2005 the lowest closing level since; week, the index fell 11% in 2001 to record the biggest weekly decline. .</ P> <P> Although the U.S. financial market rescue package did not bring good luck to the U.S. stock market, but European stock markets turn sorrow to joy is, on the major stock indexes are there good gains. .Among them, the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 index closed up 2.8%; the French CAC-40 index rose 3%. .In the Asia-Pacific market, Japan's stock market due to the impact of stock market crash in New York overnight, the Nikkei stock index fell 1.94% on 3, the highest close in three years, a new low. .</ P> <P> benefit remains to be seen whether the world </ P> <P> for the U.S. House of Representatives passed on Friday a new version of bailout plan Will Burrows U.S. investors that the recent measures taken by no one can .U.S. buyers to more easily pay the mortgage, and this problem is the fuse of the financial crisis. .Professor of economics at Case Western Reserve University, Shane said: "The role of the bailout is to prevent future occurrence of a bad situation, but can not make the immediate situation improved." More market analysts said the price rise for the not so ., homeowners unable to repay the mortgage and housing surplus and other issues, the role of rescue plan is to produce slow. .In addition, the Labor Department released employment data on Friday is still in the fight against the market confidence. .</ P> <P> in Europe, JP Morgan Chase, said Frank Gong, managing director for China, in fact, more than the United States of Europe may be pessimistic. .</ P> <P> in the Asia-Pacific market, although many people are welcomed U.S. bailout plan, but also on the program's effectiveness was questioned. .Such as Mizuho Ueno, economist at Raymond thinks that, although the financial rescue package passed, but the U.S. government can at present not far from the case of presidential elections, the smooth handling of the relevant transaction is still cause for concern. .</ P> <P> Thus, market analysts Guo Shaohua, told reporters that although the U.S. rescue package is passed, said the U.S. government to buy bad assets as soon as possible, the short term may make the global market has stabilized, but the rescue .program could boost global stock markets has to be seen. .</ P>.

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