Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dow Jones staged a bidding war, "Variety story".

<P>: Http://finance. Information, "Murdoch Dow Jones may be in the 50-year career, another magnificent trophy." This is the Western media bidding war for Dow Jones, the latest forecast. .Last week, the Dow Jones and Murdoch's News Corporation launched a fierce negotiations. .Murdoch Dow Jones board received proposals and has issued a more specific "Courtship letters"; bid for Dow Jones board has taken over matters; and had previously said bid to join the ranks of the British "Financial Times .News "publisher Pearson, the pressure within the Group have been forced to abandon the acquisition, the shareholders also urged its price to 700 million pounds sold," the Financial Times. " .</ P> <P> around the Dow Jones launched the "courtship" World War II, the recent "plot" to the more complex the development has. .</ P> <P> News Corporation "Courtship" twists and turns </ P> <P> from Murdoch's News Group cast a "marriage proposal letter", the people on this ride in the financial news over the years established the field of enterprise investment .to the attention of the eyes. .Although, there have been expressed on the Dow Jones "interesting", but its major shareholders the Bancroft family, but still very calm, the Dow Jones in order to choose a good marriage, has been in the study with doubt. .In terms of the Bancroft family, to ensure the independence and integrity of Dow Jones's news is a very important principle. .</ P> <P>, however, the Dow Jones board to sit still, they are New York time on June 20 said it would take over the Bancroft family dealing with all aspects of the proposed acquisition, and to assess all other strategic options, .including continuing to operate independently. .Although the Bancroft family to Murdoch's News Corporation is not assured, still trying to look for other new programs to ensure the independence of Dow Jones. .However, the big spenders of the News Corporation's purchase price is still $ 5,000,000,000, the Dow Jones moved the "heart." .Growing concern that the board of directors, if not a timely response to news groups, may make the negotiations failed miserably. .</ P> <P> not everyone expected, the pace of the negotiations turned so quickly. .Local time on June 22, the Dow Jones to News Corp. board of directors issued for up to four proposals. .With internal sources, the two sides recently have been related to the content of the proposals discussed and consultations. .The proposal was drafted by the seven board members, and also represents the largest shareholder of the Bancroft family's views. .</ P> <P> News Corp. and Dow Jones last week, a heated discussion, the Dow Jones's proposal expressed the hope that formed after the acquisition of a 7-person team responsible for protecting the independence of news editor. .Among them, two representatives of the Bancroft family, the two representatives of News Corporation, and the remaining 3 people recommended by the Bancroft family choice, and subject to the approval of News Corporation. .In addition, News Corp., "Wall Street Journal" trademark use should be restricted. .Currently, the two sides are still negotiating on these issues. .</ P> <P>.

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