Sunday, March 27, 2011

Buffett: The euro and sterling against the U.S. dollar will continue to strengthen.

<P> "Warren" Warren Buffett's 3 in the leadership of Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting expectations, the euro and British pound against the U.S. dollar will continue to strengthen. .He also believes the Fed is involved in the rescue credit markets, "correct." .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Warren Buffett that the U.S. fiscal and trade policies put pressure on the dollar, and from the "general view" that policy will continue. .He said: "I do not think the euro and British pound against the dollar devaluation will appear." For which he said would expand business in Europe, investment and "from Germany, France, Italy and the UK to earn the euro and sterling." .</ P> <P> Buffett said the Federal Reserve intervention to the brink of bankruptcy of Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns to provide security are "correct." .He also believes that the U.S. credit default swaps (CDS) market "will not collapse." .Credit default swap is a transfer counterparty credit risk of fixed income products swap arrangements, Buffett is estimated that the size of the market over 60 trillion U.S. dollars. .</ P>.

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