Friday, March 18, 2011

U.S. gaming giant Las Vegas casino appalled Bankruptcy.

Leading U.S. casino operators tropical Entertainment (Tropicana Entertainment) 1.32 billion in the event of debt default, the 5 to the court for bankruptcy protection, write to the United States this year, the largest amount of corporate bankruptcy, but also for the Las Vegas Game .Industry bomb detonated bad economic downturn. .<P> (Http://finance.) Headquartered in Kentucky, an annual turnover of tropical entertainment company about 10 billion U.S. dollars, 1.1 million employees, brokers on Friday received a creditor banks, Credit Suisse Group issued a total of 1.32 billion .notice of default of debt. .According to the Court of tropical entertainment company data submitted for bankruptcy protection, the company is now about 2.8 billion U.S. dollars of assets, liabilities 2.4 billion. .</ P> <P> This is the largest in the United States this year, business bankruptcy, Moody's Investors Services noted that tropical entertainment of external debt outstanding total 2.67 billion, before the bankruptcy was the largest printing company Quebecor World .suggested that debt amounting to about 1.8 billion. .</ P> <P> Batai La Tropical Entertainment president, said: "The company already high financial leverage, and now the aftermath of the economic downturn, the company will decide to embark on high-level operation of a way for bankruptcy protection, which will be the company .The first step in re-engineering. "</ P> <P> tropical entertainment with" small casino empire, "said, but had already appeared as early as the end of trading warning, when New Jersey authorities to service and clean environment is not consistent with .requirements and other reasons, suddenly announced the withdrawal of the company in Atlanta, the business license of a casino, tropical entertainment to appeal has been for this command. .</ P> <P> tropical entertainment company is now operating a large restaurant, a subsidiary of Columbia Sussex, is the hotel giant Young to $ 1,940,000,000 in 2006 after the acquisition of Aztar made, Columbia today comprises a total of 73 hotels and 13 casinos. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> According to court data, the largest creditors of tropical entertainment Wilmington, Delaware banks held a total of nearly 10 billion dollars in unsecured claims. .The subject matter of bankruptcy protection for the nine tropical Entertainment property, including the company's most legendary, located in Las Vegas Casino Resort Tropical. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> because of the economic slowdown, many American companies have closed down. .According to Jupiter eSources LLC in Oklahoma City, the company obtained from the court records of the data, in April the U.S. bankruptcy filings rose 49% to 5173, or the highest level so far in 2008, including individuals, including .All bankruptcy filings rose 31% in volume to 93,096. .</ P>.

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