Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Vote "black and white" Obama won the Mississippi.

<P> U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama from 11 to 61%: 37% of the vote advantage, a large margin over rival Hillary within the party, won the Mississippi primary. .Mississippi has 33 at the Democratic National Convention of the party vote. .Obama expected to win in all. .The state has the nation's largest black population - 2000 census showed that 36% of the population is black, and black Democrats in the state accounted for 70% of registered voters. .</ P> <P> vote "black and white" </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, post-election poll of registered voters in Mississippi to vote Democratic tend to coincide with the height of ethnicity: Austria .Bama won the support of the vast majority of blacks, black voters to vote for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton 91% the proportion of 9%; while Obama and Hillary Clinton's vote in the white voters were 21% and 72 .%. .Before that, only Alabama and the home of former President Bill Clinton - Arkansas appeared so clearly divided by race results of the vote. .The large black population in the same South Carolina, Obama won the support of a large area of black voters, but he also won 25% of the white vote (there are three people running for the Democratic Party, the other being John Edwards.) .Racial differences play a role in the general election in Mississippi before and after the primaries because of former Congressman Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro Law (Geraldine Ferraro) remarks provoke controversy. .Ferraro is a Clinton supporter. .She recently said Obama has been successful because he is black. .This speech was a lot of people criticize, but Ferraro 11, of California, a media interview, said: "Racism has two directions, I really think they attack me because I was white." She will .Obama's situation and his own 24 years ago became the first female vice presidential candidate par. .She said that if they are not women, were by no means likely to be nominated. .The same can be used to explain the current support for Obama. .Media interview last week, Ferraro said: "If Obama were white, he would not have come this far. ... ... The whole country is being such a concept (he is black) are attracted." She also pointed out that .Hillary is a "sexist media" of the victim. .Obama himself accused Ferraro's remarks "clearly ridiculous." .Clinton also told the Associated Press, she does not agree with Ferraro's point of view, because the difference between her and Obama is the real political issues, people should be to focus on this aspect. .However, when the first black and the first woman presidential candidate in the running for the nomination, the focus on race and gender still can not be avoided. .South Carolina primary, Clinton was one of Obama's election and the 1984 election the black civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, Congressman than that Obama will certainly win South Carolina, because he is black. .Clinton's remarks were widely criticized as in "playing the race card." .</ P> <P> gender factors as race highlights </ P> <P> Obama and Hillary Clinton in the campaign are to avoid playing the race and gender card. .However, to date there is no doubt Obama won the support of the majority of blacks, while Hillary Clinton as a woman, where women voters failed to gain the same enthusiasm. .More than 20 state primaries while the "Super Tuesday" (February 5) that day, New Jersey, black women voters, Hillary supporters to vote that moment 萨基娜斯普 Courier changed his mind. ."Obama, as black can come this far, I should be worthy of loyalty, he said it." Springfield told reporters. .In the U.S., people are very sensitive to racial issues, a very clear distinction between right and wrong, and for gender differences are not the same degree of concern. .British "Times" recently wrote that today's economic advantage and minority political representation in most areas of the world changed, and the gap between the sexes are rarely reduced, even in the United States. .Some women organizations have not been enough of Hillary's women voters concerned about ballot. .November 4, Ohio and Texas hold primaries after the two states, the U.S. National women's organizations (National Organization for Women) to clear that, in fact, gender and race, is deep-rooted problems of American society, but seen in this session of the election .come, gender equality has not been given sufficient attention..格洛里娅斯坦 Naim (Gloria Steinem), the 70s of last century intellectuals in the women's movement leaders, Clinton lost the Iowa primary, the passion of women voters blow the battle horn .. .Her "New York Times" wrote: "Why do we not face to face racial barriers as gender barriers? Obama because of their ethnic identity to become commander in chief, Hillary but because of their sex to be 'split' ... ... we must be able to .that this is the case: 'I support Hillary because she can become a great president, but also because she is a woman.' "The article published in the New Hampshire primaries, and is reproduced in the national media, but also .Hillary won in New Jersey helped. .</ P>.

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