Thursday, March 3, 2011

Greenspan's new book harshly criticized the Bush administration economic policies.

<P>: Http://finance. News, U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan before the scheduled 17 public offering of memoirs, harshly criticized the Bush administration's economic policies, that its abandonment of fiscal discipline, and will prevail over political considerations .health on economic policy. .</ P> <P> 15, according to U.S. media reports, in this book called "turbulent times: New World of Adventure," the memoirs, Greenspan said, the Bush administration's long-term impact on economic policy insufficient consideration in the Republican Party .also controls Congress, he urged the White House vetoed the budget out of control, but without success, which led to the worsening U.S. budget deficit, which the Bush administration a "major mistake." .</ P> <P> Greenspan blamed Republican missteps on the budget is "the power of principle," so the Republican Party in congressional elections last year, is entirely defeated "only himself to blame." .</ P> <P> for the U.S. economic outlook, Greenspan warned that if the Fed is still expected in the next few years, the inflation rate of 1% to 2%, it will be forced to raise interest rates to double digits. .He said he worried that the Fed to maintain price stability in the implementation of the policy will face from the White House, especially the strong congressional pressure, but if the Fed succumb to this pressure, the U.S. inflation rate in 2030 will reach 4% to 5%. .</ P> <P> Greenspan, now 81, retired last January before 18 years as Fed chairman, who is also from the past 30 years, the Republican camp, the most important economists. .Widely believed, based on Greenspan's prestige in the U.S. financial sector, the remarks after his retirement decision and the U.S. economy still has a significant impact on market trends. .</ P>.

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