Thursday, March 3, 2011

The number of super delegates Obama leading Hillary Clinton is still hope a miracle.

United States Tuesday, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will be launched in the West Virginia primary, according to current polls, support for Hillary leading up to 40 percentage points. .However, this does not seem to affect the super-delegates Obama in an important position in mind. .On Monday, four superdelegates have publicly supported Obama, making him the first time exceeded the number of superdelegates Hillary Clinton (277 votes to 273 votes). .<P> The face of pressure from within the party requested withdrawal, Clinton still insisted in West Virginia to campaign propaganda. .West Virginia, although only 28 votes, but Hillary still see it as the key to reverse the adverse situation in the battlefield. .On Monday, Clinton again said that since 1916 has been elected president does not have a final candidate in West Virginia, suffered defeat. .She said the voters, West Virginia, election results will have profound significance, which indicates how people need a president in the end. .<P> Before, some analysts pointed out that West Virginia's demographic and economic characteristics that can be used to maximize the fight against Barack Obama Hillary Clinton "unity" and the "Moments" image of the best battlefield. .White blue-collar Hillary spokesman now itself, and strive to win an absolute landslide, which fully exposed the Obama can not get the support of white blue-collar workers, increasing the minds of super delegates and voters Obama can not in the red states and swing states .and counter the impression of McCain, the odds ratio for the further virtue of the election to convince super delegates to lay another foundation. </ P>.

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