Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Orleans tourism industry at risk hurricane arrives.

The hurricane hit the Gulf, "Gustav" is expected as early as Sept. 1 landfall United States, the U.S. oil industry has been concern about the loss, while other industries are also at risk. .Among them, the New Orleans pillar industries such as tourism, shipping and sugar production are subject to a huge threat, may be billions of dollars in economic losses. .<P> Xinhua News Agency said, tourism is a pillar industry in New Orleans in "Katrina" hurricane before the annual economic contribution of tourism industry 9.6 billion, of which about 60 million from a variety of large-scale meetings. .Now, "Gustav" approaching, the Coast Guard blocked the Mississippi River, Port of New Orleans has also been closed. .French tourists no city block, most hotels were forced to stop the operation of the hotel. .Entertainment are also close down the beach. .</ P> <P> Port of New Orleans 31, has been locked all lifting equipment, stop issuing ship. .Shipping company in the past few days were busy transferring the goods to change the route to somewhere else and transfer of equipment from the Gulf of Mexico. .2005 "Katrina" hurricane, the loss of 260 million U.S. dollars in Hong Kong suffered. .</ P> <P> "Gustav" will also pass through the southern Louisiana sugar production base. .According to the American Sugar Alliance Data, the region, including 600 sugar cane plantations, 11 processing plants, annual revenue of approximately $ 500,000,000. .Now, many crops are faced by the hurricane destroyed. .</ P> <P> In addition, the Louisiana Chemical Association, August 31 said that there were forty to fifty in the chemical within the hurricane shutdown. .The association's security director said, the United States 20% to 25% of the chemical products produced in Louisiana. .</ P> <P> hurricane repeatedly "visit", on the one hand, Louisiana, a large number of labor migration, lack of professional and technical personnel to the difficult economic reconstruction; the other hand, the federal government and other state disaster assistance will also be relatively .reduced. .</ P> <P> National Weather Service expects, "Gustav" the first local time on September 1 will visit the United States, the harm may be no less than three years ago, "Katrina" hurricane. .U.S. President George W. Bush has announced in advance Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama, four states of emergency. .</ P>.

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