Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wall Street's subprime mortgage crisis hit 3.6 million people are facing unemployment.

Wall Street in New York's economic lifeline for the U.S. financial credit crisis and economic shocks, therefore, to the recent layoffs may be up to 3.6 million people. .<P> (Http://finance.) Brown, New York State Labor Department analyst said recently: "According to past experience speculated that layoffs will reach this size." .He added, "911 incident" occurred nine months before, that in December 2000, Wall Street, the peak number of employees, 20 million people. .</ P> <P> number of layoffs on Wall Street to one-fifth of the total number of employees, will give the New York economy dire consequences. .Brown predicted in March the number of layoffs among New York City Independent Budget Office, predicted 2 million people laid off within the next two years, nearly 2-fold. .</ P> <P> As of late last month, the Wall Street banking and stock trading firm employs 18 sworn million less than last year, more than 5,000 people in September. .Brown explained that the layoffs now appear small, probably because now in severance pay and payment of unemployment claims for unemployment benefits after the period before. .</ P> <P> New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and some economists believe that Wall Street layoffs and falling profits to the New York economy than the risk of the subprime mortgage crisis threatening the U.S. economy is also large. .Brown said, in 2006, bankers, stock brokers and stock traders the average annual salary and bonus of water about 34 million. .</ P> <P> according to the number of New York City, Wall Street, the city staff's salary is 35% of the sum of all salaries, they and their employers pay the tax to reflect the fluctuating status of the industry. .</ P> <P> However, the real estate and construction industry remains an important part of the New York economy. .As the sub-prime lending market crisis hit, economists have to banks unable or unwilling to provide loans to developers, will remain strong in New York the impact of the construction industry. .</ P> <P> Brown said: "If the decline in employment in the period of office building construction will stop, in fact, almost all of the building are stalled. In the 20th century and early 70s, late 80s and early 90s .the U.S. economic slowdown, the construction industry has shrunk dramatically. "</ P> <P> cautioned Bloomberg, New York may not be immune from the recession in the country, but its impact may be less elsewhere .the same. .He said: "We have been hit may come later, larger, because the revenue side, we are very dependent on Wall Street." </ P>.

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