Wednesday, March 9, 2011

US-India statement joy: to reach the defense, nuclear power plant agreement.

<P> • Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton) became U.S. secretary of state, the end of her first visit to India since. ., The United States and India on Monday announced a number of transactions, is expected to give U.S. defense contractors and power companies to bring billions of dollars in business. .</ P> <P> day earlier, the two sides on how to combat climate change, a long debate on the issue, it seems that Hillary Clinton • The trip to India, the risk of becoming unpleasant. .This line has been advertised as strengthening the two largest democracies in an effort to contact; India during the Cold War had always tilted to the Soviet Union, the United States and India continued for several decades of alienation. .</ P> <P> Clinton on Monday declared a three-day visit to ensure that both sides have brought tangible gains for the further expansion of military cooperation and bilateral trade basis. .US-India trade is currently about 450 billion U.S. dollars, and growing. .</ P> <P> • Hillary Clinton and Indian Foreign Minister Krishna (SM Krishna) joint press conference, I think, you can not underestimate our mutual relations between two democratic countries, the importance of .. .We understand that in a democratic system of decision making in difficult country, and we respect each other the vitality of democracy. .Relations between countries, it is more than anything else in the world to be a solid foundation. .</ P> <P> • Hillary Clinton said that the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan • Singh (Manmohan Singh) told her that India has prepared two site, where U.S. companies will be built with the exclusive right to nuclear power plants. .Earlier Monday, Clinton was meeting with Singh. .</ P> <P> She said that the two nuclear power plants worth billions of dollars for the U.S. export of nuclear reactors to bring convenience, create jobs in both countries, and in India much-needed energy. .India is currently facing long-term power shortages. .</ P> <P> • Hillary Clinton did not say where the plant will be built. .However, this widely anticipated announcement marks the two countries reached last year to implement a landmark agreement an important step. .The end of last year's agreement to India the United States for up to 34-year ban on trade of nuclear fuel and technology. .India has not joined the "NPT" (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty), have developed atomic weapons. .</ P> <P> India has opened up the French and Russian companies were out of the sole nuclear power plant construction site. .Site to ensure that the United States on Monday announced that the United States billions of dollars into the scale of the nuclear power plant markets. .</ P> <P> However, there are still many obstacles. .United States has not issued the necessary permits domestic firms, with Indian companies to share sensitive technical data and specifications. .India must adopt legislation to limit the nuclear power plant to sign a nuclear accident liability in the event of the scope of international conventions. .</ P> <P> Hillary and Krishna also announced an "end-use monitoring" agreement that allows U.S. authorities to ensure that the United States to India's exports of weapons and defense technology used for their intended purpose, rather than being sold to .other countries. .</ P> <P> the agreement for the Boeing Company (Boeing Co.) And Lockheed - Martin Corporation (Lockheed Martin Corp.) Bid for the scale of 100 billion supply contract of 126 fighter jets in India has opened the door. .Mostly in India to upgrade the old Soviet weapons and equipment construction of the occasion, the agreement may be for these companies or other U.S. defense contractors to bring billions of dollars in revenue again. .</ P> <P> India and the United States has also finalized an agreement allowing U.S. parts to be used for civilian or non-Indian commercial spacecraft. .</ P> <P> Readings </ P> <P> face do not give Hillary Clinton publicly rejected India's carbon emissions limits proposed by the United States </ P>.

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