Friday, March 18, 2011

U.S. economic rescue measures in place or in early March.

Members <P> Sunday a senior U.S. Democratic Party said that to boost the U.S. economy to avoid a complete recession may be a combination of stimulus measures in place in early March. .But the occasion in an election year, such combination of measures will provoke more debate the details, especially around the tax issue. .</ P> <P> U.S. President George W. Bush on Friday proposed a temporary tax cut, and other total value of about 1500 billion stimulus measures to stimulate the subprime mortgage and related by the severe impact of the financial turmoil of the U.S. economy. .His proposal includes tax cuts for families, incentives for business investment is also about creating 500,000 jobs. .Some U.S. economists and Wall Street bankers that the U.S. economy was already in a mild recession, even though the surface of the past two consecutive quarters of slower growth. .As for the Bush administration's stimulus measures, some stimulating effect on the economy that could be the role that has been slow for some people is urgent. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. New York State Senator and Congressional Joint Economic Committee, Xishu Mo said he expected the Democrats and Republicans reach a consensus, both sides have agreed that the plan includes tax cuts. ."I measure success quite optimistic about the introduction of this combination, should be signed and in place before early March," Schumer said. ."I think both parties are aware of ... ... our economy is fast sliding into recession, we need relief measures." </ P> <P> another New York Democrat, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel said, .take prompt action to approve the combination of proposals, is vital. ."Must be timely. We need it in place, making it play a positive effect," Rangel said. .</ P> <P> current differences remain, such as the object of saving economic measures should include those who pay personal income tax, or should be through the expansion of unemployment benefits, increase food stamps and other welfare measures to help those not on the list of taxpayers .those issues out. .</ P> <P> Rangel said that both parties must have a political compromise. ."Republicans rush through permanent tax cuts. But we have to face reality, it is not about the president to stimulate the economy through tax cuts in 2010 the problem, it is to avoid or mitigate the pain of the recession," Rangel said, "so we must work together .. To make the bill in place, as soon as possible so that they in place, we must do. "</ P> <P> For the fiscal stimulus measures, economists pointed out that the stimulus package so that consumers and businesses more than expected .should be able to spend money on from a mild stimulating effect of the economy, the U.S. economy may avoid recession bullet. .</ P> <P> but there are many critics say, even if the stimulus package passed by Congress, it came too late. .Harvard economics professor and former IMF chief economist Rogoff is one of them. .He said: "I do not think a fiscal stimulus plan will do to help. I think, until it gets implemented, we have been out of the recession." </ P>.

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