Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama administration six months, 61% satisfaction.

<P> Obama administration first 6 months, although the policy satisfaction, hit a new low, but still up 61% from the highest point of the beginning of his appointment only a thin 5 percentage points 66%, indicating the performance of his public .quite sure. .</ P> <P> According to Taiwan's Central News Agency reported that a Gallup poll released Tuesday, 8 latest poll, in June this year, Obama's policy on the American public satisfaction with an average of 61% over May 65 .% decrease of 4 percentage points higher than January's 66% of the highest point down 5 percentage points. .</ P> <P> polls show Obama in January to June the average satisfaction is 62%, up to 66%, the lowest was 61%, not up and down to show the people of his 6 months .performed quite sure. .</ P> <P> like to party distinction, in June the people of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama 89% satisfaction, independent 59%, 25% of people in the Republican Party. .If the position of distinction, liberals satisfaction was 88%, moderate 70%, 37% of conservatives. .Distinction as to ethnic, black 95% satisfied, 81% of non-whites, Latinos 78%, white 53%. .</ P> <P> such as the geographical distinction, 68% public satisfaction in eastern, central and western 62%, 61% of the western and southern 54%. .Such as the distinction of age, 18 to 29 years old 71% satisfaction, 30 years old to 49 years old 60%, 50 to 64 years 59%, 54% over 65 years. .</ P> <P> such as by sex, male satisfaction, 57%, 64% of women. .Distinction as to income, monthly income of $ 2,000 less satisfied with the 70%, from 2000 to 4999 U.S. dollars 60%, from 5000 to 7499 U.S. dollars 57%, 56% above $ 7,500. .</ P> <P> such as the Qualification, the following satisfaction of 62% high school, university attended by the 59%, 58% of university graduates, masters or above 64%. .Distinction as to religion, the church rarely or never 67% public satisfaction, to church every week to 62% monthly, weekly, 50% of the church. .</ P> <P> The poll was visited in June more than 14,914 citizens 18 years of sampling error of plus or minus 1 percentage point. .</ P>.

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