Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bills said the United States hold the RMB exchange rate will hurt the U.S. economy.

<P> U.S. Senator Charles Schumer and Graham, 30, said in Washington, they decided to no longer require the Senate by the end of July led to questions about their appreciation of the renminbi to vote on the bill. .This means that the U.S. Senate vote on the bill temporarily. .</ P> <P> Schumer and Graham are meeting with the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Treasury Secretary John Snow made the announcement after. .Snow in a statement released later this decision thanked the two senators. .U.S. Senate postponed a vote on business organizations welcomed the bill. .Chairman of the National Retail Federation, said Marlin, the decision of the two senators from the U.S. consumer being the U.S. government imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese goods will lead to serious implications. .</ P> <P> However, Schumer and Graham said they also may ask the Senate before the recess at the end of this year to vote on the bill. .</ P> <P> The two senators said the bill proposed by the Chinese government to improve the RMB exchange rate, or from China, the U.S. government should impose a 27.5% punitive tariffs. .Earlier in the U.S. Senate conducted a procedural vote, the bill has a two-thirds of the votes. .</ P> <P> both Greenspan and Snow that the bill would damage the U.S. economy. .</ P>.

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