Thursday, March 3, 2011

U.S. job market is exceptionally weak corporate capital spending fell.

ADP payroll services giant is expected June U.S. private sector employment decreased by 7.9, indicating continued weakness in the job market situation. .Meanwhile, the U.S. May factory orders, although modest growth, but a measure of U.S. indicators of corporate capital spending declined once again that the U.S. manufacturing sector and overall economic weakness. .<P> The latest ADP data may mean that the upcoming June non-farm payroll data will be extremely weak, inhibiting consumer spending. .In addition, factory orders increased and inflation may be boosted by overseas demand, but the record energy prices, tightening credit standards and slowing sales growth is prompting American companies to buy less equipment. .</ P> <P align=center> employment situation is not optimistic about the </ P> <P> (http://finance.) Payroll services giant Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP) and consultancy Macroeconomic Advisers Wednesday (July .2) announced the employment indicators show that in June the U.S. private sector employment fell by 7.9 million people, far greater than the previous estimate of 2 million people. .</ P> <P> 5 flat demand for durable goods, the Commerce Department released preliminary estimates last week, data has not been amended; does not include aircraft, non-defense capital goods orders fell 0.4% in April to increase 3.1%; non-tolerance .Goods Orders increased 1.2% in April to 3.5% in March to increase 3.1%. .</ P> <P> after the U.S. Institute for Supply Management (ISM) announced on Tuesday, June manufacturing index rose to 49.6 in January 50.2,5. .A reading above 50 shows expansion in the manufacturing sector. .ISM data showed that manufacturing industry is facing increased price pressures. .Monthly price index rose to 87.0 from May's 91.5, for the July 1979 the highest level since. .</ P> <P> factory orders data released Wednesday showed manufacturing inventories in May increased by 0.5%. .</ P> <P> the private sector in the ADP employment report came out, the U.S. government will soon be released employment data. .Friday by the impact of U.S. Independence Day holiday, the U.S. in June than the practice of official employment data released a day early Thursday. .ADP employment data does not include employment in government departments; May the government sector employment increased by 1.7 million people. .</ P> <P> this year, continued weakness in U.S. job market situation, because the subprime mortgage crisis and its fallout on financial markets continue to impact the economy in trouble derived. .Oil prices upward. .Manufacturing employment continued to decline. .May non-farm employment dropped a fifth straight month, the unemployment rate jumped from 5.0% to 5.5%. .</ P> <P> 6 January employment data may not be significantly improved. .Council in June the U.S. economy's consumer confidence index shows that employment in the next few months will decline far more than the number of pessimists that employment will increase the optimist. .</ P> <P> TrimTabs Investment Research data calculated according to income tax withholding in June was reduced by 133,000 jobs; the company said in June two weeks after the job market is particularly weak. .According to Challenger survey, employers in June plans to lay off a total of 8.1755 million, the second quarter of planned layoffs totaled 27.5292 million. .Economists expect payrolls in June will drop 55,000, unemployment rate will fall slightly to 5.4%. .</ P> <P align=center> manufacturing sector remained weak </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Meanwhile, the U.S. Commerce Department said factory orders in May rose 0.6%, in line with expectations. .But analysts said this was mainly due to higher oil prices led to the order prices. .</ P>.

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