Thursday, March 3, 2011

Collapse of property prices was the U.S. concern was hi.

<P> Before the outbreak of the subprime crisis, the U.S. property market has experienced up to 6-year bull market, the bull market continues, almost everyone predicted: the American home ownership rate is only sixty percent more, there is still a .large room for growth, the real estate bull market will continue. .In a bull market the idea to be kept alive, many people can not help but jump into the investment bank's low interest rates and set the trap of low down payment, for fear that they have been ahead of the real estate market behind. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. But after all is the idea of ideas. .After the outbreak of the subprime crisis, the U.S. property market crash, had been clamoring investment bank bought a house with people who braved the high-risk, and finally experience the pain of excessive overdrafts, and now house prices have fallen, the house has been difficult to credit the value of the debt and continue to .loan was worth, but give up costing him of courage, not only put a down payment gone before, and the hard earned money have all the windows and doors to the bank promotions. .</ P> <P> But when the storm comes, not all people are worried, and not all prices are in decline, after watching and not follow the trend of rising housing prices all the way to people who were happy to sit on the sidelines at the moment house prices fell in the end ., so take advantage of the crisis picked up a bargain; and the value of previous investments in a rational owner will find themselves able to survive. .</ P> <P> compared with China's bull market, growth in U.S. real estate market is much more to ease, but at home, even with the inflection point of Wang, said people are still skeptical, worried about growing urban population .many cases, housing prices will always continue, real estate companies have also continued to build the housing prices is the actual demand-driven bull market never pour myth. .However, from the American experience, if the rise is built on the property market can not afford home buyers over the overdraft, even if the actual demand, but also risk the outbreak of the day. .</ P> <P> people still worry about the bull market of the train will be gone forever, are rushing to jump on the last bus. .But maybe tomorrow, people will find that the first train was thrown off the bull market, and often the last person on the train, as long as the patient, and so, opportunities remain in front. .</ P>.

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