Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bank of the United States there are two major banking quagmire worse depression.

<P> 700 billion U.S. dollars in U.S. government financial aid programs, and blocked in Congress, the largest U.S. savings bank - Washington Mutual, hit hard by bank failures, the United States two other banks - Wachovia and National City Bank has also been a drag, 26 .The banks shares fell more than 25%. .</ P> <P> Xinhua news agency reported, at present, investors are worried the government and Parliament discussions on the large-scale assistance programs fail, the credit market crunch will worsen the situation, banking and other lending subprime losses will be further expanded .. .The collapse of Washington Mutual Bank's crashing even worse the U.S. banking industry. .Federal regulators have taken over the bank 25, and some of its business to JPMorgan Chase. .</ P> <P> fog enveloped in heavy shade, the fourth largest U.S. bank - Wachovia shares plunged 27% that day, Zhong Pan to close at 10 dollars per share. .National City Bank shares also fell 25.6%, Zhong Pan fell to $ 3.71 per share. .</ P> <P> present, although Wachovia and National City Bank is still part of the profitable business, but investors are more concerned about their mortgage loans or related business loopholes. .For Wachovia, investors are most concerned about is its worth about 122 billion U.S. dollars in adjustable rate mortgages. .The bank chief executive Robert Steele is very difficult to describe this part of the loan. .Early August, the bank submitted to the SEC documents show, the real estate market continued to deteriorate, the bank has increased the amount of loss in the second quarter to 91.1 billion U.S. dollars. .Recently, "The Wall Street Journal" reported that Midland is working with the United States, Spain, International Bank and Wells Fargo to preliminary merger talks. .</ P> <P> At the same time, National City Bank of the United States is trying to reduce the second loan, housing construction loans and other related loan portfolio size. .At present this part of the bank loans account for about 15% of total loans. .Previously, under the sub-prime crisis, the bank has announced layoffs. .</ P>.

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