Friday, March 18, 2011

Former U.S. Deputy State: RMB exchange rate is not just the focus of Sino-US.

<P> The original question: Sino-US common global mission </ P> <P>: finance. Hearing the United States as the world economy, the common interests of stakeholders, it is necessary to develop a common agenda. .The new strategic economic dialogue can provide a way for this. .</ P> <P> So far, the media attention focused on the issue of China's currency revaluation. .However, the agenda of the United States should be more extensive. .Number of initiatives for more flexible exchange rate in China to prepare for the transition, the other may be important for both economies to promote and share the basis for global prosperity. .</ P> <P> not difficult to understand, difficult challenges in their countries of China did not take it lightly. .However, China has recognized that its development is inseparable from the international market. .Necessary to make it public to understand the United States, China's economic growth has created opportunities for China to share international responsibility. .Between the U.S. and the need for a successful strategy, even if the United States and other countries to benefit from the opening, but also to promote China's development and to encourage China to help maintain the relevance of its growing international economic system. .China's leaders are working in coastal and inland, urban and rural, rich and poor and the environment and seek between the growth of a more balanced development. .U.S. can help on hand for these changes. .</ P> <P> First, U.S. companies can help the development of China's inland areas, and that these provinces associated with the global supply network. .China, U.S. retailers can help consumers better products and services, as they did for their own families. .</ P> <P> Second, the old social security system no longer exists, China faces the situation of old before getting rich. .In this regard, the U.S. private sector practice of health care and pension system can provide a reference for China. .</ P> <P> Third, China is embarking on reform of commercial banks, which can be for the United States and other foreign companies to provide business opportunities. .</ P> <P> Fourth, the United States have a common energy and environmental benefits. .Both countries need to increase nuclear power, renewable energy supplies; the two countries will benefit from diversification of sources of oil and natural gas benefit; countries have strategic oil reserves is necessary with international partners to address the oil crisis; the two countries have the necessary .protection of energy transportation choke points. .</ P> <P> Fifth, China wants to build a "knowledge economy." .This makes the United States in the protection of intellectual property rights and have common interests on the prevention of counterfeiting. .China should be encouraged to participate in the development of international technical standards, rather than let it develop national standards to prevent competition. .</ P> <P> sixth, with Chinese companies "go global", the U.S. and China will be open, fair and transparent investment policies have common interests. .</ P> <P> Finally, China could become an international economic, health, environment and energy systems in a responsible stakeholder. .In the Chinese World Health Organization Director-General, China may in fact be developed to fight infectious diseases, chronic diseases and epidemics standards. .As beneficiaries of the global trading system, China in the WTO Doha Round negotiations should play a more active role. .</ P> <P> the rise of China is big country with a history of sensitivity. .Its own rise to power of large countries with the past differently. .The economic rise of China want to complement rather than replace the existing order. .If the United States recognize this shift in the boot when the strategic interests of the two countries can develop a trust with other countries to establish and support a common agenda. .</ P> <P> (of the former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, Wang Analysis of translation) </ P>.

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