Sunday, March 27, 2011

Obama elected Ambassador only "money" is held?.

<P> Official residence of the American Embassy in Tokyo had witnessed many very famous figure. .Former Vice President Mondale (Walter Mondale), former Senate Majority Leader Mansfield (Mike Mansfield) and Becker (Howard Baker) and former House Speaker Fuk Lane (Tom Foley) have served as ambassador to Japan, they filled in the .Trade tensions between the military and business areas of the United States and Japan this complex and important alliances. .</ P> <P> Obama candidates for this position is different from the past: as a lawyer in the San Francisco Bay Area Ruth (John Roos) was a major Obama fundraiser in Silicon Valley, known as contributions " .packer. " .He has no diplomatic experience. .</ P> <P> Obama chose Andrews and other political supporters ─ ─ Superman as a result of fund-raising ability is called "vacuum cleaner" of the former investment banker Sussman (Louis B. Susman) .and the Pittsburgh Steelers (Pittsburgh Steelers) boss Rooney (Dan Rooney) ─ ─ has caused some dissatisfaction, they think the president should let the senior diplomat who could hear his mantra of change. .</ P> <P> watchdog group Public Citizen's government affairs lobbyist Holman (Craig Holman), we named these funds were not only an insult to those countries, but also get the major countries, the United States in the diplomatic efforts of these adventures. .</ P> <P> this tension can be traced back to last year when Obama ran for president, when he had said the foreign policy of President George W. Bush extremely politicized. .Obama said that he ensure that this is a performance-based personnel arrangements, rather than on party or ideology. .An association of former diplomats ─ ─ American Academy of Diplomacy to lobby Obama to use these comments, I hope the foreign affairs department from outside the chosen proportion of the number of ambassadors from the Kennedy presidency, since the average of 30% to 10%. .(President George W. Bush during the 33 %。)</ P> <P> According to Center for Responsive Politics (Center for Responsive Politics), said the administration has so far nominated in the 55 ambassadors, 33, or 60% of .who is outside the field of foreign affairs. .</ P> <P> because there are dozens of vacancies, the percentage will certainly be inclined to the career diplomat. .</ P> <P> White House spokesman Will more (Tommy Vietor) said the president had said in January that he will nominate candidates for fully qualified, such as Ruth, former congressman Roemer (Tim Roemer) and Di .Yards (Miguel Diaz) This is not necessarily from the State Department, but would like to important diplomatic positions in the national service personnel. .</ P> <P> Obama chose a number of heavyweight diplomatic figure. .Foreign experts praised the ambassador to Iraq, Hill (Christopher Hill), Lieutenant General Eikenberry Ambassador to Afghanistan (Karl Eikenberry) and ambassador to the UN will be Rice (Susan Rice) experience. .</ P> <P> White House aides said the Ambassador Ruth and other representatives of the nominees said they declined to comment before the appointment confirmation, to which all access to the practice of nominees. .</ P> <P> president of China Foreign Affairs University, a retired diplomat Newman (Ronald E. Neumann) warned that Obama's team how, is still too early to say. .When a change of government, the first batch of the outgoing ambassador is often a political appointment by former President; these vacancies will also appoint a new person to fill the political. .In fact, Ruth had in Tokyo, Bush's former business partner, but he served as ambassador to Japan, former Ambassador to Australia. .</ P>.

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