Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sluggish! The U.S. economy "has water?" .(I).

<P> Feature of contemporary economic development as the U.S. productivity "miracle", and now no longer looks as fantastic as 1 month. .</ P> <P> in the recent historical data through a series of amendments, economists began to think, the need for reduction of the world's largest economy in the case of non-inflationary growth rate beyond the expected to achieve. .Many people have already done so, they reduced the U.S. assessment of the potential growth rate of about 0.25%. .This may not sound much, but add up year after year, reducing the total will be very substantial. .</ P> <P> to 3.25% growth rate, the size of an economy will double every 21.5 years; the rate of 3%, this process is the need to increase 2 years. .In other words, growth rate less 0.25 percentage points, meaning that after 25 years will reduce the annual output of about 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars. .This improvement of living standards for the future and the present value of the U.S. stock market will have significant consequences, because in the long run, domestic corporate profits can not exceed the growth rate of output. .In addition, trends in productivity and potential output growth rate of the uncertainty, the Fed (Federal Reserve) are more difficult to determine what efforts need to slow the U.S. economy to reduce inflation. .</ P> <P> U.S. consumption boom to help global poverty </ P> <P> Globally, important changes in U.S. productivity trends impact is difficult to assess. .Accelerated by technology-driven productivity growth began in the mid-90s, it changed the economists and policy makers of the mature industrial economies to how fast growing physical awareness and promote the U.S. consumer boom. .The consumption boom to help export-oriented economies around the world countless people out of poverty, especially in Asia. .</ P> <P> In many ways, remarkable productivity, the real part of the miracle started in 2001 when the Internet bubble burst. .At that time, U.S. productivity growth has not, as a downturn as in the past to slow down, but to achieve accelerated growth, as companies from the investment bubble squeeze more output - and after the recovery in economic growth continue to do so. .</ P> <P> "compared to our original understanding, investment boom in the late 90's some more ingredients, and productivity, fewer components," University of Groningen (Groningen University), Professor Bart Van • A • .g (Bart van Ark) said. ."Since 2001, the story is no longer an investment, but a productivity story." Fan • Ake or the United States Conference Board (Conference Board) in charge of international economic research. .</ P> <P> However, there are re-examining, it is this second phase of the productivity miracle. .In summary, the recent data of the amendment, reducing the annual output from 2003 to 2005 and productivity growth, while inflation increased during this period and the increase in unit labor costs. .</ P> <P> these amendments did not change the early 21st century the United States in productivity growth this basic conclusion. .Northwestern University, Illinois (Northwestern University), Professor of Economics Robert • Gordon (Robert Gordon), said; "even removed the top of the bubble, this is still very impressive." </ P> <P> However, the new .Figures from the important aspects of productivity, were clarified and limited the story. .The latest data showed the U.S. economy in 2003 grew by 2.5% in 2004 up 3.9% in 2005 to 3.2% - compared with previous estimates, the average annual increase is about 0.25 percentage points lower, while the average increase in inflation .0.2 percentage points. .</ P> <P> non-agricultural areas are the driving force of the U.S. productivity growth in this area annual growth rate of output per hour, the average per quarter, down nearly 0.4 percentage points. .</ P> <P> to distinguish between cyclical trends in productivity growth and structural trends, has always been very difficult. .However, most financial market economists to conclude that: If productivity growth in recent years than they expected, then future growth may also be lower. .</ P> <P> Goldman Sachs chief U.S. economist Jane • Hatzius (Jan Hatzius) said: "I now said that the U.S. non-farm productivity growth trends in the field of 2.5% may also be slightly lower." He .said that this is equivalent to the overall economic productivity increase of about 2%. .Plus about 1% of the labor supply growth, the U.S. potential growth rate of 3% or slightly lower level. .He said: "In the amendment, I will tell you that the U.S. economy trend growth rate of 3.25 %。"</ P> <P> Deutsche Bank Securities (Deutsche Bank Securities) • Hooper, chief economist Peter (Peter Hooper) .basically agree with this view. .He said: "Earlier this year, 3.3% in my ears is a reasonable estimate of potential growth. At present I think it might be reduced by 10% or 20 %。"</ P> <P> he believed that the U.S. business sector .productivity growth than most people may be slightly stronger than estimated. .But he added that, as the baby boomers entering old age, female labor force participation rates stop rising, the slowdown in labor supply may be faster than some estimates. .Hooper said that, in general, "I will cut the U.S. potential growth rate near 3%." </ P> <P> economists have lowered the expected U.S. economic growth potential, including a simple and powerful .reason, the new data show that the U.S. economic growth and the relationship between the unemployment rate. .Since mid-2003 peak, the U.S. unemployment rate has dropped 1.5 percentage points. .New data show that average economic growth rate over the same period the U.S. was 3.75%. .</ P> <P> the same trend growth and the unemployment rate is usually (but not sharp decline in the unemployment rate) associated with this method showed that the trend growth rate in the United States certainly much lower than 3.75%. .</ P> <P> (continued) the U.S. economy "has water?" .(The) </ P>.

Dow Jones staged a bidding war, "Variety story".

<P>: Http://finance. Information, "Murdoch Dow Jones may be in the 50-year career, another magnificent trophy." This is the Western media bidding war for Dow Jones, the latest forecast. .Last week, the Dow Jones and Murdoch's News Corporation launched a fierce negotiations. .Murdoch Dow Jones board received proposals and has issued a more specific "Courtship letters"; bid for Dow Jones board has taken over matters; and had previously said bid to join the ranks of the British "Financial Times .News "publisher Pearson, the pressure within the Group have been forced to abandon the acquisition, the shareholders also urged its price to 700 million pounds sold," the Financial Times. " .</ P> <P> around the Dow Jones launched the "courtship" World War II, the recent "plot" to the more complex the development has. .</ P> <P> News Corporation "Courtship" twists and turns </ P> <P> from Murdoch's News Group cast a "marriage proposal letter", the people on this ride in the financial news over the years established the field of enterprise investment .to the attention of the eyes. .Although, there have been expressed on the Dow Jones "interesting", but its major shareholders the Bancroft family, but still very calm, the Dow Jones in order to choose a good marriage, has been in the study with doubt. .In terms of the Bancroft family, to ensure the independence and integrity of Dow Jones's news is a very important principle. .</ P> <P>, however, the Dow Jones board to sit still, they are New York time on June 20 said it would take over the Bancroft family dealing with all aspects of the proposed acquisition, and to assess all other strategic options, .including continuing to operate independently. .Although the Bancroft family to Murdoch's News Corporation is not assured, still trying to look for other new programs to ensure the independence of Dow Jones. .However, the big spenders of the News Corporation's purchase price is still $ 5,000,000,000, the Dow Jones moved the "heart." .Growing concern that the board of directors, if not a timely response to news groups, may make the negotiations failed miserably. .</ P> <P> not everyone expected, the pace of the negotiations turned so quickly. .Local time on June 22, the Dow Jones to News Corp. board of directors issued for up to four proposals. .With internal sources, the two sides recently have been related to the content of the proposals discussed and consultations. .The proposal was drafted by the seven board members, and also represents the largest shareholder of the Bancroft family's views. .</ P> <P> News Corp. and Dow Jones last week, a heated discussion, the Dow Jones's proposal expressed the hope that formed after the acquisition of a 7-person team responsible for protecting the independence of news editor. .Among them, two representatives of the Bancroft family, the two representatives of News Corporation, and the remaining 3 people recommended by the Bancroft family choice, and subject to the approval of News Corporation. .In addition, News Corp., "Wall Street Journal" trademark use should be restricted. .Currently, the two sides are still negotiating on these issues. .</ P> <P>.

The Fed said it would cut interest rates again significantly.

<P> 10, said Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, the Fed will again cut interest rates dramatically to prevent the subprime mortgage crisis led to slower U.S. economic growth. .</ P> <P> Bernanke said the housing market downturn, weakening employment, the Fed expects U.S. economic growth will slow, but not recession. .In order to stimulate economic growth, the Fed will take strong measures. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Some economists believe the Fed meeting later this month will reduce the federal funds rate by 0.5 percentage points, but also suggested that the adjustment will be 0.25 percentage points, because of the high .energy prices may cause inflation. .</ P> <P> order to stimulate economic growth, the Fed last cut the federal benchmark interest rate three times, last November has even more interest rate adjusted to 4.25%, the lowest in two years. .</ P>.

Bernanke speech to reinforce the expected: the United States cut interest rates another 50 basis points next month.

<P> 27 in Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives that the U.S. economy is the biggest risk facing declining growth, the authorities would "act as needed" to take timely measures to support the economy. .The day before Bernanke's deputy Cohen made similar remarks, analysts generally believe that interest rate adjustments in the future on this issue, the Fed is increasingly given to the outside world a clear signal: cut interest rates again next month, almost certainly, the market .the magnitude of the expected 50 basis points. .</ P> <P> the U.S. economy is facing three major threats </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, in the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee hearing, Bernanke said the U.S. economy is facing .The main risk is still slower growth. .Specifically, including the three major risks: real estate, and labor market conditions may worsen further than expected, while credit market conditions may also be increasingly tight. .</ P> <P> "FOMC will carefully assess the future economic data, and to act promptly on demand to support economic growth, to avoid the potential downside risks." Bernanke said in testimony it this way. .FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) is the Fed's interest rate decision-making body. ."Although the majority of FOMC members that tends to improve economic prospects, but we still have to face downside risks to growth remain, it is very important." Bernanke said. .</ P> <P> Bernanke acknowledged that since last summer, the U.S. economy has become very bad, the real estate market downturn continues, the credit crisis worsening employment situation is deteriorating. .He pointed out that this series of negative factors to the American public and businesses on consumption and investment have become more cautious, which further exacerbated the slowdown in the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> recent weak economic data also confirm Bernanke's judgments. .27, the same day, the U.S. durable goods orders issued in January fell 5.3%, down more than expected, mainly because companies cut spending. .U.S. new home sales last month dropped in February 1995 to the lowest level of house prices and a record 15% compared to last year's biggest drop in history. .</ P> <P> or again cut interest rates by 50 basis points next month </ P> <P> though, including Poole and other Fed officials have repeatedly expressed concerns on inflation is accelerating, but Bernanke's latest statement was proved, he .agree with Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn's view that financial market turmoil and economic slowdown is "a greater threat." .</ P> <P> Bernanke said inflation has been on the rise in recent months, mainly by the impact of high energy prices. .However, if global economic growth lower than expected, then, energy and other commodity price pressures will be eased, the future rate of inflation may not be as high as expected. .In addition, if the utilization of domestic resources would decline more than currently expected, the inflation situation will be eased. .</ P> <P> analysts also noted that Bernanke testimony before the four mentioned in the economy "downside" risk, adding that since the Federal Reserve in January data show regular growth "sluggish." .In his speech after the announcement, widely expected the Fed's regular meeting next month, 18 will certainly be cut again. .</ P> <P> the latest Reuters survey, primary dealers of U.S. government bonds predicted the Fed will cut interest rates next month, and most agencies have raised expectations of rate cut, the general view is that interest rate cuts .50 basis points. .The survey also showed that most traders expect the Federal Reserve in the April 30 regular meeting will be cut, most agencies are expected to be lower and lower by 25 basis points. .</ P> <P> to avoid recession, the Federal Reserve since last September has repeatedly cut interest rates, the cumulative 225 basis point interest rate cut the Federal funds rate to 3% currently. .</ P> <P> even behind the Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment </ P> <P> testified in 27 days, Bernanke also particularly on the issue of sovereign wealth funds answered questions from Members. .Bernanke believes that sovereign wealth funds investing in U.S. assets are good, and he encouraged U.S. banks to finance these funds. .</ P> <P> "I think the (sovereign wealth fund investment) is very useful, we should welcome such investment." Bernanke told the House Financial Services Committee, said he added that the U.S. effectively the existing system, to .resolve the United States could face the risk of national security. .</ P> <P> latest news that several major bond insurers in the United States in times of crisis the verge of relegation, the U.S. regulators are actively associated with sovereign funds again come to the rescue. .Overseas media reported that New York State Insurance Leader Dina Luo said Wednesday that he had with the sovereign wealth fund to invest in U.S. talks on the possibility of bond insurers, but he declined to give further details. .</ P>.

Bank of the United States there are two major banking quagmire worse depression.

<P> 700 billion U.S. dollars in U.S. government financial aid programs, and blocked in Congress, the largest U.S. savings bank - Washington Mutual, hit hard by bank failures, the United States two other banks - Wachovia and National City Bank has also been a drag, 26 .The banks shares fell more than 25%. .</ P> <P> Xinhua news agency reported, at present, investors are worried the government and Parliament discussions on the large-scale assistance programs fail, the credit market crunch will worsen the situation, banking and other lending subprime losses will be further expanded .. .The collapse of Washington Mutual Bank's crashing even worse the U.S. banking industry. .Federal regulators have taken over the bank 25, and some of its business to JPMorgan Chase. .</ P> <P> fog enveloped in heavy shade, the fourth largest U.S. bank - Wachovia shares plunged 27% that day, Zhong Pan to close at 10 dollars per share. .National City Bank shares also fell 25.6%, Zhong Pan fell to $ 3.71 per share. .</ P> <P> present, although Wachovia and National City Bank is still part of the profitable business, but investors are more concerned about their mortgage loans or related business loopholes. .For Wachovia, investors are most concerned about is its worth about 122 billion U.S. dollars in adjustable rate mortgages. .The bank chief executive Robert Steele is very difficult to describe this part of the loan. .Early August, the bank submitted to the SEC documents show, the real estate market continued to deteriorate, the bank has increased the amount of loss in the second quarter to 91.1 billion U.S. dollars. .Recently, "The Wall Street Journal" reported that Midland is working with the United States, Spain, International Bank and Wells Fargo to preliminary merger talks. .</ P> <P> At the same time, National City Bank of the United States is trying to reduce the second loan, housing construction loans and other related loan portfolio size. .At present this part of the bank loans account for about 15% of total loans. .Previously, under the sub-prime crisis, the bank has announced layoffs. .</ P>.

Wall Street's subprime mortgage crisis hit 3.6 million people are facing unemployment.

Wall Street in New York's economic lifeline for the U.S. financial credit crisis and economic shocks, therefore, to the recent layoffs may be up to 3.6 million people. .<P> (Http://finance.) Brown, New York State Labor Department analyst said recently: "According to past experience speculated that layoffs will reach this size." .He added, "911 incident" occurred nine months before, that in December 2000, Wall Street, the peak number of employees, 20 million people. .</ P> <P> number of layoffs on Wall Street to one-fifth of the total number of employees, will give the New York economy dire consequences. .Brown predicted in March the number of layoffs among New York City Independent Budget Office, predicted 2 million people laid off within the next two years, nearly 2-fold. .</ P> <P> As of late last month, the Wall Street banking and stock trading firm employs 18 sworn million less than last year, more than 5,000 people in September. .Brown explained that the layoffs now appear small, probably because now in severance pay and payment of unemployment claims for unemployment benefits after the period before. .</ P> <P> New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and some economists believe that Wall Street layoffs and falling profits to the New York economy than the risk of the subprime mortgage crisis threatening the U.S. economy is also large. .Brown said, in 2006, bankers, stock brokers and stock traders the average annual salary and bonus of water about 34 million. .</ P> <P> according to the number of New York City, Wall Street, the city staff's salary is 35% of the sum of all salaries, they and their employers pay the tax to reflect the fluctuating status of the industry. .</ P> <P> However, the real estate and construction industry remains an important part of the New York economy. .As the sub-prime lending market crisis hit, economists have to banks unable or unwilling to provide loans to developers, will remain strong in New York the impact of the construction industry. .</ P> <P> Brown said: "If the decline in employment in the period of office building construction will stop, in fact, almost all of the building are stalled. In the 20th century and early 70s, late 80s and early 90s .the U.S. economic slowdown, the construction industry has shrunk dramatically. "</ P> <P> cautioned Bloomberg, New York may not be immune from the recession in the country, but its impact may be less elsewhere .the same. .He said: "We have been hit may come later, larger, because the revenue side, we are very dependent on Wall Street." </ P>.

Buffett: The euro and sterling against the U.S. dollar will continue to strengthen.

<P> "Warren" Warren Buffett's 3 in the leadership of Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting expectations, the euro and British pound against the U.S. dollar will continue to strengthen. .He also believes the Fed is involved in the rescue credit markets, "correct." .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Warren Buffett that the U.S. fiscal and trade policies put pressure on the dollar, and from the "general view" that policy will continue. .He said: "I do not think the euro and British pound against the dollar devaluation will appear." For which he said would expand business in Europe, investment and "from Germany, France, Italy and the UK to earn the euro and sterling." .</ P> <P> Buffett said the Federal Reserve intervention to the brink of bankruptcy of Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns to provide security are "correct." .He also believes that the U.S. credit default swaps (CDS) market "will not collapse." .Credit default swap is a transfer counterparty credit risk of fixed income products swap arrangements, Buffett is estimated that the size of the market over 60 trillion U.S. dollars. .</ P>.

U.S. unemployment rate hit the highest point in 22 years on Wall Street became the "Earthquake Central".

According to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics has just released the May report, the U.S. unemployment rate hit the highest point since 1986, banking, aviation and transport industries are the hardest hit, and Wall Street has become a "Earthquake Central." .<P> Days prior to the afternoon group will now open, my phone vibrate up and ran out of the room looked at, calls the area code is 512. .I am very surprised, like no friends there ah. .One answer the phone, it was my friend in New York, Credit Suisse's former colleagues. .Three years ago, I jump from Credit Suisse, Banc of America Securities, Lehman Brothers, he jumped to the Department of electronic transactions, and his wife in the risk management department of Lehman Brothers. .He began to ask: "Guess Where?" I said: "512 it seems to be Texas, which city do not know the specific." He said: "Our family moved to Austin (Austin)." If he said that .China would not surprise me a bit down, he has been planning returnees in Shanghai, how suddenly ran out Austin? .<P> Had a month ago, he and his wife have received a "TownHall" (TUC) in the notice, the thought that a general summary of the General Assembly, who wants each of them received a "SeverancePackage" (severance payments, most of .children per year of service to 3 weeks salary), so that they pack up and leave. .I had to remind him, do not put two eggs in one basket, was I unfortunately, the couple also lost his job. .In the past, then get a job on the line, can be present everywhere in the downsizing of Wall Street, where find a suitable job so easy. .Just one of his old superiors in Austin a few years ago opened a securities company, let him past. .The couple reluctantly, I first went to say, we can not rest on its laurels it. .I consoled him: "blessing in disguise." He said: "I understand. We are good. And New York, in Austin, prices are too cheap. Wife not to work, raise children, burning cooking, every day I can have different .lunch, huh, huh. "his" Oh "sound like a bitter taste. .<P> Week ago, I received a call in New York another friend Lucy, she was in a Swiss bank management database, where he spent nearly 10 years, this work could have been the most stable, and basically sit back and relax with her .also laid off. .Since that work has been super stable, and she never thought would be laid off, and headhunters have lost touch, a sudden panic that she was caught off guard unemployment; middle of the night awakened mind and very clear, immediately from the fear and anger. .The cover letter sent to all go down the drain, they thought of changing jobs every few days, I hope I can introduce a few familiar search for her. .<P> To three days ago, I had worked for the Ministry of Banc of America Securities, France's largest bank BNP to be purchased, I connect to the e-mail a few old colleagues, they feel insecure, fear of being cut. .I had several similar experiences, they are asking my opinion. .Usually encounter this merger, the merged company will carry out a wave of layoffs. .Faction when the Wall Street boom of economic expansion, is more afraid Yeah, do not want to jump the Conference, the issue did not find a job. .The event of economic downturn, the company out without, "the street" will be a devastated to find a job easier said than done. .<P> 20 years on Wall Street this spring, the most difficult period. .As the subprime mortgage and credit transactions and atrophy, resulting in the loss of many jobs, including New York, London and Hong Kong. .Lucy I fully understand the feelings of losing their jobs, then the Wall Street headhunter friend Han Wu Jieshao to her. .Wu Han's father is a Vietnam veteran, his mother is Vietnamese, half the children of Asian descent who, to our Chinese people will be more intimate nature, I hope he can help to Lucy. .His reply to my e-mail actually expressed frustration: dry search so many years, never seen so many cover letters, hundreds of copies of resumes per day, eventually only 3 people can find a new job, compared to 2001's " .. com "bubble burst, and the" 9.11 "after every bad situation. .He can do nothing apart from that outside, but sent a list of layoffs on Wall Street: <P> "Banc of America Securities cut to around 4,000 jobs; Lehman Brothers laid off 1425 people, and is about to begin the next round of layoffs; .Merrill Lynch cut to 20% of staff, while the average wages minus 11%; Citigroup's securities to be laid off 6,000 people, of its capital markets and mergers and acquisitions department of employees 10%; JP Morgan Chase also did not .Because the acquisition of Bear Stearns in the storm spared the layoffs, there are at least 14,000 Bear Stearns employees will be laid off. even by sub-prime mortgages on Wall Street's Goldman Sachs also cut to the minimum 5% of the staff, and has begun .a hiring freeze. "<P> This confirms the" Wall Street Journal, "a story: this confirmed the" Wall Street Journal "story: the first half of this year, Wall Street 20% of staff lost their jobs, while in the second half, then .then lay off 15%; even fortunate enough to escape the robbery of the employees, their income will be substantially diminished, making Wall Street's "golden rice bowl" no longer exist, they rushed to find another way out other cities, like my friend move .Austin. .</ P> <P> Jingui these workers were once unemployed, facing tremendous psychological pressure. .A female psychiatrist in Manhattan, said the volatility of financial markets, leading to fluctuations in emotional world of people. .Over the past few months, her new patients mainly from Wall Street, her emotional response to these people described as "melancholy of depression", and their mental illness is entirely due to the lack of predictable. .May 28, 2008, "New York Times" published a report, the article said that unemployment is a blow to one of the greatest, when the termination letter arrived, worried that soon turned to anger, their self-worth suffer .a hit. .Consider also, a minute before or a large investment bank that East Road West, senior manager, a minute is not what has become a drifter, the psychological contrast between most people's ability to bear. .<P> Treatment of some of the major Wall Street's psychologists and researchers believe that, compared with the general public, the Wall Street finds it easier to anxiety and depression, "they had too much force", working 10 to 14 hours is not only expected .and is a sign of honor, and their self-worth fully reflected in wage check. .Banc of America Securities as I am a senior manager of John, in a normal year for years, his salary and bonus of about $ 600,000, including bonus 75% of their annual income, was fired three months ago, the only leader .20 months severance pay, life has undergone enormous changes immediately, as doing nothing, he can now only rely on every day at home to spend time cooking. .Makes the current layoffs on Wall Street feel insecure, investment bankers and fund managers are worried about being fired, so they focus on short-term investments in efficiency of injection, thus ignoring the long-term risk. .This vicious cycle continues if the situation would be worse to the prospect of Wall Street. .</ P>.

Buffett: the United States economy over the next five months will be worse

World's richest man · Warren Buffett said recently, according to his definition, the United States economy at least the next few months will remain, the subprime mortgage crisis to financial industry and the overall economy.

(http://finance.) Buffett said the long term, five years after the United States economic performance will be better, but a short period, that is, the next five months, will be worse than now.

Buffett says recession means most of the United States who now had not previously. According to most economists, standard definition, gross domestic product (GDP) for two consecutive quarters of negative growth, is known as the economic recession.

As for the United States the subprime mortgage crisis, Warren Buffett said the two mortgage commitments for company "Fannie Mae" and "real beauty" scale, will not be closed down, but this does not mean that the shareholders of both companies will not be significant blood loss.

Buffett says, "two" is obviously seeking assistance, but the scale of the required funds, the mere folk should not establishments. So Buffett predicts that the United States Federal Government must step in to lend a hand. Buffett said the United States may have more bank failures, particularly in the residential market is too deep for banks, real estate bubble bursting, will not count down.

2008 earlier, Buffett has said that the financial crisis is like economic tide receded, revealing what financial sector players have been skinny-dipping "naked"; the results found that Wall Street was a bit like a Heavenly beach.

Obama elected Ambassador only "money" is held?.

<P> Official residence of the American Embassy in Tokyo had witnessed many very famous figure. .Former Vice President Mondale (Walter Mondale), former Senate Majority Leader Mansfield (Mike Mansfield) and Becker (Howard Baker) and former House Speaker Fuk Lane (Tom Foley) have served as ambassador to Japan, they filled in the .Trade tensions between the military and business areas of the United States and Japan this complex and important alliances. .</ P> <P> Obama candidates for this position is different from the past: as a lawyer in the San Francisco Bay Area Ruth (John Roos) was a major Obama fundraiser in Silicon Valley, known as contributions " .packer. " .He has no diplomatic experience. .</ P> <P> Obama chose Andrews and other political supporters ─ ─ Superman as a result of fund-raising ability is called "vacuum cleaner" of the former investment banker Sussman (Louis B. Susman) .and the Pittsburgh Steelers (Pittsburgh Steelers) boss Rooney (Dan Rooney) ─ ─ has caused some dissatisfaction, they think the president should let the senior diplomat who could hear his mantra of change. .</ P> <P> watchdog group Public Citizen's government affairs lobbyist Holman (Craig Holman), we named these funds were not only an insult to those countries, but also get the major countries, the United States in the diplomatic efforts of these adventures. .</ P> <P> this tension can be traced back to last year when Obama ran for president, when he had said the foreign policy of President George W. Bush extremely politicized. .Obama said that he ensure that this is a performance-based personnel arrangements, rather than on party or ideology. .An association of former diplomats ─ ─ American Academy of Diplomacy to lobby Obama to use these comments, I hope the foreign affairs department from outside the chosen proportion of the number of ambassadors from the Kennedy presidency, since the average of 30% to 10%. .(President George W. Bush during the 33 %。)</ P> <P> According to Center for Responsive Politics (Center for Responsive Politics), said the administration has so far nominated in the 55 ambassadors, 33, or 60% of .who is outside the field of foreign affairs. .</ P> <P> because there are dozens of vacancies, the percentage will certainly be inclined to the career diplomat. .</ P> <P> White House spokesman Will more (Tommy Vietor) said the president had said in January that he will nominate candidates for fully qualified, such as Ruth, former congressman Roemer (Tim Roemer) and Di .Yards (Miguel Diaz) This is not necessarily from the State Department, but would like to important diplomatic positions in the national service personnel. .</ P> <P> Obama chose a number of heavyweight diplomatic figure. .Foreign experts praised the ambassador to Iraq, Hill (Christopher Hill), Lieutenant General Eikenberry Ambassador to Afghanistan (Karl Eikenberry) and ambassador to the UN will be Rice (Susan Rice) experience. .</ P> <P> White House aides said the Ambassador Ruth and other representatives of the nominees said they declined to comment before the appointment confirmation, to which all access to the practice of nominees. .</ P> <P> president of China Foreign Affairs University, a retired diplomat Newman (Ronald E. Neumann) warned that Obama's team how, is still too early to say. .When a change of government, the first batch of the outgoing ambassador is often a political appointment by former President; these vacancies will also appoint a new person to fill the political. .In fact, Ruth had in Tokyo, Bush's former business partner, but he served as ambassador to Japan, former Ambassador to Australia. .</ P>.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Former U.S. Deputy State: RMB exchange rate is not just the focus of Sino-US.

<P> The original question: Sino-US common global mission </ P> <P>: finance. Hearing the United States as the world economy, the common interests of stakeholders, it is necessary to develop a common agenda. .The new strategic economic dialogue can provide a way for this. .</ P> <P> So far, the media attention focused on the issue of China's currency revaluation. .However, the agenda of the United States should be more extensive. .Number of initiatives for more flexible exchange rate in China to prepare for the transition, the other may be important for both economies to promote and share the basis for global prosperity. .</ P> <P> not difficult to understand, difficult challenges in their countries of China did not take it lightly. .However, China has recognized that its development is inseparable from the international market. .Necessary to make it public to understand the United States, China's economic growth has created opportunities for China to share international responsibility. .Between the U.S. and the need for a successful strategy, even if the United States and other countries to benefit from the opening, but also to promote China's development and to encourage China to help maintain the relevance of its growing international economic system. .China's leaders are working in coastal and inland, urban and rural, rich and poor and the environment and seek between the growth of a more balanced development. .U.S. can help on hand for these changes. .</ P> <P> First, U.S. companies can help the development of China's inland areas, and that these provinces associated with the global supply network. .China, U.S. retailers can help consumers better products and services, as they did for their own families. .</ P> <P> Second, the old social security system no longer exists, China faces the situation of old before getting rich. .In this regard, the U.S. private sector practice of health care and pension system can provide a reference for China. .</ P> <P> Third, China is embarking on reform of commercial banks, which can be for the United States and other foreign companies to provide business opportunities. .</ P> <P> Fourth, the United States have a common energy and environmental benefits. .Both countries need to increase nuclear power, renewable energy supplies; the two countries will benefit from diversification of sources of oil and natural gas benefit; countries have strategic oil reserves is necessary with international partners to address the oil crisis; the two countries have the necessary .protection of energy transportation choke points. .</ P> <P> Fifth, China wants to build a "knowledge economy." .This makes the United States in the protection of intellectual property rights and have common interests on the prevention of counterfeiting. .China should be encouraged to participate in the development of international technical standards, rather than let it develop national standards to prevent competition. .</ P> <P> sixth, with Chinese companies "go global", the U.S. and China will be open, fair and transparent investment policies have common interests. .</ P> <P> Finally, China could become an international economic, health, environment and energy systems in a responsible stakeholder. .In the Chinese World Health Organization Director-General, China may in fact be developed to fight infectious diseases, chronic diseases and epidemics standards. .As beneficiaries of the global trading system, China in the WTO Doha Round negotiations should play a more active role. .</ P> <P> the rise of China is big country with a history of sensitivity. .Its own rise to power of large countries with the past differently. .The economic rise of China want to complement rather than replace the existing order. .If the United States recognize this shift in the boot when the strategic interests of the two countries can develop a trust with other countries to establish and support a common agenda. .</ P> <P> (of the former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, Wang Analysis of translation) </ P>.

U.S. Minister of trying to take advantage of China's foreign reserve to help Americans purchase.

<P>: Http://finance. News, U.S. officials recently revealed that: 70% of Americans own their own homes. .</ P> <P> According to China Youth Daily reported on July 13, was in Beijing for visit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Alphonso Jackson Minister said: "I took office, President Bush gave me to reduce .United States, the proportion of people without housing. Currently, the United States who own their own property has reached 70%, and the Nordic countries but there is still a gap. In Sweden, the proportion of individual home ownership reached 88.5%. "</ P .> <P> Jackson led the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the main duty is to "let people have a house to live." .It seems that American capitalism seems the spirit of free competition, "contrary to" more like a socialist concept. .In response to reporter's question, Minister Jackson said the government's task is to provide the necessary assistance for the poor, providing "the people can afford to buy a house," under which his department was established concept. .</ P> <P> It is understood that, in 1934, the Great Depression, the U.S. economic downturn, many people facing bankruptcy, unemployment and other issues, then, the federal government created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the organization dedicated to the residents .provide housing loan insurance, and use it as leverage, the mortgage repayment structure standard for today equal rational way this month. .In 1965, the Federal Housing Authority into the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as part of their housing office to continue to pass on their establishment, in mind. .</ P> <P> the Department of Housing and Urban Development functions, including providing low-cost housing rental subsidies, guarantees and bond buyers part 3. .Department of Housing and Urban Development budget for the year from 34 billion to 36 billion U.S. dollars, half of which used low-rent public housing subsidies. .Fifties and sixties of last century, the U.S. government to resolve the housing difficulties of low-income people, concentrated in the urban fringe of a number of replacement housing built for the placement of housing hardship. .Later, the U.S. government found that the economic cost of construction of resettlement housing, social cost is too high, turn to the implementation of low-rent housing rent subsidies, government subsidy burden standard is 70%, paying 30%. .</ P> <P> issuance of bonds is the Department of Housing and Urban Development, one of the main functions. .It bonds to the community, investors buy bonds, the Department of Housing and Urban Development charged by banks to buy home loans home buyers, mortgage banks and expanding the scale, and further stimulate the enthusiasm of buyers to buy a house. .So, a virtuous circle. .</ P> <P> Jackson Minister's trip to Beijing, and is closely related to the Department's bond program. .China has huge foreign exchange reserves in U.S. treasury bonds for the purchase of the situation, he suggested that the Chinese buy U.S. mortgage securities. .He said: "For China, this is a worthwhile investment: in the case of the same credit risk, mortgage-backed securities than the traditional higher return on U.S. government bonds. These can be used to return on investment projects in China Service ., such as the development of affordable housing. "speech at the Beijing American Chamber of Commerce, he said the purpose of this trip - to catch the China-US strategic economic dialogue along for the ride, let the Chinese buy U.S. mortgage securities. .In other words, this is to borrow the money to achieve the Chinese Americans, "real estate dream." .</ P> <P> Jackson told reporters that the trip he met with China's Ministry of Construction and the relevant person in charge of the central bank signed a memorandum of understanding. .But he refused to disclose details. .</ P> <P> in the July 13 speech in Jackson Minister also mentioned that the United States and China are one of the priorities that the government is to make home ownership. .In response to this reporter, "tell China what their counterparts make recommendations" to this question, Jackson minister did not directly answer, but he said Chinese officials "to open to new ideas." .</ P> <P> U.S. real estate market will go from here? </ P> <P> 20 more than large companies stopped lending crisis in the U.S. mortgage market is </ P> <P> bad U.S. mortgage market turmoil has thrown the world .</ P>.

U.S. economic rescue measures in place or in early March.

Members <P> Sunday a senior U.S. Democratic Party said that to boost the U.S. economy to avoid a complete recession may be a combination of stimulus measures in place in early March. .But the occasion in an election year, such combination of measures will provoke more debate the details, especially around the tax issue. .</ P> <P> U.S. President George W. Bush on Friday proposed a temporary tax cut, and other total value of about 1500 billion stimulus measures to stimulate the subprime mortgage and related by the severe impact of the financial turmoil of the U.S. economy. .His proposal includes tax cuts for families, incentives for business investment is also about creating 500,000 jobs. .Some U.S. economists and Wall Street bankers that the U.S. economy was already in a mild recession, even though the surface of the past two consecutive quarters of slower growth. .As for the Bush administration's stimulus measures, some stimulating effect on the economy that could be the role that has been slow for some people is urgent. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. New York State Senator and Congressional Joint Economic Committee, Xishu Mo said he expected the Democrats and Republicans reach a consensus, both sides have agreed that the plan includes tax cuts. ."I measure success quite optimistic about the introduction of this combination, should be signed and in place before early March," Schumer said. ."I think both parties are aware of ... ... our economy is fast sliding into recession, we need relief measures." </ P> <P> another New York Democrat, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel said, .take prompt action to approve the combination of proposals, is vital. ."Must be timely. We need it in place, making it play a positive effect," Rangel said. .</ P> <P> current differences remain, such as the object of saving economic measures should include those who pay personal income tax, or should be through the expansion of unemployment benefits, increase food stamps and other welfare measures to help those not on the list of taxpayers .those issues out. .</ P> <P> Rangel said that both parties must have a political compromise. ."Republicans rush through permanent tax cuts. But we have to face reality, it is not about the president to stimulate the economy through tax cuts in 2010 the problem, it is to avoid or mitigate the pain of the recession," Rangel said, "so we must work together .. To make the bill in place, as soon as possible so that they in place, we must do. "</ P> <P> For the fiscal stimulus measures, economists pointed out that the stimulus package so that consumers and businesses more than expected .should be able to spend money on from a mild stimulating effect of the economy, the U.S. economy may avoid recession bullet. .</ P> <P> but there are many critics say, even if the stimulus package passed by Congress, it came too late. .Harvard economics professor and former IMF chief economist Rogoff is one of them. .He said: "I do not think a fiscal stimulus plan will do to help. I think, until it gets implemented, we have been out of the recession." </ P>.

Fed "Beige Book": This year, U.S. economic growth has slowed.

<P> 5 U.S. Federal Reserve Board released the country's economic situation report (commonly known as: brown paper) that the slowdown in U.S. economic growth this year, rising inflationary pressures in some areas. .Analysts believe that the Fed continues to cut interest rates this month or will. .</ P> <P> economic slowdown </ P> <P> this report is based on the Federal Reserve owned 12 Federal Reserve Bank survey results compiled, the collection of information contained in the time between the end of last year at the end of this year 2 .. .</ P> <P> report shows into 2008, the U.S. economic slowdown, 12 Federal Reserve District, two-thirds of weakness or atrophy of commercial activities, one-third of moderate growth. .Report that the weakness in the housing market continued to impact consumer spending and business investment. .</ P> <P> reported that the overall poor state of the U.S. retail industry, retail trade in most parts of the report "weaker than expected, pessimistic, weak or slow down." .However, the report showed continued expansion of tourism activities. .The contribution of personal consumption rate of the U.S. economy Qicheng, so economists worry that continued weakness in retail trade has increased the risk of economic recession. .</ P> <P> half of the faltering manufacturing sector regional reports; the overall performance of the housing market remains weak. .Fed Beige Book also said that most Fed regions reported difficulties in the banking industry to lend, loan demand. .However, the demand for energy and agricultural sectors remain generally strong. .</ P> <P> In addition, released February 5, ISM non-manufacturing index for the second consecutive month decline, although the 44.6 from last month rose sharply to 49.3, better than expected, but still since April 2003 .the second low. .Addition to price of the nine non-price indicators in five areas already in decline, not only by the sub-prime crisis began to shrink the financial industry, other industries such as accommodation, catering, transportation, education, wholesale, retail Dengjun show weakness .. .CICC analysis, leading the U.S. ISM manufacturing index of manufacturing output of about 2 months, which means that the manufacturing sector in the short term will continue to decline. .</ P> <P> 2007 third quarter, U.S. economic growth rate of 4.9%, but then in the fourth quarter of its level of economic growth was only 0.6%%, economists expect U.S. economic growth in the first quarter of this year, may .slow further to 0.4%. .</ P> <P> in inflationary pressures, the report said, U.S. companies in different parts of the digestive capacity of the different inflation pressures. .With raw material prices, Boston, Cleveland, Dallas and Atlanta to some enterprises to improve the product price, and Kansas City area, the report basically stable prices. .</ P> <P> will become the basis for meeting the key interest rate </ P> <P> published 8 times a year the Fed has been called the "Beige Book" survey of national economic situation. .The report will be the 18th of this month the Federal Reserve meeting on interest rates decision making. .</ P> <P> Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in the Feb. 27 U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee hearing that since last summer, the U.S. economy has become very bad, the real estate market continues to decline .The credit crisis worsening employment situation is deteriorating. .He pointed out that this series of negative factors to the American public and businesses on consumption and investment have become more cautious, which further exacerbated the slowdown in the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> He stressed that the Fed will carefully assess the economic prospects of all kinds of information and timely action when necessary to support economic growth and provide enough to prevent the economic downside risk measures. .</ P> <P> Bernanke's remark with his speech earlier this month, and Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn's recent remarks are basically the same position. .Widely believed to Bernanke's remarks mean that the Fed will continue to pursue the "cut policy." .</ P> <P> Bernanke also stressed at the hearing, the Fed must remain vigilant on inflation pressures. .He pointed out that given the current energy and food prices, U.S. inflation upside risks are increasing, and if this trend of increasing inflation, the Fed will cut interest rates weighed against inflation and to stimulate economic growth, much less room for maneuver .small. .</ P> <P> place to avoid a recession, the Fed since last September has been 5 consecutive rate cut, interest rates fell by a total of 2.25 percentage points. .Some economists believe the Fed will be meeting again in mid-March by 0.5 percentage point rate cut. .</ P>.

U.S. subprime crisis will impact on retail properties show step by step.

<P> By the subprime mortgage crisis, U.S. housing prices have begun to decline, compared to retail and other commercial property market is relatively flat. .However, training by the Institute of Renmin University of China Real Estate Research Centre, China Hua Xun commercial real estate club hosted dialogue on international commercial real estate hot spots, from Chinese and foreign experts said the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis will impact the global commercial property, the impact of .will be progressively released. .</ P> <P> commercial properties in the United States, according to the development of youth in the focus group president Kun, due to the U.S. commercial property with a lease to use more custom way, so soon as the outbreak of the subprime crisis, there is no commercial property rents, .have an immediate effect of such lease. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, Australia Real Estate Capital Markets Association, International and Chief Executive Officer Trevor Cooke is introduced, although the sub-prime crisis on the real effects of the project has not really appear, but the impact on capital markets .has been very significant. .Trevor Cooke, said the retail real estate has many factors, so different factors have different influence, such as the impact of some high-end consumer goods, there must be immediate impact, as some of the more stable of goods, such as food, .also have some impact. .For investors and retailers, they also have some depression negative effects. .</ P> <P> Australia currently has some funds, such as real estate trust funds, but also has some of the U.S. commercial real estate property, as these real estate investment trust property is to have the United States, the United States the existence of the Australian housing debt .Property Trust Fund is influential, from this perspective, the real estate-based trust fund must be more attractive than the original. .The impact of a U.S. recession is in fact two ways, one is the impact of their own retail is the impact of purchasing power, the other is the retail real estate, more to the point of view from the capital market impact, .The two are not the same. .</ P> <P> Renmin University of China Real Estate Research Center, Yuan open would often visit to the United States, she said that although the effect is reflected in the capital market first, but the real impact of the U.S. retail property will be slowly released. .Taking into account the operating conditions are not good shopping malls, operators tend to adopt a uniform discount activities, these discounts will be feedback and tenants. .At the same time, taking into account the operations of retailers is not good, in order to maintain long-term relationship, operators may also consider reducing the rent. .Future recession, if sustained, does not rule out many tenants and operators of termination, but these will gradually be reflected in the real breadth and depth of 2 to 3 years reflected. .</ P> <P> Cushman & Wakefield managing director Richard Middleton in Greater China, confirmed after Trevor Cooke's view, adding that despite the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis could spread to the global economy, China will have been affected. .However, rapid growth in China based on retail, a growing number of international retail brands to enter the Chinese market, and has a good performance, such as C & A, H & I of these international brands to enter China. .</ P> <P> Richard Middleton has a prediction, the international retail brand will not only into the Beijing and Shanghai international metropolis, but also in the next 12 months concerns the rest of the capital city. .It is undeniable that the Chinese government's investment in real estate there are many constraints, but he believes the retail sector, the future of China will hold two to three years is very optimistic. .From the scale of the retail real estate development, in China will develop faster. .</ P>.

Federal Reserve may cut interest rates save the economy ended 0.25 PCT.

Federal Reserve (Fed) 4 月 29 at a two-day monetary conference was held, the market expected this will be cut in interest rates of 0.25 would be determined, but the short term will not move any further interest rate cuts. .In addition, Fed business executives will also discuss the bank reserves deposited at the central bank interest payments. .<P> (Http://finance.) Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and policy makers meet the afternoon of the 29th, a two-day monetary conference, the interest rate decision will be announced 30 days, is widely believed that this will be of Fed .lowered the federal funds rate 0.25 PCT, to determine the level of 2. .</ P> <P> and relevant to consumers and businesses hundreds of thousands of the main lending rate, is also expected to cut 0.25 PCT, to 5 per cent, as the federal funds rate to its lowest level since the end of 2004 simultaneously rewritten. .</ P> <P> Fed policy is currently facing a dilemma, on the one hand to shoulder the task of boosting the economy, but also forcefully prevent further deterioration of inflation. .</ P> <P> economists said, given the level of interest rates have been low relative to history, the effect of monetary easing to boost growth will gradually appear, together with high inflation, Fed will not adjust interest rates tend to short-term .level, even during the freezing of interest rates may stretch to early next year. .Some analysts said the Fed cut interest rates will be decided to suspend a positive message, because it showed the economy had stabilized. .</ P> <P> addition, under the Fed's official website posted on Monday the latest information, this has been discharged Fed board meeting on Wednesday, 11 am to discuss the Commercial Bank reserves deposited at the central bank interest payments problems. .</ P> <P> so far Congress has not yet passed a law in 2011 to permit the Fed to pay interest on reserves to commercial banks, sources said, in order to increase the means to stabilize the market, Fed officials consider in advance the effective date of the payment of interest, related .The program allows Fed lowered interest rates in the not inject more funds under the financial markets. .</ P> <P> Wrightson ICAP chief economist Ke Lan Road, said: "This is a lack of policy tools Fed, other central banks are permitted to pay interest on reserves." </ P> <P> under existing U.S. law, .Fed starting from October 2011 can not exceed the general level of short-term interest rates, supporting information to the escrow provision in the Fed's Commercial Bank. .</ P>.

U.S. gaming giant Las Vegas casino appalled Bankruptcy.

Leading U.S. casino operators tropical Entertainment (Tropicana Entertainment) 1.32 billion in the event of debt default, the 5 to the court for bankruptcy protection, write to the United States this year, the largest amount of corporate bankruptcy, but also for the Las Vegas Game .Industry bomb detonated bad economic downturn. .<P> (Http://finance.) Headquartered in Kentucky, an annual turnover of tropical entertainment company about 10 billion U.S. dollars, 1.1 million employees, brokers on Friday received a creditor banks, Credit Suisse Group issued a total of 1.32 billion .notice of default of debt. .According to the Court of tropical entertainment company data submitted for bankruptcy protection, the company is now about 2.8 billion U.S. dollars of assets, liabilities 2.4 billion. .</ P> <P> This is the largest in the United States this year, business bankruptcy, Moody's Investors Services noted that tropical entertainment of external debt outstanding total 2.67 billion, before the bankruptcy was the largest printing company Quebecor World .suggested that debt amounting to about 1.8 billion. .</ P> <P> Batai La Tropical Entertainment president, said: "The company already high financial leverage, and now the aftermath of the economic downturn, the company will decide to embark on high-level operation of a way for bankruptcy protection, which will be the company .The first step in re-engineering. "</ P> <P> tropical entertainment with" small casino empire, "said, but had already appeared as early as the end of trading warning, when New Jersey authorities to service and clean environment is not consistent with .requirements and other reasons, suddenly announced the withdrawal of the company in Atlanta, the business license of a casino, tropical entertainment to appeal has been for this command. .</ P> <P> tropical entertainment company is now operating a large restaurant, a subsidiary of Columbia Sussex, is the hotel giant Young to $ 1,940,000,000 in 2006 after the acquisition of Aztar made, Columbia today comprises a total of 73 hotels and 13 casinos. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> According to court data, the largest creditors of tropical entertainment Wilmington, Delaware banks held a total of nearly 10 billion dollars in unsecured claims. .The subject matter of bankruptcy protection for the nine tropical Entertainment property, including the company's most legendary, located in Las Vegas Casino Resort Tropical. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> because of the economic slowdown, many American companies have closed down. .According to Jupiter eSources LLC in Oklahoma City, the company obtained from the court records of the data, in April the U.S. bankruptcy filings rose 49% to 5173, or the highest level so far in 2008, including individuals, including .All bankruptcy filings rose 31% in volume to 93,096. .</ P>.

Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and then brandished a knife and cuts the Wall Street panic.

By the sub-prime mortgage crisis hit, re-transmission of a new wave of layoffs on Wall Street. .Goldman Sachs and Citigroup have announced that it will cut investment banking department of human, by 10%, which makes Wall Street worried. .<P> (Http://finance.) United States subprime mortgage crisis in the growing range of radiation, even the second-quarter earnings profit can Chiyingbaotai of Goldman Sachs also announced layoffs. .Goldman Sachs in the second quarter revenue of 9.42 billion U.S. dollars, earnings decreased 10% over last year 20.9 billion, compared with the first quarter, and even showed positive growth, while Goldman Sachs, Wall Street also tried to find out in the storm remained a secret profit .tactics, the Goldman Sachs Group last week, has begun the implementation of 10% of the layoffs, is expected to cut 2008 investment banking responsible for mergers and acquisitions advisory, and corporate finance business employees. .</ P> <P> Goldman Sachs Group, Investment Banking sector is an important printing press, this wave of layoffs actually move to this sector, so that Wall Street is more worried about the new wave of Wall Street layoffs speed and range will be more intense. .</ P> <P> and a leading global bank Citibank has announced that before the wave of the global reduction of more than 15,000 employees, 6,500 employees on Monday, there will receive a severance notice. .Citibank cuts this wave of major investment banking departments of human, among which the maximum rate of mergers and acquisitions business, layoffs, including New York and several cities in the world, may be the abolition of the trade sector will be lost. .Recently, several waves of layoffs and the United States is different is that this wave will have a large number of senior executives were forced to leave. .</ P> <P> according to Bloomberg data, Citigroup said that layoffs last year, the scale is also the best among the industry department. .Others, such as UBS, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch and other prominent financial firms announced 5,000 job cuts over the spectrum. .</ P> <P> Citibank in the past two quarters has been a loss of 150 billion U.S. dollars, will the new season is expected to announce losses of billions of dollars, CEO Pandit is eager to reduce operating costs and sell off assets in order to get out of trouble .. .</ P>.

"Two-room" stock price jumped to escape the nationalization of destiny

United States mortgage financing agencies Fannie Mae and the beauty of premises on the second day Tuesday continuous stock price jumped, due to market all the more that they can escape being or Government took over the "two".

(http://finance.) Two room "stock price recently had dropped to nearly 20-year low, it is because investors worry as a further deterioration in the United States market," two "may not have sufficient funds to maintain the operation. If the final had to solve by the Government, then the common shareholders rights may vanish.

"Two" in the past four quarters are announced losing money. However, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs analysts on Tuesday said, there are other support "bedrooms" but without the nationalization of the way. "Two" or an insurer with all United States mortgage loans by nearly half.

Housing & Lawler Economic consulting firm founder Thomas Lawler in client report also noted that it was more that "Government release rescued ' bedrooms ' does not immediately into reality".

Fannie Mae stock price Tuesday rally 8.3% to $ 5.62 surge in u.s. stock prices the premises 20.1%, to $ 3.97. Two stock are set since 20 August the MSB, but since may have cumulative decline in more than 80%.

Citi and Goldman Sachs analysts believe that the Ministry of finance may be confident that the "bedroom" without the need for emergency funding to restore stability. And including relaxing capital restrictions, other means, and also helps to alleviate on Fannie Mae and premises-us stability concerns.

From Citigroup's Bradley Ball in a conference call that Fannie Mae and the premises of the United States has enough capital to absorb potential losses, to stay until the end of the year. A recent Wall Street Journal on the two Government-backed enterprises (GSE) confidence and clear and cloudy, but the Ministry of finance and regulatory authorities are paying close attention to the fact situation.

Worry not groundless

July the two agencies in mortgage lending investment continues to grow, despite this month they are expressed in funds will become more conservative. Premises and control portfolio size 7-on-year increase 14.9% to a record $, Fannie Mae, 7982 14.4-7581 billion.

But the reputation of the premises, July for the next few months of purchase and sale agreement size suddenly dropped to minus level, from June's 347 billion down to negative 3.25 billion. This gives them the ability to stabilize the cast shadows.

Recently the GSE slump, as investors worried that they might not be able to play a stabilizing role. Congress considers to be the case, further dampening. When Congress in July even give the Ministry of finance where necessary to provide the "bedroom" loan or equity.

Federal Reserve (FED) 5 August meeting records show that the Bank members were concerned that the "two" dilemma may result in the property market more sluggish. So worried that the market rumours emerged last week that the Government help in an emergency (e.g. nationalisation) may be inevitable.

Fannie Mae in the monthly report that its underwriting loans default rate in June rose to 1.36%, 5% for the month; the beauty of premises 1.30 insured loan default rate of 1% for the first time reached 1.01% 5 months 0.93%.

The Government may intervene in expected, standard and poor's will Fannie Mae and premises of subordinated debt and preferred share rating from "A-" to "BBB respectively cut +" and "BBB-".

Obama administration six months, 61% satisfaction.

<P> Obama administration first 6 months, although the policy satisfaction, hit a new low, but still up 61% from the highest point of the beginning of his appointment only a thin 5 percentage points 66%, indicating the performance of his public .quite sure. .</ P> <P> According to Taiwan's Central News Agency reported that a Gallup poll released Tuesday, 8 latest poll, in June this year, Obama's policy on the American public satisfaction with an average of 61% over May 65 .% decrease of 4 percentage points higher than January's 66% of the highest point down 5 percentage points. .</ P> <P> polls show Obama in January to June the average satisfaction is 62%, up to 66%, the lowest was 61%, not up and down to show the people of his 6 months .performed quite sure. .</ P> <P> like to party distinction, in June the people of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama 89% satisfaction, independent 59%, 25% of people in the Republican Party. .If the position of distinction, liberals satisfaction was 88%, moderate 70%, 37% of conservatives. .Distinction as to ethnic, black 95% satisfied, 81% of non-whites, Latinos 78%, white 53%. .</ P> <P> such as the geographical distinction, 68% public satisfaction in eastern, central and western 62%, 61% of the western and southern 54%. .Such as the distinction of age, 18 to 29 years old 71% satisfaction, 30 years old to 49 years old 60%, 50 to 64 years 59%, 54% over 65 years. .</ P> <P> such as by sex, male satisfaction, 57%, 64% of women. .Distinction as to income, monthly income of $ 2,000 less satisfied with the 70%, from 2000 to 4999 U.S. dollars 60%, from 5000 to 7499 U.S. dollars 57%, 56% above $ 7,500. .</ P> <P> such as the Qualification, the following satisfaction of 62% high school, university attended by the 59%, 58% of university graduates, masters or above 64%. .Distinction as to religion, the church rarely or never 67% public satisfaction, to church every week to 62% monthly, weekly, 50% of the church. .</ P> <P> The poll was visited in June more than 14,914 citizens 18 years of sampling error of plus or minus 1 percentage point. .</ P>.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bernanke worried about recession, U.S. stocks followed the "Depression" or percentage point.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday (28) went to Congress Joint Economic Committee hearing that the uncertain U.S. economic outlook has increased in recent weeks. .Affected by this, coupled with earlier announced by the U.S. durable goods orders in February as expected, on Wednesday morning Buzhidaode U.S. stocks, the Dow dropped over a hundred points. .</ P> <P> Bernanke said the housing market recently because of the uncertainty of future issues and expansion of subprime mortgage. .But he also pointed out that the subprime mortgage impact on the economy and financial markets is limited. .He pointed out that half of U.S. economic growth this year expected to be about 2%. .In addition, he also said the Fed's main policy priorities are still concerned about inflation. .In addition, the Iranian situation is tight so that the oil market into chaos to bring pressure for the stock market. .</ P> <P> FOMC did not change the tendency of inflation uncomfortably high </ P> <P> Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday at the hearing, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting last week, .did not change the policy to control inflation tendencies. .After the meeting last week, many analysts believe that FOMC by the deletion of "further tightening of credit," the wording, moved to the neutral position. .</ P> <P> but Bernanke said Wednesday that the Committee considers that the risk of rising inflation. .If economic growth is weakening and inflation risks strengthening the same, the Commission may take a neutral stance. .Bernanke said that weakening economic growth and strengthening inflation, the risks are on the rise. .The FOMC statement is intended to give a little more flexibility. .</ P> <P> Bernanke said that despite the weakening housing market crunch and manufacturing, making the risk increased, but this year the U.S. economy may still be moderate growth, inflation will gradually slow down. .</ P> <P> the Congressional Joint Economic Committee in a prepared speech in the hearing, Bernanke was released after its policy meeting last week, made the statement added. .He said that so far most of the housing market and weakness in the manufacturing sector, does not appear to significantly affect other aspects of the economy. .In general, the next few quarters, the economy is likely to continue a moderate expansion. .A major risk is: Core inflation remains uncomfortably high. .But he said the core inflation seems likely over time, a mild slowdown. .</ P> <P> points the Dow fell over a hundred dollars go down the yen rose </ P> <P> Bernanke's remarks make the Dow Jones Industrial Average to a three-digit decline in the level of immediate expansion. .Prior to the hearing in Bernanke, the U.S. announced in February durable goods orders weak, and the Middle East tensions push up oil prices, coupled with the U.S. subprime mortgage market further into trouble, the U.S. stock market first dropped. .Dow Jones Industrial Average fell over 130 points intraday, after a decline of nearly 140 points. .Nasdaq index fell 21.53 points, or 0.88% to 2415.90. .</ P> <P> In addition, the yen rose against the dollar to more than one-week high. .Iran fears the U.S. housing market, investors reduce their holdings to invest in low risk Japanese yen assets, supporting the yen rise. .Plus durable goods orders rose less than expected, the dollar extended losses. .Concerns about rising tensions in the Middle East, crude oil and thus prices, also helped support the yen higher. .Analysts said that concern the U.S. economy, the dollar could fall further. .Japan at the end of the fiscal year in 3 enterprises to repatriate funds, also helped support the yen rise. .</ P> <P> New York trading, the dollar was reported 116.87 yen on Tuesday (27) late to 117.82. .Earlier dropped to 116.36, the highest since March 19 lows. .Reported $ 1.3334 the euro, 1.3348 late Tuesday. .</ P> <P> </ P>.

Further the financial system the Fed injected $ 3,750,000,000.

<P>: Http://finance. News, U.S. Federal Reserve Board through its 21 Federal Reserve Bank of New York once again to inject liquidity into the financial system, $ 3,750,000,000, to further increase market liquidity and prevent deterioration in the credit market crisis. .>>> All the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis Interpretation </ P> <P> date from August 9, the Fed has accumulated the financial system to inject $ 101,250,000,000. .</ P> <P> the credit market crisis is the U.S. subprime mortgage market triggered. .Subprime mortgage market as the credit rating of poor and low-income borrowers loans. .Height of the last few years the U.S. housing market boom, the market is growing rapidly. .After cooling in the housing market, falling house prices and rising interest rates make subprime mortgage market, many borrowers can not repay loans, which led many lenders in serious financial difficulties or even bankruptcy. .</ P> <P> the subprime mortgage market problems, the U.S. banks, mortgage lenders and other finance companies have taken the safe bet, raise lending standards, the entire market in the thick of the "credit crunch" climate, the market suddenly .a liquidity shortage. .This situation compelled the Fed to continuous injection of the financial system "rescue" and reduced the discount rate to stabilize financial markets. .>>> All the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis Interpretation </ P>.

Global stock market crash and recession in the U.S..

<P> News, Jan. 22, the world and there was a serious stock market crash, on this day, the market value of global stock markets lost $ 5,000,000,000,000 (about 166 500 billion), in Europe and the drag of the stock market crash ., Asian stock markets also fell at the bang, which Malaysia's stock market, overnight, the market value of 413.1 billion ringgit actually evaporated! .</ P> <P>: http://finance. The cause of the global stock market crash is 21 January, the New York Stock Exchange closed due to mark Human Rights Day, had nothing to do with the stock market, but it caused around the world .fear that the U.S. economy might fall into recession worries, so jittery, real or imagined, so in Asia, Europe and Canada stock markets, causing panic and blew! .</ P> <P> In fact, signs of a recession, as early as last 2,3 month, when the U.S. subprime mortgage market crisis first emerged, the impact, the UK and U.S. banks and other financial institutions .have a problem. .</ P> <P> It is reported that Citibank due to huge losses, as the support situation, the Bank and Merrill Lynch had to beg investors to nearly 19.1 billion injection of funds, Citigroup's loss events, indicating the sub-prime crisis did not .near the end, in fact more serious than expected. .</ P> <P> signs that the United States began to weak domestic demand, unemployment, inflation, housing prices and other factors, Americans are tightening purse strings, and purchasing power is declining. .It is said that consumer spending, the U.S. accounted for nearly 70% of GDP, therefore, reduce consumption, the U.S. economy will have a huge impact. .</ P> <P> However, some optimistic economic experts believe that even if the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis losses up to 3,000 billion (more than one trillion pounds), it will not drag down the U.S. economy, as long as the loss making institutions .injection rate cuts and other measures to remedy the depreciation of the dollar. .</ P> <P> course, if the above measures can effectively prevent the U.S. economic downturn, the U.S. economy may be back to normal, but so far, people do not see any more effective ways to save the U.S. economic crisis .. .</ P> <P> 23 this month, Federal Reserve announced a 0.75% lower interest rates, to stimulate the U.S. economy. .In addition, the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties, seems to have temporarily abandoned their political differences and agreed to discuss the current task is complete unity to solve domestic economic problems. .It is said that the content of this economic package is substantial tax cuts to help raise the purchasing power of the American people, but to which class tax cuts, how to tax cuts, the details have yet to be consensus between the two parties in order after the argument. .</ P> <P> Because America's economy is closely related with the global economy, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, if not properly addressed, further delay, once the impact of expansion may bring disaster to turn into a credit crisis in global financial markets. .According to statistics, the total size of global capital markets has reached 165 trillion U.S. dollars, the U.S. accounted for nearly 50 trillion dollars. .If unfortunately, the credit crisis, investors will be competing to sell their financial products, such as stocks, securities and bonds, etc. This way, will cause economic panic, it would be destitute enough. .</ P> <P> Therefore, at present, the United States the trend is towards economic recession could be avoided, the key lies in whether the U.S. government to take drastic reform policies in the future, the right remedy, the normal direction towards the development of the economy, people will wait and see. .</ P>.

Vote "black and white" Obama won the Mississippi.

<P> U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama from 11 to 61%: 37% of the vote advantage, a large margin over rival Hillary within the party, won the Mississippi primary. .Mississippi has 33 at the Democratic National Convention of the party vote. .Obama expected to win in all. .The state has the nation's largest black population - 2000 census showed that 36% of the population is black, and black Democrats in the state accounted for 70% of registered voters. .</ P> <P> vote "black and white" </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, post-election poll of registered voters in Mississippi to vote Democratic tend to coincide with the height of ethnicity: Austria .Bama won the support of the vast majority of blacks, black voters to vote for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton 91% the proportion of 9%; while Obama and Hillary Clinton's vote in the white voters were 21% and 72 .%. .Before that, only Alabama and the home of former President Bill Clinton - Arkansas appeared so clearly divided by race results of the vote. .The large black population in the same South Carolina, Obama won the support of a large area of black voters, but he also won 25% of the white vote (there are three people running for the Democratic Party, the other being John Edwards.) .Racial differences play a role in the general election in Mississippi before and after the primaries because of former Congressman Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro Law (Geraldine Ferraro) remarks provoke controversy. .Ferraro is a Clinton supporter. .She recently said Obama has been successful because he is black. .This speech was a lot of people criticize, but Ferraro 11, of California, a media interview, said: "Racism has two directions, I really think they attack me because I was white." She will .Obama's situation and his own 24 years ago became the first female vice presidential candidate par. .She said that if they are not women, were by no means likely to be nominated. .The same can be used to explain the current support for Obama. .Media interview last week, Ferraro said: "If Obama were white, he would not have come this far. ... ... The whole country is being such a concept (he is black) are attracted." She also pointed out that .Hillary is a "sexist media" of the victim. .Obama himself accused Ferraro's remarks "clearly ridiculous." .Clinton also told the Associated Press, she does not agree with Ferraro's point of view, because the difference between her and Obama is the real political issues, people should be to focus on this aspect. .However, when the first black and the first woman presidential candidate in the running for the nomination, the focus on race and gender still can not be avoided. .South Carolina primary, Clinton was one of Obama's election and the 1984 election the black civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, Congressman than that Obama will certainly win South Carolina, because he is black. .Clinton's remarks were widely criticized as in "playing the race card." .</ P> <P> gender factors as race highlights </ P> <P> Obama and Hillary Clinton in the campaign are to avoid playing the race and gender card. .However, to date there is no doubt Obama won the support of the majority of blacks, while Hillary Clinton as a woman, where women voters failed to gain the same enthusiasm. .More than 20 state primaries while the "Super Tuesday" (February 5) that day, New Jersey, black women voters, Hillary supporters to vote that moment 萨基娜斯普 Courier changed his mind. ."Obama, as black can come this far, I should be worthy of loyalty, he said it." Springfield told reporters. .In the U.S., people are very sensitive to racial issues, a very clear distinction between right and wrong, and for gender differences are not the same degree of concern. .British "Times" recently wrote that today's economic advantage and minority political representation in most areas of the world changed, and the gap between the sexes are rarely reduced, even in the United States. .Some women organizations have not been enough of Hillary's women voters concerned about ballot. .November 4, Ohio and Texas hold primaries after the two states, the U.S. National women's organizations (National Organization for Women) to clear that, in fact, gender and race, is deep-rooted problems of American society, but seen in this session of the election .come, gender equality has not been given sufficient attention..格洛里娅斯坦 Naim (Gloria Steinem), the 70s of last century intellectuals in the women's movement leaders, Clinton lost the Iowa primary, the passion of women voters blow the battle horn .. .Her "New York Times" wrote: "Why do we not face to face racial barriers as gender barriers? Obama because of their ethnic identity to become commander in chief, Hillary but because of their sex to be 'split' ... ... we must be able to .that this is the case: 'I support Hillary because she can become a great president, but also because she is a woman.' "The article published in the New Hampshire primaries, and is reproduced in the national media, but also .Hillary won in New Jersey helped. .</ P>.

Bernanke's first economic recession that the United States consumer confidence blow.

Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday said publicly that the U.S. economy might fall into recession. .This is Bernanke slowdown in economic growth since the first time since the United States to make such representations, but he also said the U.S. economic situation should be improved in the second half, suggesting that the Fed need to introduce more stimulative monetary policy. .<P> Reign as the current Fed chairman, Bonan Acton Cheng Meiguo economy may decline, which is confidence in the market as good as a heavy blow, after the White House and the Fed likely to boost confidence in the efforts of all the wasted, even if these efforts .is also not seen much results. .</ P> <P> "The Wall Street Journal" reported that Bernanke told the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, it now appears, in the first half of 2008 real gross domestic product (GDP) growth may be small, and may even shrink. .</ P> <P> general definition of a recession is two consecutive shrinking GDP, although the National Bureau of Economic Research's official calculation more complex. .</ P> <P> Bernanke said, assuming that the housing and credit markets stabilize, and recent implementation of the economic stimulus package to boost the level of spending, the U.S. economy is expected to appear later this year to improve. .But Bernanke told lawmakers that the larger the uncertainty of the expected, but downside risks remain large. .</ P> <P> the United States on Wednesday also announced in February factory orders showed a second consecutive month, down 1.3%, more than originally expected. .Including durable goods orders fell 1.1%. .</ P> <P> However, the U.S. job market appears to be signs of improvement. .According to the U.S. ADP private employment service said in March the U.S. private sector unexpectedly added 8,000 jobs, albeit small, but compared to February by 1.8 thousand people, has been significant progress. .Wall Street was originally predicted in March decreased by 4.8 million in private employment. .But many economists believe that Friday's March employment will be reduced. .Bernanke said on Wednesday that the historical status is still in the unemployment rate should rise in the coming months. .</ P> <P> Bernanke said concerns about employment and income and housing values decline and credit deterioration of the environment common cause significant consumer spending was weaker than the strong levels of last year, while business investment plans affected. .</ P> <P> Bernanke said that to curb the trend of economic slowdown, the Fed has taken measures to cut interest rates sharply. .Current federal funds rate is only 2.25%, since last September has been full since reduced by 3 per cent. .He said a series of activities and interest rate cuts to boost the efforts of the credit market liquidity would help to promote economic growth and reduce the risk of economic activity. .He added that economic and financial markets have undergone the necessary adjustments. .</ P> <P> worth mentioning is that Bernanke has repeatedly in recent months to ensure that the Fed will take timely action when necessary to support economic growth, but in his speech Wednesday did not mention it .. .This may indicate the eyes of Ben Bernanke, the Fed has little room to cut interest rates, not to mention Bernanke that inflation is still a risk. .He said that food and energy prices increase inflationary pressures, the dollar weakened against other major currencies as well. .However, he believes inflation will be eased in the next few quarters. .</ P> <P> often Bernanke testimony to Congress, but the testimony on Wednesday was different, because before, the Fed had three major events: the Federal Reserve slashed rates last month to boost the economy of 0.75 PCT .; Federal Reserve shot to help JPMorgan Chase acquire Bear Stearns; Monday the Ministry of Finance released a blueprint for reform, according to the plan, the Fed will eventually be granted the unprecedented financial market regulation and responsible power. .</ P> <P> Bernanke as Federal Reserve on Wednesday defended the aid of Bear Stearns, but he also admitted that the move to increase the public decision-making difficult. .Bernanke said Bear Stearns in March 13 issued a warning, if you can not get funding, Bear Stearns will be forced to file for bankruptcy. .Bernanke said that this loss will be huge and very difficult to control. .</ P> <P> He said that the Federal Reserve to take other measures to boost liquidity seems to help ease the pressure on financial markets, including repurchase agreements, these initiatives as well as the new primary dealer credit tendering arrangements .. .However, he said, the market is still under high pressure, the credit crisis has spread to municipal bonds, student loans and institutions to support securities markets. .</ P>.

Buffett: U.S. still see long-term depreciation.

Warren Buffett May 3 at Berkshire Hathaway's shareholder meeting the company pointed out that the credit crisis swept Wall Street to ease down, "the worst is over", and certainly the Fed rescue of Bear Stearns .Bank is the right thing, but he is still long to see that the dollar depreciated. .<P> (Http://finance.) Buffett 3 to participate as chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway in Omaha, Nebraska was held at the Annual General Meeting. .Since 2002, the Buffett predicted a weaker dollar with respect at the meeting, the United States will make a weaker dollar will continue to implement the policy, the dollar long-term market outlook is bearish. .Buffett said he was willing to invest in France, Italy and the UK business, big make the euro and sterling, as these currencies against the U.S. dollar will continue the strong uptrend. .</ P> <P> is based on watching the dollar, Buffett in 2006 by 40 billion investment Israeli metalworking company Iscar, this is his first investment companies outside the United States, after which he gradually invest in China, Israel and the United Kingdom .and other foreign companies. .</ P> <P> Buffett also said the meeting, the Federal Reserve arranged JPMorgan Chase Bank in March of 24 billion acquisition of the tragic defeat of the Bear Stearns subprime mortgage banks, this approach quite appropriate. .He also disclosed that as early as JP Morgan, he Jibei consulted the wishes of the acquisition of bank Bear Stearns, he said that due to lack of sufficient funds, and map out solutions to the time refused. .Buffett said before attending the shareholders meeting: "subject to sub-prime crisis hit Wall Street, the worst time is over." </ P> <P> But even the investment was regarded as a precise vision of the world's richest man Warren Buffett ., also have in this sub-prime crisis Renzai. .Berkshire Hathaway said in a statement today that the company's first quarter profit of 9.4 billion U.S. dollars, plunged 64% last year, one quarter of the value of the derivative contract by reducing drag, the first quarter was 991 million investment loss ., is the main cause of a collapse in profits. .</ P>.

The United States in April the number of corporate bankruptcies jumped 49%.

<P> 6 U.S. research survey released, in April U.S. companies filed for bankruptcy protection cases reached 5173, jumped 49% from a year earlier, the biggest monthly increase since the beginning of this year. .</ P> <P> Jupiter eSources order according to court records obtained data also show that in April the U.S. companies and the total number of cases of personal bankruptcy filings rose 31% to 93,000. .</ P> <P> The agency predicted that the credit crisis and the slowdown of U.S. economic growth, U.S. companies this year and the total number of personal bankruptcy case will reach about 1.1 million, far exceeding the 827 000 2007 .Parts and 2006 590 000. .</ P> <P> U.S. government data showed U.S. economic growth has slowed for two consecutive quarters, while the first 4 months this year, U.S. non-farm sector jobs, without exception, declined. .These data indicate business and personal bankruptcies this year, the situation is not optimistic. .</ P>.

Hu praised the sound development of Sino-US relations contribute Rice.

Chinese President Hu Jintao on June 30 met with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. .Rice Hu the importance of Sino-US relations was highly appreciated and emphasized the determination of the Chinese people have confidence in rebuilding their homes. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Hu first welcomed Rice's visit. .Hu Jintao Rice said, "Since you as the president's national security adviser and Secretary of State has always attached importance to Sino-US relations, to strengthen bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields and promote the development of Sino-US constructive and cooperative relations have made positive contributions .which I highly appreciate. "</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Hu Jintao said," devastating earthquake in Sichuan occurred after President Bush and other U.S. leaders in different ways expressed their condolences to us. Bush .president and his wife also went to the victims and the Chinese Embassy to offer condolences, your government and the community also provided generous assistance to us, and yesterday they went to Madame Secretary visits affected areas in Sichuan, all fully reflects the American people's friendly feelings towards the Chinese people .. "" Here, on behalf of Chinese government and people to President Bush to the U.S. Government and people express heartfelt gratitude. "</ P> <P> Hu said," As seen yesterday, Madam Secretary, we are .affected people in resettlement and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work, very difficult task. But we are determined to have confidence in the international community's support and help of the united struggle, self-improvement, rebuild their homes. "</ P> <P> Rice .Thank welcomed by President Hu Jintao, after which she conveyed Bush's greetings and said: "He is looking forward to a few days to meet you." Rice said he was honored to be able to hit the American people wish to convey hope .disaster recovery and reconstruction as early as possible, people can resume normal life as soon as possible. .</ P>.

New Orleans tourism industry at risk hurricane arrives.

The hurricane hit the Gulf, "Gustav" is expected as early as Sept. 1 landfall United States, the U.S. oil industry has been concern about the loss, while other industries are also at risk. .Among them, the New Orleans pillar industries such as tourism, shipping and sugar production are subject to a huge threat, may be billions of dollars in economic losses. .<P> Xinhua News Agency said, tourism is a pillar industry in New Orleans in "Katrina" hurricane before the annual economic contribution of tourism industry 9.6 billion, of which about 60 million from a variety of large-scale meetings. .Now, "Gustav" approaching, the Coast Guard blocked the Mississippi River, Port of New Orleans has also been closed. .French tourists no city block, most hotels were forced to stop the operation of the hotel. .Entertainment are also close down the beach. .</ P> <P> Port of New Orleans 31, has been locked all lifting equipment, stop issuing ship. .Shipping company in the past few days were busy transferring the goods to change the route to somewhere else and transfer of equipment from the Gulf of Mexico. .2005 "Katrina" hurricane, the loss of 260 million U.S. dollars in Hong Kong suffered. .</ P> <P> "Gustav" will also pass through the southern Louisiana sugar production base. .According to the American Sugar Alliance Data, the region, including 600 sugar cane plantations, 11 processing plants, annual revenue of approximately $ 500,000,000. .Now, many crops are faced by the hurricane destroyed. .</ P> <P> In addition, the Louisiana Chemical Association, August 31 said that there were forty to fifty in the chemical within the hurricane shutdown. .The association's security director said, the United States 20% to 25% of the chemical products produced in Louisiana. .</ P> <P> hurricane repeatedly "visit", on the one hand, Louisiana, a large number of labor migration, lack of professional and technical personnel to the difficult economic reconstruction; the other hand, the federal government and other state disaster assistance will also be relatively .reduced. .</ P> <P> National Weather Service expects, "Gustav" the first local time on September 1 will visit the United States, the harm may be no less than three years ago, "Katrina" hurricane. .U.S. President George W. Bush has announced in advance Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama, four states of emergency. .</ P>.

US-India statement joy: to reach the defense, nuclear power plant agreement.

<P> • Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton) became U.S. secretary of state, the end of her first visit to India since. ., The United States and India on Monday announced a number of transactions, is expected to give U.S. defense contractors and power companies to bring billions of dollars in business. .</ P> <P> day earlier, the two sides on how to combat climate change, a long debate on the issue, it seems that Hillary Clinton • The trip to India, the risk of becoming unpleasant. .This line has been advertised as strengthening the two largest democracies in an effort to contact; India during the Cold War had always tilted to the Soviet Union, the United States and India continued for several decades of alienation. .</ P> <P> Clinton on Monday declared a three-day visit to ensure that both sides have brought tangible gains for the further expansion of military cooperation and bilateral trade basis. .US-India trade is currently about 450 billion U.S. dollars, and growing. .</ P> <P> • Hillary Clinton and Indian Foreign Minister Krishna (SM Krishna) joint press conference, I think, you can not underestimate our mutual relations between two democratic countries, the importance of .. .We understand that in a democratic system of decision making in difficult country, and we respect each other the vitality of democracy. .Relations between countries, it is more than anything else in the world to be a solid foundation. .</ P> <P> • Hillary Clinton said that the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan • Singh (Manmohan Singh) told her that India has prepared two site, where U.S. companies will be built with the exclusive right to nuclear power plants. .Earlier Monday, Clinton was meeting with Singh. .</ P> <P> She said that the two nuclear power plants worth billions of dollars for the U.S. export of nuclear reactors to bring convenience, create jobs in both countries, and in India much-needed energy. .India is currently facing long-term power shortages. .</ P> <P> • Hillary Clinton did not say where the plant will be built. .However, this widely anticipated announcement marks the two countries reached last year to implement a landmark agreement an important step. .The end of last year's agreement to India the United States for up to 34-year ban on trade of nuclear fuel and technology. .India has not joined the "NPT" (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty), have developed atomic weapons. .</ P> <P> India has opened up the French and Russian companies were out of the sole nuclear power plant construction site. .Site to ensure that the United States on Monday announced that the United States billions of dollars into the scale of the nuclear power plant markets. .</ P> <P> However, there are still many obstacles. .United States has not issued the necessary permits domestic firms, with Indian companies to share sensitive technical data and specifications. .India must adopt legislation to limit the nuclear power plant to sign a nuclear accident liability in the event of the scope of international conventions. .</ P> <P> Hillary and Krishna also announced an "end-use monitoring" agreement that allows U.S. authorities to ensure that the United States to India's exports of weapons and defense technology used for their intended purpose, rather than being sold to .other countries. .</ P> <P> the agreement for the Boeing Company (Boeing Co.) And Lockheed - Martin Corporation (Lockheed Martin Corp.) Bid for the scale of 100 billion supply contract of 126 fighter jets in India has opened the door. .Mostly in India to upgrade the old Soviet weapons and equipment construction of the occasion, the agreement may be for these companies or other U.S. defense contractors to bring billions of dollars in revenue again. .</ P> <P> India and the United States has also finalized an agreement allowing U.S. parts to be used for civilian or non-Indian commercial spacecraft. .</ P> <P> Readings </ P> <P> face do not give Hillary Clinton publicly rejected India's carbon emissions limits proposed by the United States </ P>.