Friday, April 15, 2011

U.S. manufacturing sentiment has improved price pressures intensified.

Institute for Supply Management (ISM) 2 released May manufacturing sentiment index, though it is the fourth consecutive month of economic expansion in 50 points below the critical point, on behalf of a slump, but the level has been rising over April, and high .expected to show U.S. manufacturing sentiment has improved. .But the indicators also showed higher inflation. .<P> (Http://finance.) Institute for Supply Management said in May from the April index of manufacturing sentiment rose to 49.6 points to 48.6, but also higher than predicted by Wall Street analysts had 48.5 points. .But the index is the fourth consecutive month below 50 points, but also the worst since 2003, the situation, when the index from February to June for five consecutive months below 50 points. .</ P> <P> addition, according to the composition of the index, the U.S. inflation continues to heat up among the manufacturing prices paid index to 84.5 points from April rose 87 points, the most since April 2004 since .the highest level. .However, manufacturing employment and new orders in May had improved, including the employment index rose to 45.4 in April to 45.5 points from April new orders index rose to 49.7 points from 46.5 points. .</ P> <P> improvement in the U.S. manufacturing economy, the dollar extended gains on Monday against the euro from $ 1.5513 before the release of indicators rose $ 1.549, while the U.S. dollar against the yen from 104.6 yen is .rose to 104.77 yen. .But Wall Street investors are worried that inflation continues to heat up, coupled with no hope of the Federal Reserve cut interest rates in June, resulting in early trading U.S. stocks dropped on Monday, the Dow Jones index fell over 120 points. .</ P>.

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