Friday, April 15, 2011

U.S. economic weakness, "New York Times" For reduction of 100 employees.

<P> The weak U.S. economy and the sharp increase in the pressure of competition from the Internet, the United States, one of three major newspaper, "The New York Times" recently announced that this year it would cut 100 editorial and publishing staff. .</ P> <P> According to the Associated Press reported, "The New York Times" executive editor Bill Keller in a staff meeting on the 14 announced the decision, but he said the job cuts, mainly through attrition and a one-time buyout .implementation, but does not rule out the possibility of dismissal. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, "New York Times," the spokesman said Francis Kaiser Lin Ma, a total of 1332 news newspaper reporters and editors, therefore the total number of the layoffs of nearly equivalent to all the editorial team .8%. .This will be the "New York Times" editorial team of the first staff reductions in recent years. .</ P> <P> big news, another American publishing company - Chicago Tribune Company 13, also announced that to save costs, the Chicago Tribune will cut its Los Angeles newspaper and other newspapers and hundreds of newspaper and magazine jobs. .</ P> <P> forced by increasing competition and the Internet, the U.S. economic slowdown, the nation's major news publishers advertising revenue has shrunk, leading them to have to take other measures to cut jobs to save costs. .</ P>.

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