Sunday, April 3, 2011

U.S. 113 civil research suggestions accepted by the Government of China.

<P> According to finance. News, U.S. Foreign Relations Committee that the need to rationalize the economic relationship the United States and their domestic reforms and bilateral initiatives </ P> <P> "the U.S. should be full of confidence, positive attitude to accept China. ."The U.S. Council on Foreign Relations (Council on Foreign Relations) 4 月 10 issue of a policy research report on China that the bilateral relations between the United States is essential, and the 21st century international security landscape play a decisive role. .</ P> <P> report entitled "US-China relations: an active road schedule and responsible" (US-China Relations: An Affirmative Agenda, A Responsible Course) report, more than 30 experienced by a .special working group consisting of the preparation, the size of 113. .</ P> <P> leading the project to the former U.S. Pacific commander Admiral Dennis Blair (Dennis Blair) and former U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills (Carla Hills). .Many members of the Working for America's China experts and former government officials, such as Johns Hopkins University, a China expert David Lampton (David Lampton). .</ P> <P> report suggestions the U.S. government, although the uncertain future of China, (United States) is the best way to respond to further integrate China into the global family, which helped the Chinese in the security, trade, .the interests of financial and human rights in line with international norms and behavior, and to the two countries can work together to meet common challenges. .</ P> <P> report on Sino-US relations when asked about the positioning of the former Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick said it is "responsible stakeholder" in the replica, the Foreign Relations Committee and vice chairman of this report .One project leader Hills (Carla Hills) said, "This is not only consistent with the view Zoellick, President Nixon visited China, and also 35 years, the U.S. government has long pursued a policy of engagement with China is consistent." </ P .> <P> She further said that the only contact is not enough, the U.S. government should be differences of opinion in the case of domestic reconstruction of the parties to the consensus for the US-China relations, and guide the education, the Americans can compete on the global economic arena. .</ P> <P> in economic relations, the report that China-US economic relations need to straighten out the United States and their domestic reforms and bilateral initiatives. .The United States needs to reduce the deficit, increase savings rates and investment in technological innovation, the domestic economy into a benign orbit. .The report also said that China failed to fully protect U.S. intellectual property rights, and China should let the yuan exchange rate to float according to market forces. .</ P> <P> the same time, the Working Group also proposed tariff as a threat to the U.S., to pressure China to revalue its currency is wrong, and may result in adverse consequences. .</ P> <P> on security issues, the report that the United States should be combined with "Balance of Power" and "coordinating power" strategy, in continuing military modernization, China's neighboring countries to strengthen security partnership at the same time, push with China .military dialogue, transparency and cooperation. .</ P> <P> Foreign Relations Committee, is one of the famous American think tank, founded in 1921, is a confrontational, non-governmental, non-partisan membership organization. .Its members bring together all sectors of the U.S. the VLSI elite, the U.S. Congress and the White House on foreign policy has a broad impact. .</ P>.

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