Sunday, April 3, 2011

Changes in pillar industries and the American Enlightenment.

Development stage of industrialization of a country determines the approximate range of pillar industries; with resource endowment of the industry will long be a pillar industry of the country; at some point, the major powers can achieve in a number of pillar industries in the international dominance <! - Photo .display area and news content -> U.S. industrial structure evolution process in the process of industrialization is the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and changing the process of pillar industries. .Industrialized countries, the United States as representatives of starting, the pillar industry of change process is followed the general rules of the evolution of industrial structure, has its special characteristics. .Study the process of industrialization in the United States a pillar industry of the changes, help to grasp the future trajectory of China's industrial development and change. .Mainly in the United States before World War II market adjustment, the latter to strengthen the government's guiding role. .Before 1860, textile industry, dominant; 1860-1900 iron and steel, coal rapid growth and the emergence of electronic, chemical and automotive industries; 1900-1950 Heavy textile output value of more than iron and steel, machinery manufacturing and chemical industries are rapidly .development. .After World War II, the U.S. focus on the development of capital-intensive industry, the steel, automotive, electrical and mechanical industries as the backbone of industrial development; after 1970, to develop technology-intensive industries such as aerospace, IC, computer and new materials industries; .1990, to develop the information industry, to strengthen the information industry and the integration of other industries. .Compared with other countries, in most cases no specific industrial policy the United States, but that does not mean that nothing the U.S. government as an industrial development. .In fact, the U.S. government playing the role of factors of production is one of the creators. .U.S. government agencies at all levels of education, science and technology and infrastructure development continue to make significant investments to spare no effort to create a factor of production. .United States Government in the maintenance of order of market competition has also played an important role in the development and implementation of strict anti-trust laws in order to maintain free and open trading system. .U.S. government should forward the challenge is also to play a crucial role, for example, in space exploration, health care and environmental protection for domestic industries to create a new space for development. .The future development of the administration's new energy and bio-tech industry plan, plan of action also falls into this category. .The Enlightenment brought changes in the United States a pillar industry of China's development and change has given us many inspirations. .In a nutshell, are: first, the development stage of industrialization of a country determines the approximate range of pillar industries. .A pillar industry in the United States is evolving, the decisive factor behind this are many, foremost among which is the development stage of industrialization. .The current needs of the United States to seek new technological breakthroughs to form a new pillar industry of different, our country is currently in the second half of the mid-industrialization, but at this stage are mainly heavy industry a pillar industry. .The current proposed new path of industrialization in China, this does not mean we do not develop heavy industry, but to the development of heavy industry in line with China's national conditions must take the road of new industrialization, emphasizing intensive, high-efficiency heavy chemical industry development path, relying on .information technology, energy technology and innovation in the field of environmental protection technology to maximize ease the heavy chemical industry development and the contradictions between resources and the environment, so that the heavy chemical industry with minimal resources to achieve its own environmental costs of rapid development. .Speed up the mechanical and electrical equipment industry, particularly manufacturing industry which, to enhance their share in the heavy chemical industry, the coming period will be the focus of upgrading the industrial structure. .Second, the industry has the resources to long-term endowment to become a pillar industry of the country. .For a long time, no matter how the U.S. economy development, agriculture and forestry products, particularly agricultural products has always been one of its pillar industries. .This and the United States has a lot of land, forests and other rich natural resources are inseparable. .Unlike the United States, China's resource endowment of natural resources is not, and in human resources. .This determines the pillar industries in the selection of human resources must play. .In the current international financial crisis and before the rise of trade protectionism, we have to expand domestic demand, on the other hand to stabilize the external demand, continued expansion of international trade, to our human resources advantages into economic advantages into reality. .As long as we have comparative advantage in labor, we need to continue to develop labor-intensive industries, and labor-intensive aspects of high-tech industries. .Third, in some cases, large country can achieve in a number of pillar industries in the international dominance. .20 years after World War II period, the United States in almost all industries have achieved international competitive advantage. .This shows that different large and small countries, small countries with limited resources can only focus on the development of one or a few industries, power is not, you can also develop in some special time in many industries. .China is a large population, vast territory, large regional differences in productivity levels and more power, therefore, at this stage for the development of heavy-does not exclude some local areas will be developed as a pillar industry of other industries, and might have .multiple industries internationally competitive. .Fourth, vigorously strengthen national defense and science and technology research program, will help the country maintain a lead in emerging industries. .Issued by the United States as the first industrialized countries, technology-driven industrial development of its industrial backbone of the main driving force, of which the U.S. defense program and made major contributions toward scientific and technological research. .The degree of industrialization and the developed countries in the smaller gap between the reality of the case, this approach can learn. .China should vigorously develop the aerospace industry, the route of large aircraft, aircraft carriers and other advanced technology industries, and enhance our capacity for independent innovation, promote China's industrial structure upgrade. .Fifth, favorable international opportunities to capture the advantages of a country's pillar industries of culture and continuity. .United States successfully seize a number of international opportunities, including opportunities for the two world wars, the United States has extended to the edge of the industry around the world, and to the gradual decline of the domestic industry to develop overseas. .90 years, some of the decline in the domestic industry by means of information technology, even to become a pillar industry in the United States. .The current international economic crisis, for China's enterprises "going out" strategy will be a rare opportunity, consider a number of industries a competitive advantage to other countries to go. .Sixth, the right to play the role of government is conducive to the development of pillar industries and a smooth transition. .The current top ten in China industrial restructuring and revitalization plan, need further clarification of the government, associations and corporate responsibilities. .To play a leading role in the government, government intervention is not to make micro-business activities of enterprises, but to give full play to the government to provide those factors of production, competition order and a defender, forward-looking decision-makers question the role and support the smooth development of pillar industries .restructuring and upgrading. .(The author is Research Associate, Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS) extended reading process in the evolution of industrial structure in Japan's industrial policy in Japan dominated. .Economic recovery period (1946-1955): in maintaining agricultural and textile industry at the same time, the use of "key mode of production" policy, with U.S. assistance, oil production of steel, with steel increase production of coal, and to promote the development of electric power and fertilizer sectors. .High economic growth period (1956-1973): The iron and steel, electric power, shipbuilding, petrochemical, automobile, home appliance as the pillar industries. .Heavy is the process, the entire industry to achieve the high-class. .Industrial structure adjustment period (1970-1980): the oil crisis of 1973 prompted Japan to the industrial structure adjustment. .Vigorously develop the processing and assembly industry and tertiary industry. .Changes in industrial structure during the (1980 -): Promoting the development of new micro-electronics, bio-engineering and new materials, high-tech industries. .Industrial structure from external demand-led domestic demand-led transition. .Evolution of industrial structure in Korea South Korea through foreign loans to complete the process of industrial restructuring. .First Five Year Plan (1962-1966): great support textile, food processing, focusing on the development of "import substitution." .Loans by $ 350,000,000 and chemical materials into electricity and other leading industries. .The second five-year plan: focus on the development of labor-intensive export processing industries. .Loans to promote the use of $ 3,380,000,000 of the series, and specialized industrial enterprises. .The third five-year plan: focus on developing technology-intensive industries, and vigorously support machinery, metallurgy, chemical, and electronic and other heavy chemical industry, to determine the "top ten strategic industry." .Fourth Five-Year Plan: a focus on industrial technology development, 67% of foreign loans for the manufacturing sector. .Completed the transition to industrialization, established the pillar industries. .Twentieth century, 90's, identified 20 species of Korean industry as a major support export industries. .Both the first revelation, give full play to the Government in the industrial structure adjustment in the leading role. .Second, the industrial division of labor into the economic globalization of the international division of labor, industrial restructuring should not be limited to the region, country. .Third, accept the transfer of industry, but also needs to be loss of competitiveness of local industries to other regions. .Fourth, the use of technology to promote industrial upgrading..

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