Monday, April 25, 2011

Fed: U.S. economy will likely continue to deteriorate.

U.S. stocks ended lower on Tuesday, mainly because Alcoa (Alcoa) decline in the fiscal first quarter earnings, Advanced Micro Devices (Advanced Micro Devices) is lower than analysts expected income expectations, the U.S. February existing home sales index also contracted the weak .Fed announcement with the contents of the last meeting showed the central bank officials expect the economy could deteriorate, which increased investor worries about the economy, science and technology shares leading the decline; market will usher in the next few weeks, a large number of performance reports. .<P 0px> Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 35.99 points to 12,576.44 points, down 0.29%; and a few days ago compared to relatively small fluctuations. .Day trading range of only 81.50 points, which is the lowest level this year. .Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 7 points to 1,365.54 points, down 0.51%. .The Nasdaq composite index fell 16.07 points to 2348.76 points, down 0.68%. .</ P> <P> Fed meeting on March 18, the sharp interest rate cuts of 0.75 PCT, on Tuesday announced the contents of that meeting shows that many central bankers that the economy could be "serious long-term decline." .Analysts said the recession synonymous with the wording. .But it is worth noting that not all central bank officials hold this view, Dallas and Philadelphia Fed will cut the total branch against the aggressive rate cut. .</ P> <P> In addition, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress last week that while he still expected the economy to grow further in the first half, but it also exists the possibility of recession. .</ P> <P> Other analysts said the modest decline in the stock market on Tuesday, reflecting the stock market over the past few weeks, has already had some improvement. .The stock market showed resilience, seems intent on higher. .But if earnings bad news, the stock market is still easy to fall. .</ P> <P> "The Wall Street Journal" reported, Washington Mutual had cut dividends, and expected loss than expected, which gives pressure on financial stocks. .Washington Mutual fell $ 1.34, to $ 11.81, down 10.2%. .The company had also said that once again 3.5 billion provision for loan loss provisions, and closed 186 home loan centers nationwide. .</ P> <P> PNC Wealth Management Bill Stone, chief investment strategist, said the accounting treatment of financial companies are special to other industries, such expenditures included the impact of operating profit for the financial companies will not like so much. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) View of the upcoming bank earnings have been overshadowed by negative sentiment, many Wall Street investors have turned their attention to other areas, hoping to obtain information about the economy and the credit crunch .of the latest information. .</ P> <P> Birinyi Associates, said Cleve Rueckert, research analyst, investor focus will shift to other companies, especially industrial and energy companies, then we can really see the subprime mortgage and credit crisis more .the impact of the wider economy. .</ P> <P> late Monday, Alcoa first-quarter profits in the case of higher aluminum prices are still down 54%, by energy and environmental costs and the impact of a weaker dollar. .Alcoa fell 26 cents Tuesday to $ 37.18, down 0.7%. .</ P> <P> technology stocks leading the decline on Tuesday, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. fell 31 cents, to $ 6.03, or 4.9%, to 6.03 dollars. .The chip maker announced that it will lay off 10%, and the expected first-quarter revenue below Wall Street's lowered expectations. .</ P> <P> Advanced Micro Devices, the company's top rival Intel (Intel) closed down 67 cents to $ 21.08, down 3.1%. .</ P> <P> Stone said, long ago people thought that Advanced Micro Devices and Intel are good prospects, it is clear now the situation has not the same. .</ P> <P> Apple (Apple) fell $ 3.05, to $ 152.84, down 2%. .Prior to Morgan Keegan will be Apple's rating from the line and down to underperform the broader market. .Morgan Keegan said the downgrade one of the reasons is that more and more evidence that the United States and Europe in general decline in consumer technology spending. .</ P> <P> 2 January home sales data, while far from bad, but also help the stock market once off session lows, but the data still did not meet market expectations. .National Association of Realtors (National Association of Realtors), announced in February pending home sales index fell 1.9% last month. .Affected by the report, housing construction stocks there plunged, Lennar fell $ 1.81, to $ 20, down 8.3%. .KB Home fell $ 1.33, to $ 26.01, down 4.9%. .Pulte Homes fell 92 cents to $ 14.94, down 5.8%. .</ P>.

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