Monday, April 25, 2011

Fed: Subprime crisis far from over.

<P> Subprime ills to cure, U.S. and European governments have launched a number of financial reform, but the Fed believes these measures are a move to remedy the situation, and can not prevent the spread of the subprime mortgage crisis continues, the world will once again usher in the biggest since the Great Depression era .shock. .<P> (Http://finance.) Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn and many other senior officials in the seven-nation summit on Sunday, said that current troubles far from over. .Kohn said, "The market is still in a period of adjustment, the bubble has not completely precipitated the current financial environment remains fragile. At present the work we can do is try to keep the financial system more flexible, through the absorption of liquidity will eliminate the adverse effects .invisible, while enhancing market transparency if the effect will be better. "<P> Seven finance ministers also said that their current measures can not prevent the spread of crises in the future. .Regulators can mitigate future impact of the financial market crisis, but can not stop the crisis. .Because it is difficult to have a mechanism to the birth of the beginning of the crisis can accurately judge them. .However, in seven countries <P> summit, finance ministers and bankers have agreed to launch a 100-day timetable for reform scheme, the bank losses were measured, and the banks involved in the transaction of non-current .the case of sub-prime mortgage bonds for publication. .</ P>.

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