Monday, April 25, 2011

United States is now "cold" the.

<P> Tired by the subprime mortgage crisis, the last 3 months last year, U.S. economic growth was slowing, negative 26 again came the bad news trend. .Which house price index, last December, more than 20 cities in the U.S. housing price index decreased by 9.1% a year earlier, higher than economists had expected 8.2% decline. .The slump in house prices, consumer confidence is low when no reduction in the momentum of U.S. inflation, prices continued to rise. .</ P> <P> ■ Inflation momentum ferocious </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, house prices in the doldrums this is a sign of economic slowdown, but released the same day, the price index has shown, U.S. goods .prices continued to rise, inflation ferocious momentum. .</ P> <P> U.S. Labor Department released data show that in January, the U.S. wholesale price index (PPI) rose 1%. .The index represents the prices do not include consumption tax and sales costs. .Over the past 12 months, the U.S. wholesale price index rose 7.4% in October 1981 was the biggest increase since. .</ P> <P> food and energy price inflation in the United States the "culprit." .This year in January, the U.S. Food prices rose 1.7%, 8.3% higher than last year; energy prices rose 1.5%, 22.6% higher than the same period last year. .</ P> <P> is worth noting that even excluding food and energy price factors, the United States in January this year, still higher than last year's commodity price index rose 2.3% last month by 2%. .Inflation that the U.S. inflation severe. .United States, "Business Week" on the 26th reported: "inflation figures increasingly reflect the change in overall economic impact from prescription drugs, soap, disinfectant, platinum and gold jewelry to the wide range of commodity prices." </ P> <P> United States .housing slump, inflation data raises concerns, because it may indicate a recession and inflation, stagflation phenomenon occurs in parallel. .</ P> <P> ■ recession and inflation parallel </ P> <P> Typically, economic growth would increase inflation overheating, causing price increases; the other hand, the economic slowdown could act as a "cooling" effect, ease inflation .pressure. .Current trends show the U.S. economy is different from the above two cases. .Last summer, the subprime mortgage crisis, U.S. economic growth slowed down significantly. .26's housing price index fell, the unemployment rate and the recent downturn in consumer confidence and signs of further evidence to go higher, the U.S. economic slowdown has become a trend. .On the U.S. economic situation, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said: "We are slowing." Although the U.S. economic slowdown, inflation, the situation has not improved, 26 reported the wholesale commodity price index can be proved. .Data show that the current U.S. economic slowdown and inflation in parallel exists. .70s in the 20th century, the U.S. economy and the similar but more extreme cases, is what economists call "stagflation." .26, after the release of economic data, the U.S. economy into stagflation once again become a hot topic. .United States, "Business Week" reported the same day entitled "looks like stagflation ... ...." .U.S. economic and financial information company, "economic decision-making company," chief economist Yilunsainai said: "Compared with the 70's, I'd say only considered mild form of stagflation, but still the same 'animal'." </ P .> <P> ■ dilemma at the macro-control </ P> <P> the current situation that the U.S. economy in a macro-control dilemma. .</ P> <P> the one hand, the recent slow growth of the U.S. economy nearly stalled, but to stimulate economic development in the macro-control inflation, the situation could deteriorate. .On the other hand, if the implementation of tight fiscal policy, although able to alleviate inflationary pressures, but not conducive to stimulating economic growth. .</ P> <P> U.S. Federal Reserve Board in particular now face daunting challenges. .U.S. financial Web site senior financial analyst Greg McBride said: "The Fed is now busy 'front door' occupied by the economic slowdown, it appears that inflation has crept into the 'back door'." < ./ P> <P> last summer subprime mortgage crisis, the Fed has repeatedly macro-control measures taken since last September has been its benchmark interest rate from 5.25% to the current 3%. .</ P> <P> Many analysts believe the Fed is unlikely to solve the economic slowdown and inflation, while the two issues. .Global financial research firm Economist Brian Betty satisfied that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke can not be "two-war." .He believes that the most urgent task is to promote economic growth rather than inflation. .He said: "This is the will to fight battles, you can later fight against inflation." Market expectations in the March 18 Fed meeting may again cut rates. .</ P> <P> ■ is "like a bad cold" </ P> <P> Some analysts believe that the short term can not conclude that the U.S. economy, the stagflation of the prophecy is just unfounded. .</ P> <P> Morgan Stanley economist Richard Berner believes that the continuing weakness of the U.S. economy, inflationary pressures will gradually dissipate sooner or later. .He said: "I believe that with rising costs, the company earnings will be affected soon, but is unlikely to pass to consumers." </ P> <P> Richard, chief economist at Argus Research, Lung Amazon .is that, despite the poor performance of real estate and financial sector, the overall U.S. economy is not in recession, inflation is more worthy of concern. .For example, he said that the U.S. agriculture has signs of overheating. .Over the past 12 months, the United States eggs, macaroni and agricultural wholesale price index rose 60.1%, 30.4% and 2%. .</ P> <P> Associated Press reported that the era of stagflation and 70 double-digit inflation rate when compared to the current U.S. inflation and unemployment data indicators still optimistic. .In 1975, the U.S. unemployment rate up to 8.5%, while the unemployment rate is now 4.6%. .</ P> <P> economist Bettina global financial research firm, said that if that stagflation is a serious illness, and that the present situation the United States "like a bad cold." .</ P>.

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