Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bush bonuses 130 million U.S. households and Share.

<P> Week ahead of schedule, began managing the U.S. government tax rebate program. .U.S. President George W. Bush acknowledged on Friday the U.S. economy is weak, I hope the implementation of the economic stimulus plan will help Americans offset the gasoline and the impact of rising food prices, while promoting slow the U.S. economy out of trouble. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) As a rule, only the time to declare income tax law of 2007 personnel eligible to receive a refund. .U.S. Treasury Department announced on Saturday the domestic tax department, this week the first batch will be sent via e-tax refund, the first batch of tax rebate will be direct deposit by way of bank deposits to bank accounts of Americans. .Direct deposit will begin this Friday. .According to the IRS plan to send rebates to American families will be held May 9 single start one week earlier than previously planned. .All rebate checks will be issued in July 11. .</ P> <P> 2 between U.S. Government has launched a 168 billion U.S. dollars in economic stimulus package, tax rebate is an important content. .Based on individual income tax rebate program to provide a one-time tax rebate, tax rebates up to $ 600 individuals, a couple up to $ 1,200, and each child can receive $ 300, about 130 million U.S. households will benefit. .In addition, small enterprises will be part of the rebate. .</ P> <P> the Bush administration hoped that the implementation of the plan can enhance consumer confidence and promote the increase in consumer spending, thereby stimulating economic growth in the United States. .Bush on Friday said that from Monday, the U.S. government's economic stimulus package emerge from the national family. .He believed that with the progress of tax refund action, Americans will thus gain strength response of food, fuel prices, helping slow the U.S. economy out of the predicament. .</ P> <P> Democratic Party, said he was pleased to see tax rebate program to be implemented, but that the multinational oil companies should not be an economic stimulus plan relief object. .Before the U.S. Congress that, due to rising oil prices, tax rebate checks will eventually be most into the pockets of oil-exporting countries. .Economists believe that implementation of the scheme effectiveness, depending on whether the person will get tax rebates for consumption. .</ P> <P> Bush had previously said in a speech in the hope that tens of thousands of families as soon as possible after receipt of the money used for consumption, to promote U.S. economic growth. .However, some Members have criticized the U.S. Congress, said rising oil prices, the tax rebate checks, most will eventually fall into the pockets of oil-exporting countries. .</ P> <P> According to the latest data show U.S. consumer confidence index in April from 69.5 the previous month fell to 62.6, reflecting the Americans about energy prices and concerns about rising food prices. .And last Friday, Bush's speech on economic stimulus plan seemed to ease the market's downturn, declining consumer confidence and inflation fears, rising again with the U.S. stock market last week end. .</ P>.

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