Friday, April 15, 2011

Bernanke dictator accused of conspiracy.

<P> Hands full this week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke - has just concluded a two-day monetary policy meeting, busy with the outside world to quell inflation, depreciation of the dollar and worries about rising interest rates government bonds, but also to cope with the Congress on the Merrill Lynch yesterday .events called. .However, now is not whether he was worried about re-election next year, when the most embarrassing, to the number of members of Congress for his mercilessly hunters. .</ P> <P align=left> Congress was "Strike Hard" </ P> <P> 6 25, the House of Representatives Government Reform Committee under the supervision and Merrill Lynch last year's events have played the roles Bernanke .a sternly questioned. .Bernanke's misdeeds Republicans also prepared a memorandum, most of the material referenced in the Merrill Lynch takeover is on the Federal Reserve has issued some of the e-mail and internal documents. .Purpose is to permit Mingbonanke Merrill Lynch Bank of America's disastrous merger with a conspiracy to play the role of dictator. .E-mail and document evidence of fair hearing to one hundred Bernanke. .</ P> <P> Bernanke defended himself saying that he was not on the U.S. M & A matters for bank management to the threat and did not direct any person to take threats to, and he also did not rise and the Fed Bank of America .pressure to prevent any of its Merrill Lynch announced a loss of information. .</ P> <P align=left> monetary policy is nothing new </ P> <P> announced June 24 the Federal Reserve to maintain a zero interest rate policy unchanged, keeping U.S. interest rates in the range of zero to 0.25%, but the emphasis on economic downturn .degree of mitigation, for a long period of time continue to maintain a relaxed monetary policy. .Although the current zero interest rate policy has brought benefits to consumers, but the continued loose monetary policy to the trillions of dollars into the financial system may exacerbate U.S. inflation pressures. .</ P> <P> Many economists believe the Fed now entered a new, stable policy stage in the process, will be enacted regulatory measures have been previously based. .Continue to buy U.S. treasury bonds, mortgage-backed securities, reducing consumer debt and other issues, the Fed does not introduce new content, only repeated that the changes in economic conditions will continue to evaluate acquisition of its securities and the amount of time. .Previously, the Fed announced plans to buy 300 billion U.S. dollars debt, so far, has purchased 177.5 billion U.S. dollars of debt. .</ P>.

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