Friday, April 15, 2011

U.S. economic "decoupling" is misleading?.

U.S. economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2007, slowed sharply to 0.6%, the data before and after the introduction of the parties are busy with the U.S. authorities led to fiscal policy to stimulate the economy, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis became the world's first countries to adopt economic stimulus package, which has made for .U.S. recession doubts and debates, as well as whether the world economic outlook revised, modified by how much of the controversy. .February 15 Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the U.S. economy and the global decoupling is a "long-term topics," he said shortly after the possibility of a U.S. recession more than 50%, this implies no doubt that the market might lead the U.S. recession .will not drag on the direction of the global economy, and the EU in fact has so far insisted the position of good economic fundamentals, see "The U.S. economy and the global decoupling" or "the U.S. credit crisis and global decoupling", and even limited prospects for world economic correction .The argument is quite the market. .(Http://finance.) 2008 years, IMF first series of lower global economic growth, and for the EU over economic growth dropped significantly from 2.0% to 1.3%, IMF Chairman of Kahn and later pointed out that the materialization of downside risks to global economy, .essence of, and urged a global level, government intervention, he believes the current round of crisis is global, so-called decoupling theory is totally misleading. .But in Germany since the beginning of strong industrial output growth, supported by the EU Juncker, Chairman of the IMF's forecasts did not agree that the EU's economic growth continues to reach 1.6 to 1.8 percent, and said "IMF forecast economic growth in the euro zone slightly .Some pessimistic "," IMF growth forecasts for the euro area the lack of careful observation of the facts ", and firmly support the European Central Bank kept interest rates unchanged stance against inflation, so-called" decoupling "there is" misleading "the actual situation is difficult .identified, then the truth in the end that is what it? ."Decoupling" is a long-term proposition decoupled from the U.S. or the U.S. economy and the global credit crisis and global decoupling, not only appeared after the subprime crisis, and perhaps more directly some of Greenspan said that "decoupling" since he .either when the Fed chairman appeared, after the U.S. subprime crisis sharply tightening credit markets, but will "decouple" economic growth from the more general topic shifted to the financial markets, in fact implied that the U.S. has lost in the world .leadership, the U.S. economy and even the global financial markets has significantly reduced the influence, and thus whether a U.S. recession or the credit crunch around the world have substantially enhanced immunity. .Even in the presence of military and political fields "decoupling theory" is nothing more than a superpower to the United States by the super powers, but also means that the U.S. global influence and control over a substantial decline in the development of the global trend of multi-polarization, .U.S. military and political developments in the field and getting out of line with the global changes. .But "decoupling" by no means be accomplished overnight, even the U.S. political, economic and military power is difficult to maintain global leadership, the U.S. and global decoupling, as Greenspan has said will be a "long-term proposition" and the long process .And from the world economic development and changes in the macro perspective, the U.S. economy and the global decoupling is that the U.S. economy's close ties with the global level has been relaxed. .The role of China's economic growth engine, driven by emerging markets and BRIC countries, the emergence of DiamondMax 11 countries and the EU economy as the euro rose more than the total of these new changes in the United States, and even settlement of Iran's oil trade in euros and urged OPEC to stop .oil trade in U.S. dollars, established in St. Petersburg, Russia, the ruble-denominated oil exchanges, have reflected the multi-polarization and economic globalization of the world occurred during the re-adjustment of economic structure, the process leading U.S. and influence .Although the decay will not suddenly disappear, but even the unusually strong economy in Germany, the Bundesbank President Axel Weber also admitted that "the global economy can not be decoupled with a permanent U.S. economy", so the influence of the United States on the global change will be a .long process. .Not rule out the IMF is misleading as President of Kahn said, "decoupling" of the people is misleading. .In the second debt only prolong the crisis, the global spread after spread to the particular field of global commodity prices and lead to global commodity prices, "3.19" crash, the "decoupling" for encouraging more and more like a pure market confidence " .misleading ", because after a sharp fall in commodity prices will inevitably fall into after a long-term instability, this instability and then passed to the different areas and types of enterprises, thereby affecting the profitability of businesses expected to shake the global market-based economic growth, the loss of market confidence to .gradually passed from the credit crunch, as well as to different areas of production and price of investment, leading to amendments to the magnitude of the global economy increase, in fact, a substantial slowdown in the U.S. economy will eventually be reflected in the global economy going, then all the contents of the "decoupling .On "In addition to actually have a partial role in inspiring confidence in the market, the market does not have a real basis for the purpose of misleading as the market for different components to be even greater. ."Decoupling" is a prospect despite the different elements of the "decoupling" has its purpose and background behind the different, but this no doubt reflects the different regions of the world and from the field dominance of the United States a strong protest, reflecting the .the development of a global trend and the trend of multi-polarization, this polarization not only in political and military fields, but also the most deeply infiltrated every corner of the world economy, even in the world economic imbalance is also manifested itself is the global imbalances ."decoupling" as a consequence of force development, so do not rule out future appears the U.S. economy and global prospects of a considerable degree of decoupling. .However, the U.S. will not stand still, not willing to global leadership and influence in the weakening of the neo-conservative Bush has pursued, launched in Afghanistan, the Iraq war, to promote NATO expansion, missile defense systems, and even the first use of the ABM .destroy space satellites, the system's actions show of force, have a profound reflection of the decline of U.S. global leadership can not be reconciled in the hard-line stance, and the "decoupling" of this "long-term proposition," need to practice history is not easy, Kahn called the "decoupling .On a misleading "is based on the current U.S. global leadership is still in reality, the cautious strategy for the actual market..

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