Sunday, April 3, 2011

Robust in much of the first super faltering Hillary Obama.

<P> Associated Press released a 25th national opinion poll, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama received 46% of the vote, Hillary Clinton ahead by 3 percentage points, this is Barack Obama .the first time, leading Clinton in national polls. .In the primaries, which won 11 games after the victory, relying on the white male, middle class and liberal groups such as the obvious advantage of voters, the heady catch Obama in national polls, Clinton faltering .to attack the party presidential nomination. .</ P> <P> Hillary ticket bunker was not guaranteed </ P> <P> It http://finance. News, the Associated Press released a national poll two weeks ago showed Clinton leading Obama .Ma 5 percentage points. .But that poll, Obama has won primaries victory in 11 games, some originally supported Hillary Clinton's "superdelegates" have switched to the Obama camp. .</ P> <P> 25 to the latest Associated Press national poll showed that white men and liberals in the two groups of voters, Obama received support for Hillary leading 23%, respectively, and 17 .%. .Two weeks ago in the national polls, Obama and Hillary split this part of the "ticket bunker." .The national mid-January poll, Hillary voters in all men's support for Barack Obama leading by 7 percentage points. .</ P> <P> The latest national polls show Obama voter groups in the college students out of support for Hillary Clinton 20%. .But a month ago, two in support for this group is also comparable. .In addition, Obama at the annual income of 50,000 to 100,000 U.S. dollars is also a substantial group of voters ahead Hillary, Hillary two weeks ago in support of the voters rate the group Obama 13%. .</ P> <P> scheduled for November's presidential election, respondents were more optimistic about Obama for the Democratic Party against Republican presidential candidate John McCain favorite. .New national polls show Obama and McCain vs. Clinton twice higher than the leading edge. .</ P> <P> 1011 the United States and the Democratic supporters of Democratic registered voters received the survey. .Democrats believe that the majority of respondents, "superdelegates" should support the campaign in the primaries who dominated. .The Associated Press said that in terms of the current situation, this election should be Obama. .</ P> <P> Obama Ohio chase </ P> <P> Meanwhile, the U.S. 奎尼皮亚克 University released a poll showed that support for Clinton in Ohio is still leading .Obama, the leading margin is shrinking. .</ P> <P> Ohio and Texas are scheduled to be held March 4 Democratic primaries. .Hillary's husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said earlier that Clinton only won Ohio and Texas, and we may get the party nomination. .</ P> <P> poll, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in Ohio points were 51% and 40% of the vote. .Hillary leading 11% to 21% margin than two weeks ago, was shrinking. .</ P> <P> 奎尼皮亚克 University, Peter Brown, assistant dean of investigation, said: "Hillary Clinton leading in Ohio remains substantial, but the trend of shrinking lead is worth worried about her because her husband Bill Clinton have .said she must win Ohio. "</ P> <P> Brown said:" If Hillary to stop Obama's momentum in Ohio, we must continue in the core 'ticket bunker' in substantially ahead of the competition, which .groups, including women voters, older voters, income levels and low education levels of voters. "</ P> <P> University of Cincinnati published the same day, another poll, Clinton received 48% in Ohio .support rate, Obama 8 points ahead. .</ P> <P> news </ P> <P> Hing also the U.S. presidential election, "photo door" </ P> <P> when the United States within the Democratic Party's presidential candidate when the battle is heating up, Barack Obama 2006 .on a visit to Kenya wearing local traditional Muslim dress a photograph on the internet. .Before this, there is about Obama and Muslim "source" deep in the rumor, people suspected that Hillary Clinton Barack Obama in the use of this photo to discredit a war of words between the Democratic campaign started two. .</ P> <P> small site photo controversy </ P> <P> in the photo, Obama wearing a white turban, wearing a white Muslim robes. .It is reported that the Muslim style of dress is this Obama visit to Kenya in 2006 when the northeastern Wajir local elders gave him a gift. .</ P> <P> this picture on February 25 was published in the spread of gossip like personal news site "Drudge Report" on. .The site said the picture was taken by "Clinton campaign members" offer is a Clinton campaign aide sent to us by e-mail. .But the site did not disclose the name of the campaign aide, also did not provide evidence of receiving e-mail. .</ P> <P> photo was made public, Obama visit to Kenya was accompanied by retired Air Force Gen. Scott Gray, apply by telephone to the media that when Obama visited Kenya in order to understand the situation of the local tribes. ."During the visit, Obama received a set of clothes as a gift. As a guest, Obama accepted the gift and the request of the owner try a bit," Gray Shen Yue, "things are often similar .place in us. "</ P> <P> Obama camp Rage </ P> <P> for the" photo "incident, the Obama interview in Texas, declared that voters for the" see .kinds of ugly political phenomenon will be sorry. " .He explained: "We all know that, whether it is me, Senator Hillary Clinton, or Bill Clinton (former president) in visits to other countries when the local traditional clothing may be sent to you as a gift, and ask you to .try it. "</ P> <P> Obama charged that Clinton's campaign tried to use this picture as a tool to discredit him, but also on the same day Clinton gave a speech talking about how to improve relations with other countries .relationship, which "make people feel sad." .</ P> <P> responsible 戴维普劳菲 Obama campaign condemned the Clinton campaign is "to take all political parties since the elections the candidate with the most shameful, most offensive trick." .</ P> <P> Clinton camp calm </ P> <P> for the "Drudge Report" Web site of the allegations, Clinton's spokesman Howard Wolfson told reporters by telephone: "I want to explain .point, we do not know it, there is no approval for such acts. We know nothing about, have not seen the so-called e-mail. If any person take the initiative to report on their own with this thing, I will this .welcomed. "</ P> <P> Clinton himself told ABC interview statement:" I do not know anything about ... ... but I want to ask about, 'Why are people concerned about this?' " .As for the Obama camp's violent reaction, Clinton campaign head Maggie Williams was back. .She said the Obama camp's response intended to expand the incident and scattered voter attention. ."Enough!" She said in a statement: "If the Obama camp that Obama wearing a traditional dress in Kenya does not and will cause the photos, they should be ashamed for this idea. Clinton visit other .countries, also wearing traditional local costumes, and will widely publicize these photos. "The statement also said:" This is nothing but a trick was to try to focus voters on national issues to distract from, they have been trying to create .condemn not, and. "</ P> <P> Obama's" background "</ P> <P> religious issues in recent years in the United States plays an important role in the election, and Obama's Muslim background is often father .by its opponents as an excuse to attack him. .</ P> <P> last December, two Clinton campaign volunteer who forwarded an e-mail, saying that Obama is a Muslim and said he might want to destroy the United States. .The two men later resigned. .But according to reports, in fact, Obama has never been a Muslim, but Christians, is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ. .Nevertheless, about his remarks and the Muslims You Guage been circulated on the Internet. .</ P> <P> Obama was born in Hawaii, his late father was a black student from Kenya, but also a Muslim and his mother is white. .Parents divorced when he was two years, after which he saw his father only once, compared to a black man, a brave mother and grandmother tutor strict ideal of shaping Obama's character and greater impact. .</ P>.

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