Friday, April 15, 2011

Fox TV host "anti Sunzhao" disgusting.

<P Align=center> host, Fox News Channel O'Reilly can not wait for the anti-China forces Weapon, teaching viewers how to "let the Chinese lose face." .</ P> <P> 4 月 9 日 pass the Olympic torch in San Francisco the day, Western media staged three successive "farce": First, when the Olympic torch was forced to divert due to security concerns, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC .) host the live broadcast of the news even when they laugh a few times, no cover manifested in feelings of schadenfreude and said, "(the torch relay case of interference) to the IOC embarrassed, embarrassing the Chinese government, .Let San Francisco embarrassment "; Second, the U.S. Cable News International (CNN) news commentator Jack Cafferty on the" Situation Room Seminar "program while attacking the Olympic torch relay, while viciously vilified by the Chinese people," In the past .50 years has been the Chinese people are basically a bunch of goons and thugs "; Third, the U.S. Fox News Channel host O'Reilly and Miller, guest laugh," O'Reilly the truth, "the talk show, but also can not wait .Weapon for the anti-China forces to teach the audience how to "let the Chinese lose face." .</ P> <P> Related Reading: CNN excuse to insult Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of speech: CNN will lack credibility </ P> <P> poison of discrimination of the CNN host made it ignorance or shameless? </ P> <P> .CNN Cafferty talk nonsense Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the </ P> <P>.

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