Monday, April 25, 2011

United States tens of thousands of GM workers nationwide strike.

<P>: Http://finance. News, United Auto Workers union (UAW) labor negotiations with the representatives of enterprises, the largest U.S. car manufacturer General Motors, the negotiations between the companies before the deadline without an agreement, GM's .73,000 employees from 24 noon to hold a national strike began. .U.S. media said it was the United States since 1976, caused due to labor negotiations, the first nationwide strike. .According to the Canadian Auto Workers said the strike affected by the United States, Canada, a General Motors production line has been forced to close, and another four will be closed in the next few days. .</ P> <P> GM's last major strike in 1998, when GM production in North America, almost to a standstill. .If the strike lasts too long, it is likely to operate to bring this to the general poor hit. .</ P> <P>】 【contradictions </ P> <P> layoff plans and health insurance fund problems </ P> <P> U.S. Eastern Time at 11:00 on the 24th (GMT 23:00) just after the General Motors Corporation .In the Delta Township plant have more than 1,000 employees out of the workplace, hold high the "UAW strike" strike started the slogan. .</ P> <P> "New York Times" reported that recent negotiations between employers and employees the principal contradiction in the work focused on the protection of employees and employee health insurance fund problems. .GM is currently underway until the 2008 plan to lay off 2 million people, while the union is opposed to cuts in order to maintain stable employment, the negotiations eventually broke down. .</ P> <P> GM has been promoting the establishment of a "voluntary employee benefits association" (VEBA) trust fund, responsible for serving and retired employees and their families to provide medical insurance. .In this way, GM can not guarantee to its retired employees health care expenditure obligations of 51 billion U.S. dollars transferred to the trust fund. .U.S. media reported that nearly 339,000 existing GM retirees and their spouses. .</ P> <P> last week, although both sides have already reached a framework agreement establishing the Trust Fund, but is difficult to bridge their differences on the details of the agreement, such as General should ask how much money the trust fund, and so on. .</ P> <P> UAW strike the main 席罗恩格特尔 Finger told the media after the deadline, employees of job security issue is one of the main points of disagreement, he held between employers and employees complained about a "one-sided ."negotiations..格特尔芬格 said that the Federation will continue to strive for employee benefits. .</ P> <P> "negotiations have been along the direction of GM, but at the expense of the cost of staff," 格特尔芬格 said, "when the company faced a deadline if it did not care." </ .P> <P> 丹弗洛雷斯 after GM spokesman expressed regret for the strike and said the two sides will continue to seek to resolve the problem. .</ P> <P> 【Background】 </ P> <P> strike last 2.2 billion loss </ P> <P> is unclear whether both sides will compromise future negotiations, but the two sides .the situation seems to have the strike are well prepared to work. .</ P> <P> "New York Times" reported that, UAW now has nearly 9 billion dollars a strike fund. .Federation of the car if the employees are on strike, UAW will have to pay them 200 dollars per person per week to cover the strike caused economic losses to employees. .This means, UAW can afford a strike that lasted more than two months. .</ P> <P> According to U.S. media quoted the National Automobile Dealers Association chief economist Paul Taylor as saying that while the company's staff held a nationwide general strike, but GM still has a reserve of 65 days of the finished car, .enough to withstand a short strike. .</ P> <P> However, Taylor believes that even if the auto companies can support more than two months time, the cut-off situation, the economic losses caused by the strike is also very high for the company. .For example, GM's UAW workers in 1998 through the strike, the only two GM parts plant's strike gave the company 54 days caused loss of 2.2 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> "In my opinion, we have no party won the negotiations," GM has been working 31 years for the employees participating in the strike, said, "come to this point, it is too bad .a. "</ P> <P>.

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