Monday, April 25, 2011

Wal-Mart's bank might face a new abortion bill.

<P> Never been a commercial organization like Wal-Mart industrial bank for concern, and even cause the U.S. political special financial institutions for this new understanding. .</ P> <P> Monday, a co-sponsored by the U.S. bipartisan bill will probably completely ruin the American way commercial companies, banks, financial institutions and to rebuild the barriers between commercial enterprises and its impact comparable to 1956 .years, "Bank Holding Company Act." .</ P> <P> the new bill by the Ohio Republican Congressman Paul Gillmor and Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank jointly, under the Act, commercial enterprises will not be allowed to establish new industrial bank (ILC). .The effect of this bill will be retroactive to June 1, 2006. .</ P> <P> addition to limiting the commercial sector to set up industrial banks, the bill also requires the current needs of the industrial banks in the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up, while the FDIC will be granted more rights, which can be as .The Fed's bank supervision, as supervision of industrial banks. .</ P> <P> Financial Services Committee, U.S. Congress (House Financial Services) will hold a hearing Wednesday. .And as early as last month, 98 members of Congress sent a letter to FDIC had jointly concluded in Congress to persuade them to stop before the application for approval of new commercial banks. .</ P> <P> Although the current United States federal law allowed commercial enterprises involved in banking, but the industry is not banking law in the United States was included in the bank category. .According to FDIC data as of 2004, the United States a total of 59 industrial banks, the total assets of 140 billion U.S. dollars. .It seems unfair for the bank because no bank can have a Wal-Mart or General Motors. .</ P> <P> Gillmor and Frank said that this will lead to commercial enterprises and the blurred boundaries between the banking industry, while ILC itself, there are also problems of inadequate supervision. ."Congress and the FDIC must collaborate to develop legislation to maintain the banking sector and the line between commercial enterprises." Gillmor said in a statement on Monday. .</ P> <P> the entire financial sector program for the new look mixed. .American Bankers Association (ABA) and the American Community Bankers Association (ICBA) endorsed the new program. .American Bankers Association President EdwardYingling even that "commercial enterprises that should not have a bank." .</ P> <P> but the American Financial Services Association (ASFA) has said that industry will be able to help commercial enterprises to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. .</ P> <P> "Eventually, (with Industrial Bank) will mean that consumers can get cheaper prices and more choice." American Financial Services Association Vice President Lynne Strang also said in a statement Monday. .</ P>.

United States tens of thousands of GM workers nationwide strike.

<P>: Http://finance. News, United Auto Workers union (UAW) labor negotiations with the representatives of enterprises, the largest U.S. car manufacturer General Motors, the negotiations between the companies before the deadline without an agreement, GM's .73,000 employees from 24 noon to hold a national strike began. .U.S. media said it was the United States since 1976, caused due to labor negotiations, the first nationwide strike. .According to the Canadian Auto Workers said the strike affected by the United States, Canada, a General Motors production line has been forced to close, and another four will be closed in the next few days. .</ P> <P> GM's last major strike in 1998, when GM production in North America, almost to a standstill. .If the strike lasts too long, it is likely to operate to bring this to the general poor hit. .</ P> <P>】 【contradictions </ P> <P> layoff plans and health insurance fund problems </ P> <P> U.S. Eastern Time at 11:00 on the 24th (GMT 23:00) just after the General Motors Corporation .In the Delta Township plant have more than 1,000 employees out of the workplace, hold high the "UAW strike" strike started the slogan. .</ P> <P> "New York Times" reported that recent negotiations between employers and employees the principal contradiction in the work focused on the protection of employees and employee health insurance fund problems. .GM is currently underway until the 2008 plan to lay off 2 million people, while the union is opposed to cuts in order to maintain stable employment, the negotiations eventually broke down. .</ P> <P> GM has been promoting the establishment of a "voluntary employee benefits association" (VEBA) trust fund, responsible for serving and retired employees and their families to provide medical insurance. .In this way, GM can not guarantee to its retired employees health care expenditure obligations of 51 billion U.S. dollars transferred to the trust fund. .U.S. media reported that nearly 339,000 existing GM retirees and their spouses. .</ P> <P> last week, although both sides have already reached a framework agreement establishing the Trust Fund, but is difficult to bridge their differences on the details of the agreement, such as General should ask how much money the trust fund, and so on. .</ P> <P> UAW strike the main 席罗恩格特尔 Finger told the media after the deadline, employees of job security issue is one of the main points of disagreement, he held between employers and employees complained about a "one-sided ."negotiations..格特尔芬格 said that the Federation will continue to strive for employee benefits. .</ P> <P> "negotiations have been along the direction of GM, but at the expense of the cost of staff," 格特尔芬格 said, "when the company faced a deadline if it did not care." </ .P> <P> 丹弗洛雷斯 after GM spokesman expressed regret for the strike and said the two sides will continue to seek to resolve the problem. .</ P> <P> 【Background】 </ P> <P> strike last 2.2 billion loss </ P> <P> is unclear whether both sides will compromise future negotiations, but the two sides .the situation seems to have the strike are well prepared to work. .</ P> <P> "New York Times" reported that, UAW now has nearly 9 billion dollars a strike fund. .Federation of the car if the employees are on strike, UAW will have to pay them 200 dollars per person per week to cover the strike caused economic losses to employees. .This means, UAW can afford a strike that lasted more than two months. .</ P> <P> According to U.S. media quoted the National Automobile Dealers Association chief economist Paul Taylor as saying that while the company's staff held a nationwide general strike, but GM still has a reserve of 65 days of the finished car, .enough to withstand a short strike. .</ P> <P> However, Taylor believes that even if the auto companies can support more than two months time, the cut-off situation, the economic losses caused by the strike is also very high for the company. .For example, GM's UAW workers in 1998 through the strike, the only two GM parts plant's strike gave the company 54 days caused loss of 2.2 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> "In my opinion, we have no party won the negotiations," GM has been working 31 years for the employees participating in the strike, said, "come to this point, it is too bad .a. "</ P> <P>.

American consumers tightening purse continued weakness of economic fear.

<P> U.S. consumer spending last month, an increase of the smallest since last June, Jan. 26 in the week ended also the first time jobless claims surge by 6.9 million to 37.5 million, the highest since a record level since early October, and .Since the September 2005 record the largest increase since, that the economy may continue to weaken. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. The American people face the moment of falling house prices, shares fell, oil prices and increased lending standards, a series hit, had to tighten the purse. .U.S. consumer spending accounts for 70% share of economic output, a significant reduction in the expenditure of hard to turn around the inevitable drag on the U.S. economy. .The weak job market, reduced consumer spending Gengrang, forming a vicious circle. .In order to boost the spending power of the people, the Federal Reserve (Fed) continued to reduce interest rates, the Government is discussing the public release of the 111 million tax rebate checks. .However, these measures may bear fruit slowly. .</ P> <P> 31, the U.S. Commerce Department announced last month, consumer spending rose 0.2%, and 11 months of an increase of 1%. .Interview Bloomberg News economist adjusted median growth estimate of 0.1%. .Consumer spending rose 5.5% in 2007, an increase over the past 4 years minimum. .</ P> <P> report showed that personal income in December rose 0.5% in November last year, revenues increased 0.4%. .Bloomberg's visit to transfer the results that rise economists expected value of 0.4%. .Personal consumption expenditures price index for the first 3 months rose 0.2%. .</ P> <P> In addition, the same day the U.S. Labor Department said initial claims for unemployment benefits last week, the number of Jan to 27-month high, more than expected. .Increase in the number 69000 to 375000. .Analysts expected initial jobless claims last week rose to 32 million people is. .</ P> <P> week before the initial jobless claims were revised to increase to 30.6 million in 6000, the original release is reduced to 30.1 million in 1000. .Over the past four weeks, the average increase in initial jobless claims to 325,750 people 10,250 people. .January 19 in the week ended, the total number of U.S. unemployment benefits rose by 4.7 million to 272 million. .</ P> <P> released the report, the Beijing night 9:54,10 31-year U.S. Treasuries yield 3.62% from 30 down to 3.58%. .S & P 500 index futures fell 1.3% reported to 1333.70 points. .</ P>.

United States is now "cold" the.

<P> Tired by the subprime mortgage crisis, the last 3 months last year, U.S. economic growth was slowing, negative 26 again came the bad news trend. .Which house price index, last December, more than 20 cities in the U.S. housing price index decreased by 9.1% a year earlier, higher than economists had expected 8.2% decline. .The slump in house prices, consumer confidence is low when no reduction in the momentum of U.S. inflation, prices continued to rise. .</ P> <P> ■ Inflation momentum ferocious </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, house prices in the doldrums this is a sign of economic slowdown, but released the same day, the price index has shown, U.S. goods .prices continued to rise, inflation ferocious momentum. .</ P> <P> U.S. Labor Department released data show that in January, the U.S. wholesale price index (PPI) rose 1%. .The index represents the prices do not include consumption tax and sales costs. .Over the past 12 months, the U.S. wholesale price index rose 7.4% in October 1981 was the biggest increase since. .</ P> <P> food and energy price inflation in the United States the "culprit." .This year in January, the U.S. Food prices rose 1.7%, 8.3% higher than last year; energy prices rose 1.5%, 22.6% higher than the same period last year. .</ P> <P> is worth noting that even excluding food and energy price factors, the United States in January this year, still higher than last year's commodity price index rose 2.3% last month by 2%. .Inflation that the U.S. inflation severe. .United States, "Business Week" on the 26th reported: "inflation figures increasingly reflect the change in overall economic impact from prescription drugs, soap, disinfectant, platinum and gold jewelry to the wide range of commodity prices." </ P> <P> United States .housing slump, inflation data raises concerns, because it may indicate a recession and inflation, stagflation phenomenon occurs in parallel. .</ P> <P> ■ recession and inflation parallel </ P> <P> Typically, economic growth would increase inflation overheating, causing price increases; the other hand, the economic slowdown could act as a "cooling" effect, ease inflation .pressure. .Current trends show the U.S. economy is different from the above two cases. .Last summer, the subprime mortgage crisis, U.S. economic growth slowed down significantly. .26's housing price index fell, the unemployment rate and the recent downturn in consumer confidence and signs of further evidence to go higher, the U.S. economic slowdown has become a trend. .On the U.S. economic situation, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said: "We are slowing." Although the U.S. economic slowdown, inflation, the situation has not improved, 26 reported the wholesale commodity price index can be proved. .Data show that the current U.S. economic slowdown and inflation in parallel exists. .70s in the 20th century, the U.S. economy and the similar but more extreme cases, is what economists call "stagflation." .26, after the release of economic data, the U.S. economy into stagflation once again become a hot topic. .United States, "Business Week" reported the same day entitled "looks like stagflation ... ...." .U.S. economic and financial information company, "economic decision-making company," chief economist Yilunsainai said: "Compared with the 70's, I'd say only considered mild form of stagflation, but still the same 'animal'." </ P .> <P> ■ dilemma at the macro-control </ P> <P> the current situation that the U.S. economy in a macro-control dilemma. .</ P> <P> the one hand, the recent slow growth of the U.S. economy nearly stalled, but to stimulate economic development in the macro-control inflation, the situation could deteriorate. .On the other hand, if the implementation of tight fiscal policy, although able to alleviate inflationary pressures, but not conducive to stimulating economic growth. .</ P> <P> U.S. Federal Reserve Board in particular now face daunting challenges. .U.S. financial Web site senior financial analyst Greg McBride said: "The Fed is now busy 'front door' occupied by the economic slowdown, it appears that inflation has crept into the 'back door'." < ./ P> <P> last summer subprime mortgage crisis, the Fed has repeatedly macro-control measures taken since last September has been its benchmark interest rate from 5.25% to the current 3%. .</ P> <P> Many analysts believe the Fed is unlikely to solve the economic slowdown and inflation, while the two issues. .Global financial research firm Economist Brian Betty satisfied that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke can not be "two-war." .He believes that the most urgent task is to promote economic growth rather than inflation. .He said: "This is the will to fight battles, you can later fight against inflation." Market expectations in the March 18 Fed meeting may again cut rates. .</ P> <P> ■ is "like a bad cold" </ P> <P> Some analysts believe that the short term can not conclude that the U.S. economy, the stagflation of the prophecy is just unfounded. .</ P> <P> Morgan Stanley economist Richard Berner believes that the continuing weakness of the U.S. economy, inflationary pressures will gradually dissipate sooner or later. .He said: "I believe that with rising costs, the company earnings will be affected soon, but is unlikely to pass to consumers." </ P> <P> Richard, chief economist at Argus Research, Lung Amazon .is that, despite the poor performance of real estate and financial sector, the overall U.S. economy is not in recession, inflation is more worthy of concern. .For example, he said that the U.S. agriculture has signs of overheating. .Over the past 12 months, the United States eggs, macaroni and agricultural wholesale price index rose 60.1%, 30.4% and 2%. .</ P> <P> Associated Press reported that the era of stagflation and 70 double-digit inflation rate when compared to the current U.S. inflation and unemployment data indicators still optimistic. .In 1975, the U.S. unemployment rate up to 8.5%, while the unemployment rate is now 4.6%. .</ P> <P> economist Bettina global financial research firm, said that if that stagflation is a serious illness, and that the present situation the United States "like a bad cold." .</ P>.

U.S. stocks down financial stocks were particularly bleak.

<P> U.S. stocks ended sharply lower Thursday, as investors in the credit and mortgage market worries; Annaly Capital Management, Washington Mutual and the Swiss Bank (UBS) down, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (Wal-Mart Stores) and H & .; R Block is against the market trend. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, Dow Jones Industrial Average index closed down 214.60 points to 12,040.39 points, down 1.75%; Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 29.36 points to 1304.34 points, down 2.2 .%; the Nasdaq composite index fell 52.31 points to 2220.50 points, down 2.3%. .</ P> <P> steadily throughout the day today, the stock market lower on news that Carlyle Group (Carlyle Group) unit of Carlyle Capital and Thornburg Mortgage failed to meet margin requirements. .The news also dragged down other financial stocks, the stock of such a heavy blow. .</ P> <P> ads Wells Capital Management's chief investment strategist at James • Paulson (James Paulsen) said the weakness in financial stocks was the catalyst behind the bank will write down people's concerns more assets, If so ., the credit crunch will worsen; today is really worried about the stock market decline caused economic reports released this week doing quite well. .</ P> <P> mortgage-related shares were hit. .Thornburg Mortgage and a subsidiary of The Carlyle Group said they failed to meet the residential mortgage-backed securities related to additional margin requirements. .Banking, mortgage lending financial institutions, particularly mortgage real estate investment trust (REIT) suffered heavy losses. .Annaly Capital Management fell $ 3.47, to $ 15.81, down 18%. .</ P> <P> government-sponsored mortgage finance agencies Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae, referred to as: Fannie Mae) or $ 2.57, to $ 21.70, down 11%. .Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Federal Home Loan Mortage Corporation, Freddie Mac) or $ 1.50, to $ 20.14, down 6.9%. .</ P> <P> other financial stocks were also weak. .CIT Group tumbled $ 4.50, to $ 15.86, down 22%. .Keefe, Bruyette & Woods said, CIT Group could not be diminished in mind a large number of private student loan portfolio assets and the company expected first-quarter earnings per share down from 76 cents to 8 cents. .</ P> <P> Swiss Bank fell $ 1.31, to $ 29.52, down 4%, due to market concerns about the bank again, the more massive write-downs of assets related to U.S. housing loans. .</ P> <P> Merrill Lynch (Merrill Lynch) lost $ 3.46, to $ 45.86, down 7%. .The company on Thursday said it has more than 20 billion dollars of revenue options liquidity instruments (LYON) related articles were amended to increase the conversion rate of 17%. .Merrill Lynch said the bill would increase the redemption date for two days, respectively, September 13, 2010 and March 13, 2014; holders may require Merrill Lynch will redeem the notes. .</ P> <P> Washington Mutual fell $ 1.04, to $ 11.76, down 8.1%. .Bear Stearns (Bear Stearns) Washington Mutual analysts cut profit forecasts. .Bear Stearns also lowered its National City, Wells Fargo (Wells Fargo) and SunTrust Banks of the fiscal year earnings forecasts. .National City fell 62 cents to $ 14.52, down 4.1%. .Wells Fargo fell $ 1.15, to $ 27.83, down 4%. .SunTrust fell $ 2.20, to $ 54.23, down 3.9%. .</ P> <P> H & R Block rose 59 cents to $ 17.83, or 3.4%. .The company's third-quarter loss narrowed. .</ P> <P> retailers report monthly sales release has also been a concern. .As Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in February same-store sales strong growth over the same period by 2.6%, an increase of 1.1% more than previously expected, thus the stock as the Dow Jones stock index on Thursday only a rising stock. .The stock rose 43 cents to $ 49.98, or 0.9%. .</ P>.

Fed: U.S. economy will likely continue to deteriorate.

U.S. stocks ended lower on Tuesday, mainly because Alcoa (Alcoa) decline in the fiscal first quarter earnings, Advanced Micro Devices (Advanced Micro Devices) is lower than analysts expected income expectations, the U.S. February existing home sales index also contracted the weak .Fed announcement with the contents of the last meeting showed the central bank officials expect the economy could deteriorate, which increased investor worries about the economy, science and technology shares leading the decline; market will usher in the next few weeks, a large number of performance reports. .<P 0px> Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 35.99 points to 12,576.44 points, down 0.29%; and a few days ago compared to relatively small fluctuations. .Day trading range of only 81.50 points, which is the lowest level this year. .Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 7 points to 1,365.54 points, down 0.51%. .The Nasdaq composite index fell 16.07 points to 2348.76 points, down 0.68%. .</ P> <P> Fed meeting on March 18, the sharp interest rate cuts of 0.75 PCT, on Tuesday announced the contents of that meeting shows that many central bankers that the economy could be "serious long-term decline." .Analysts said the recession synonymous with the wording. .But it is worth noting that not all central bank officials hold this view, Dallas and Philadelphia Fed will cut the total branch against the aggressive rate cut. .</ P> <P> In addition, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress last week that while he still expected the economy to grow further in the first half, but it also exists the possibility of recession. .</ P> <P> Other analysts said the modest decline in the stock market on Tuesday, reflecting the stock market over the past few weeks, has already had some improvement. .The stock market showed resilience, seems intent on higher. .But if earnings bad news, the stock market is still easy to fall. .</ P> <P> "The Wall Street Journal" reported, Washington Mutual had cut dividends, and expected loss than expected, which gives pressure on financial stocks. .Washington Mutual fell $ 1.34, to $ 11.81, down 10.2%. .The company had also said that once again 3.5 billion provision for loan loss provisions, and closed 186 home loan centers nationwide. .</ P> <P> PNC Wealth Management Bill Stone, chief investment strategist, said the accounting treatment of financial companies are special to other industries, such expenditures included the impact of operating profit for the financial companies will not like so much. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) View of the upcoming bank earnings have been overshadowed by negative sentiment, many Wall Street investors have turned their attention to other areas, hoping to obtain information about the economy and the credit crunch .of the latest information. .</ P> <P> Birinyi Associates, said Cleve Rueckert, research analyst, investor focus will shift to other companies, especially industrial and energy companies, then we can really see the subprime mortgage and credit crisis more .the impact of the wider economy. .</ P> <P> late Monday, Alcoa first-quarter profits in the case of higher aluminum prices are still down 54%, by energy and environmental costs and the impact of a weaker dollar. .Alcoa fell 26 cents Tuesday to $ 37.18, down 0.7%. .</ P> <P> technology stocks leading the decline on Tuesday, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. fell 31 cents, to $ 6.03, or 4.9%, to 6.03 dollars. .The chip maker announced that it will lay off 10%, and the expected first-quarter revenue below Wall Street's lowered expectations. .</ P> <P> Advanced Micro Devices, the company's top rival Intel (Intel) closed down 67 cents to $ 21.08, down 3.1%. .</ P> <P> Stone said, long ago people thought that Advanced Micro Devices and Intel are good prospects, it is clear now the situation has not the same. .</ P> <P> Apple (Apple) fell $ 3.05, to $ 152.84, down 2%. .Prior to Morgan Keegan will be Apple's rating from the line and down to underperform the broader market. .Morgan Keegan said the downgrade one of the reasons is that more and more evidence that the United States and Europe in general decline in consumer technology spending. .</ P> <P> 2 January home sales data, while far from bad, but also help the stock market once off session lows, but the data still did not meet market expectations. .National Association of Realtors (National Association of Realtors), announced in February pending home sales index fell 1.9% last month. .Affected by the report, housing construction stocks there plunged, Lennar fell $ 1.81, to $ 20, down 8.3%. .KB Home fell $ 1.33, to $ 26.01, down 4.9%. .Pulte Homes fell 92 cents to $ 14.94, down 5.8%. .</ P>.

Fed: Subprime crisis far from over.

<P> Subprime ills to cure, U.S. and European governments have launched a number of financial reform, but the Fed believes these measures are a move to remedy the situation, and can not prevent the spread of the subprime mortgage crisis continues, the world will once again usher in the biggest since the Great Depression era .shock. .<P> (Http://finance.) Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn and many other senior officials in the seven-nation summit on Sunday, said that current troubles far from over. .Kohn said, "The market is still in a period of adjustment, the bubble has not completely precipitated the current financial environment remains fragile. At present the work we can do is try to keep the financial system more flexible, through the absorption of liquidity will eliminate the adverse effects .invisible, while enhancing market transparency if the effect will be better. "<P> Seven finance ministers also said that their current measures can not prevent the spread of crises in the future. .Regulators can mitigate future impact of the financial market crisis, but can not stop the crisis. .Because it is difficult to have a mechanism to the birth of the beginning of the crisis can accurately judge them. .However, in seven countries <P> summit, finance ministers and bankers have agreed to launch a 100-day timetable for reform scheme, the bank losses were measured, and the banks involved in the transaction of non-current .the case of sub-prime mortgage bonds for publication. .</ P>.

Ignore the economic downturn remains clear that the Federal Reserve cut interest rates no longer.

Fed officials have recently seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, clearly expressed in external speech can not stand further interest rate cuts, which the central bank interest rate policy over the past liked to play with words rather than on direct that the attitude of different. .<P> (Http://finance.) Fed Governor Warsh (Kevin Warsh) last week, announced that the economy will weaken further if the Fed should cut interest rates again the voice said no. .Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn (Donald Kohn) and Yellen, president of San Francisco Federal Branch (Janet Yellen) also said that the existing level of interest rates "appropriate." .</ P> <P> they are in the clear Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues released a message last month that the Fed two years of the most radical rate cut cycle may be close to the end. .This wave of rate cut cycle started in September last year after spending several months in the U.S. economy began to show results. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> but that does not suffer from real estate, credit and financial market crisis hit the U.S. economy from the bottom to Tough Questions. .By business and labor market situation and short-term economic outlook worsening pessimism increased impact, economic council by the April consumer confidence index of 62.8 (as amended) fell to 57.2 in May, the highest in October 1992 (54.6 .) has been low. .This means that consumers will continue to cut spending to cope with economic slowdown. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Nevertheless, the Fed still want to cut interest rates under its drastic tax cuts coupled with government programs, be available in the next .half of the revitalization of the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> energy, food and other commodity prices continued to rise, fueling inflation and slow economic concerns warming, and further interest rate cuts may make the situation worse. .In fact, the Fed last cut interest rates in April to say "some reluctance", when two members for fear of the Fed decision to cut interest rates against inflation. .</ P> <P> Many economists believe that the next Fed meeting on June 24-25 in decision-making meetings, to keep interest rates unchanged at four-year low of 2 PCT. .</ P> <P> Cohen said, to keep interest rates at this level, should help improve the economy and employment and reduce inflation. .Aquino Golden Gate University School of Business Dean Connelly said, the Fed cut interest rates again to promote its position do not want to be wise. .</ P>.

U.S. July CPI 17-year record high of U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate increase is expected to increase.

<P> Recently released U.S. government data showed, by food, energy, air and clothing prices push U.S. July consumer price index (CPI) increase over the same period to reach the highest level in 17 years. .</ P> <P> 7 月 CPI year on year rise 5.6% </ P> <P> U.S. Department of Labor recently announced the previous July CPI rose 0.8%. .Prior to June's CPI increase of 1.1%. .July, which excludes food and energy, core CPI rose by 0.3% straight month. .Dow Jones survey of economists expect the overall CPI in July rose 0.4%, core CPI rose 0.2%. .</ P> <P> 7 月份 CPI rose by 5.6%, the highest since January 1991 the highest level. .Core CPI increased a more modest 2.5% a year earlier, but still higher than the 1.5% -2% of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) long-term goals. .</ P> <P> report, July 4% of U.S. energy prices, gasoline prices rose 4.1%, natural gas prices rose 7.4%, food and beverage prices rose 0.9%, medical care prices rose a slight 0.1%. .It should be noted that the price of other core industries have soared, suggesting that the rise in headline inflation may have started to spread in other areas of the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> In addition, U.S. apparel prices in July rose 1.2% last month, the highest increase in 10 years. .Transportation prices rose 1.7% compared with June, ticket prices rose 1.3%, reflecting the rise in fuel prices. .New car prices edged up 0.2%, reflecting the decline in demand. .In the CPI index, accounted for 40% of the total housing prices in June rose 0.6%. .Rents rose 0.3%. .</ P> <P> Fed "focus" inflation </ P> <P> the Federal Reserve announced on August 5, for 2% of the federal funds target rate, which commercial banks overnight call rate unchanged. .</ P> <P> the Fed said in a statement, the U.S. economy remain downside risks, and the upside risks to inflation and the Fed another "significant concern." .It should be noted that judgments about inflation, the Fed's wording of the 5th statement stronger than the last. .Said in a statement: "As early energy and other commodity prices, inflation is already high, and some indicators of inflation expectations also rose ... ... Open Market Committee will also focus on upside risks to inflation." </ P> <P> Analysts .pointed out that as energy and commodity prices retreated this month, and the dollar began to strengthen, in July's CPI report is not likely to make Fed officials to raise interest rates in the short term, because the U.S. economy still faces rising unemployment and a slowdown in consumer spending .difficulties. .</ P> <P> Although the core CPI rise, but market is still widely expected, the Fed this year will continue to maintain official interest rates unchanged. .If the next few months, the core CPI continues to rise, the market expects the Fed will raise interest rates later this year. .</ P>.

Virtualization economic miracle by the end of the U.S. economy hit the core.

For the United States Government and the Federal Reserve's subprime mortgage crisis intensified, has issued a series of relief measures. .How the U.S. economic outlook, whether by strengthening financial supervision and the "nationalization" out of the woods? .Nankai University, one of this Task Force believes that the U.S. financial crisis is the virtual end of the economic expansion of the core of the economic crisis caused by the United States, the financial crisis is the evolution for the economy and the dollar crisis, the U.S. has been difficult on their own will be towed back to the normal operation of the economic track, .its influence in the world economy's decline is a foregone conclusion. .Expansion of the U.S. economy virtual <P> "tipping" the financial crisis </ P> <P> "trigger a global economic downturn of the financial crisis, one of the root causes of the outbreak of the virtual economy over the U.S. expansion." </ P> <P .> Sun Yefang Laureate in Economics, Nankai University, Economics and Management of Virtual Liu Jun, director of research under long-term follow people found the fifties and sixties of last century, the U.S. manufacturing entity to rapid economic growth, products for the world needs .current account surplus, the United States dollar output through the capital account deficit. .And in recent decades, the United States experienced a process of de-industrialization, manufacturing jobs, the real economy continue to weaken. .Statistics show that the U.S. real economy to create the GDP proportion of its total GDP, from 61.78% in 1950 fell to 33.99% in 2007. .</ P> <P> Professor Liu Junmin said, to keep the rest of the world provide in-kind goods and resources in the United States, the U.S. current account deficit continued through out the world U.S. dollars. .High-currency inflows into the main U.S. consumption growth is also supporting an important factor in the United States virtual economy. .</ P> <P> process of the Virtual Economy, the U.S. economy is increasingly dependent on the ability to maintain the continuous growth of monetary income, because people are not maintaining the standard of living to see what can meet their production needs, .is to see the Americans do not have enough money income to consumption of products from around the world. .</ P> <P> the U.S. economy the most notorious of virtualization is the risk of financial leverage to the entire distribution of economic activities. .</ P> <P> Liu Junmin that banks and other financial institutions to low-income home loans, consumer loans for consumers, such as stock trading, after financing, through the timely recovery of capital securities, the bank's lending ability to change almost .have no limits. .Although this will increase the number of financial assets and financial transactions of the scale, but the risk will be distributed to the purchase of these securities in the hands of institutions or investors. .If these securities into options, futures field, they will once again have a "leverage effect." .The role of various financial leverage intertwined, the risk of the operation of the U.S. economy will continue to grow. .</ P> <P> relief measures and the market economy conflict with core values </ P> <P> as the deepening financial crisis, the U.S. government has also introduced a comprehensive economic rescue plan. .February 17 this year, President Obama signed a total of 787 billion U.S. dollars of the "American recovery and re-investment plan"; 18, the White House announced the top 275 billion U.S. dollars of the buyers solvency and stability of the scheme; 26 .Government Youxiang Congress the 2010 total of 3.55 trillion U.S. dollars in fiscal year budget. .</ P> <P> "these measures are very difficult to fundamentally solve the economic problems facing the United States." </ P> <P> Liu Jun said the people from the external environment required for economic recovery, the United States recently introduced a series of policies ., is the Roosevelt "New Deal" has been the largest, the deepest level, the widest range and most prolonged government intervention. .This makes the opposite of the United States to financial liberalization, promotion of the United States to the world the concept of free market economy by the fatal blow, forcing the United States and farther away from the market economy. .</ P> <P> "financial, real estate, lawyers, consultants and other high-end services that support the core of the U.S. economy. The development of these services are highly dependent on financial liberalization. At present, both financial institutions managed by the regulator to .strengthening the system control until control measures are all the U.S. financial liberalization in the opposite direction. will also affect the extent of these core economic recovery. "</ P> <P> In addition, the equivalent of the United States directly to the relief measures .nationalization of bad debts. .Financial crisis is a problem of bank credit, nationalization is bad and doubtful debts to support the national credit bank credit, but decided the key to the U.S. national credit abroad, the current situation is not optimistic: the U.S. current account deficit has been 25 years, outside of .difficult to sustain confidence in the U.S. economy, more and more bearish and the future of American States. .</ P> <P> the United States needs international assistance to defuse the crisis </ P> <P> 2009 年 3 months of data show that the average American credit scale been restored. .However, Nankai University, Research Center for Virtual Research on Economics and Management believe that the U.S. financial services industry mainly refers to the investment banking and securities business, traditional business does not mean the recovery of the financial services industry as a pillar industry of the recovery. .</ P> <P> and the United States is now the financial crisis has deeply linked with the dollar crisis. .Fell outside of U.S. dollar assets would cause the sell-off of dollar assets, the dollar exchange rate fell further, the two form a vicious circle. .</ P> <P> Jun Min Liu, said a possible solution to the current crisis means that the United States for Europe, Asia and the real economy and strong state, with their domestic currency to buy dollars to prop up the dollar's international status. .U.S. dollar assets held by countries and enter into currency swap agreements, on the one hand nailed to the dollar assets abroad (countries holding U.S. dollar assets are no longer sold), on the other hand with the other currencies to purchase dollar assets to support .U.S. dollar and U.S. asset prices will not decline. .But supporters, help the U.S. also means that they bear the risk of paying for the United States. .</ P> <P> his analysis, the dollar crisis, if intensified, the end result can only be allowed in the shrinking U.S. dollar in world currency, we should work together for bear the loss. .If other countries can share in America's foreign economic burden caused by virtualization, at least give the U.S. a long time to repair all kinds of loopholes in the domestic economy and increase the proportion of the real economy, reduce the proportion of the virtual economy, making both .the development of the virtual economy is no longer showing the trend of the real economy compressed, thus fundamentally changing the economic structure of virtual risks caused by too high. .</ P> <P> "In fact, America faces a dilemma: to rely on ever-expanding virtual economy is not sustainable, but also the financial, real estate services, including the virtual economy is impossible to restore the level before the financial crisis; back .support the real economy, the old road, which means to rebuild the industrial system, it very difficult to accomplish in the short term. "Jun Min Liu said. .</ P>.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Metoprolol restaurant zaosu: fries with carcinogens

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California Attorney General Lockyer, before this issue on 9 famous fast food chains and food manufacturers.

United States California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, · recently 9 famous fast food chains and food manufacturers, ask the Court to force them to be labelled with the warning of its French fries, potato chips in carcinogen acrylamide content. This is the United States prosecutorial authorities first fries lawsuit containing carcinogens.

According to the Los Angeles Times reports that on 27 may be Lockyer, allegations of fast food outlets including McDonald 's, KFC, Burger King, food manufacturers including Procter & gamble etc, according to the laws of the United States, enterprises must be clear and to the public "reasonably" marked its products potentially dangerous substances. Lockyer, emphasized that he did not encourage people not to eat French fries, fries temptation "is difficult to deny", but consumers have the right to know what they eat French fries in excess of carcinogens.

The scientific community has proven that high levels of acrylamide can make experimental animals suffering from cancers of the reproductive system. 1990, California law will it include carcinogens. In 2002, Sweden scientists first confirmed, potatoes and other foods rich in starch eaten fried at high temperatures will produce an excessive amount of acrylamide, which makes the fries and crisps danger to health, for the first time was recognized.

In March of this year, the UN food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), a joint expert Committee published a summary report noted that certain foods in non-intentional sexual generated acrylamide pollutants may cause public health problems. McDonald's fast food such as "foreign" brunt, because their fries and several "red" food is named, is this is referred to as the "c", "harmful content is very high.

In its report, the experts pointed out that certain foods, especially rich in carbohydrates, low protein food, frying, grilling, baking and other high temperature cooking will produce acrylamide, and so-called "high temperature" standard refers to temperatures above 120 degrees centigrade. According to data provided by countries, with the main food of acrylamide with fries and crisps, coffee as well as some of the grain processing products, such as pastries and sweet biscuits, bread, rolls and toast.

Lockyer's indictment cited California Office of environmental health hazard assessment data that fast food French fries in the acrylamide content, average reach legal requirements must be warned of 125 times; supermarket sales of potato chips of acrylamide, is warning of 75 times. In recent years there has been some consumer groups for acrylamide questions prosecution of fast-food restaurants and food manufacturers.

At the same time, the United States to a new study shows that women in childhood eat fries, may increase their risk of breast cancer in adult life, this discovery to eat French fries harmful health perspectives provides up-to-date evidence.

According to the United States in August, the International Journal of cancer reported, Harvard researchers to 582 female breast cancer patients and 1569 name healthy women as research subjects, and their eating habits for a questionnaire, and let their mother recalls survey objects in the infancy of eating habits. Results found in childhood eat fries of female, adult activities have a higher risk of breast cancer, women in 3 to 5 years old a week eating fries, adult life breast cancer risk is increased by 27%.

For the fast food chains and food manufacturers of lawyers said, fries and warning labels may be misleading, since consumers would consider only fast food production of French fries and potato chips that contain acrylamide. In fact, even if consumers themselves with potatoes cooked fried at high temperatures to produce food, but also contain this substance.

2006 global competitiveness in the United States fell from 1 to 6 of

2006 global competitiveness rankings 2006 United States from 1st to 6th position in the area of concern to the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum) annual competitiveness ranking list, the United States ranking from No. 1 to no. 6-bit, in Switzerland, the Nordic countries and Singapore.

The increasingly serious economic imbalances, public bodies, the relative lack of efficiency and transparency, as a result of the United States this year rankings drop.

Declinedfrom12th were France, from 12th to 18th place, because of its macro-economic, institutional and market efficiency score relatively low.

The ranking of the World Economic Forum, is a measure of the economic potential of one of the more important indicators, as it is in the calculation of the total integrated a lot of different indicators.

Headquartered in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum, has been on 2006-07 annual wefsaid, incorporating many new indicators of competitiveness, increase its role as the medium pointer States of accuracy.

But the ranking of tiny changes (such as the United Kingdom from the ninth to tenth place) and does not indicate competitiveness decreased significantly, because the national ranking near each other differences are small. World Economic Forum on the weight of different indicators, will seriously affect ranking status.

World Economic Forum commended the United Kingdom institutions and product and labor market efficiency, but also said that the United Kingdom business innovation suchas Germany and other countries.

World Economic Forum competitiveness index of major producers Augustus? Lopez-Claudia g SRE (Augusto Lopez-Claros) said that the ranking of the most useful is that you can see the obvious changes in the countries of the total, trends over time.

He said the current people like to keep everything and Brazil, Russia, India and China and other fast-growing emerging markets, but this approach could not afford to pay close attention.

For the serious concern of Russia, the country ranking from last year's 53 bits down to 62. Lopez-Claudia g SRE said, despite high oil prices let Russia economy with good performance, but "you must use the money to just" so that enterprises in the country.

China's ranking from No. 48-bit reduced to 54, reflected in the protection of intellectual property rights of the country encounter great difficulties in Brazil's economy is being "fragile".

Citigroup negative impact of the three major U.S. stock indexes down.

<P>: Http://finance. News by U.S. financial giant Citigroup bad news, 5, the three major New York stock market index fell across the board. .</ P> <P> 4, Citigroup said in a statement by the sub-prime crisis, the group Jiangzai to 8 billion to 11 billion U.S. dollars in writedowns. .Citigroup announced in mid-October according to the third quarter earnings report, the group quarter write-down of assets and subprime losses totaled 6.5 billion dollars. .The news exacerbated investor concerns about the severity of the credit crisis, and to suppress the New York stock market. .</ P> <P> 5 New York stock market closed, the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average index over the previous trading day down 51.70 points to close at 13,543.40 points, down 0.38%. .The Nasdaq composite index fell 15.20 points to close at 2795.18 points, down 0.54%. .Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 7.48 points to close at 1502.17 points, down 0.50%. .</ P> <P> major indexes in the three major European stock markets also fell across the board that day. .London's "Financial Times" 100 stock average fell 1.06% to close at 6461.40 points. .Frankfurt DAX index fell 0.53% to close at 7807.55 points. .Paris CAC40 stock index fell 0.63% to close at 5684.62 points. .</ P>.

U.S. economic weakness, "New York Times" For reduction of 100 employees.

<P> The weak U.S. economy and the sharp increase in the pressure of competition from the Internet, the United States, one of three major newspaper, "The New York Times" recently announced that this year it would cut 100 editorial and publishing staff. .</ P> <P> According to the Associated Press reported, "The New York Times" executive editor Bill Keller in a staff meeting on the 14 announced the decision, but he said the job cuts, mainly through attrition and a one-time buyout .implementation, but does not rule out the possibility of dismissal. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, "New York Times," the spokesman said Francis Kaiser Lin Ma, a total of 1332 news newspaper reporters and editors, therefore the total number of the layoffs of nearly equivalent to all the editorial team .8%. .This will be the "New York Times" editorial team of the first staff reductions in recent years. .</ P> <P> big news, another American publishing company - Chicago Tribune Company 13, also announced that to save costs, the Chicago Tribune will cut its Los Angeles newspaper and other newspapers and hundreds of newspaper and magazine jobs. .</ P> <P> forced by increasing competition and the Internet, the U.S. economic slowdown, the nation's major news publishers advertising revenue has shrunk, leading them to have to take other measures to cut jobs to save costs. .</ P>.

Japanese official: the sub-prime loss of 215 billion U.S. dollars global crisis.

<P> Takashi Sato, Japan's Financial Services Agency Executive, the text said that so far the global financial industry, the sub-prime related losses have been as high as 215 billion U.S. dollars, of which the loss of U.S. institutions accounted for 55%. .</ P> <P> 78.5 billion U.S. dollars, according to the World, Asian and Canadian institutions for losses totaling about 13.7 billion U.S. dollars. .Japanese financial institutions in the fourth quarter financial report http://finance. Hearing, Sato Long Wen said the European financial institutions in the sub-prime crisis in the subprime mortgage-related loss of loss of about 6,000 billion yen (5.8 billion), and .loss of limited compared to other countries. .JP Morgan recently released a report, due to deteriorating U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, Wall Street is facing a "systemic margin call" risk, banks may therefore capital loss of $ 325,000,000,000. .</ P>.

U.S. economic "decoupling" is misleading?.

U.S. economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2007, slowed sharply to 0.6%, the data before and after the introduction of the parties are busy with the U.S. authorities led to fiscal policy to stimulate the economy, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis became the world's first countries to adopt economic stimulus package, which has made for .U.S. recession doubts and debates, as well as whether the world economic outlook revised, modified by how much of the controversy. .February 15 Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the U.S. economy and the global decoupling is a "long-term topics," he said shortly after the possibility of a U.S. recession more than 50%, this implies no doubt that the market might lead the U.S. recession .will not drag on the direction of the global economy, and the EU in fact has so far insisted the position of good economic fundamentals, see "The U.S. economy and the global decoupling" or "the U.S. credit crisis and global decoupling", and even limited prospects for world economic correction .The argument is quite the market. .(Http://finance.) 2008 years, IMF first series of lower global economic growth, and for the EU over economic growth dropped significantly from 2.0% to 1.3%, IMF Chairman of Kahn and later pointed out that the materialization of downside risks to global economy, .essence of, and urged a global level, government intervention, he believes the current round of crisis is global, so-called decoupling theory is totally misleading. .But in Germany since the beginning of strong industrial output growth, supported by the EU Juncker, Chairman of the IMF's forecasts did not agree that the EU's economic growth continues to reach 1.6 to 1.8 percent, and said "IMF forecast economic growth in the euro zone slightly .Some pessimistic "," IMF growth forecasts for the euro area the lack of careful observation of the facts ", and firmly support the European Central Bank kept interest rates unchanged stance against inflation, so-called" decoupling "there is" misleading "the actual situation is difficult .identified, then the truth in the end that is what it? ."Decoupling" is a long-term proposition decoupled from the U.S. or the U.S. economy and the global credit crisis and global decoupling, not only appeared after the subprime crisis, and perhaps more directly some of Greenspan said that "decoupling" since he .either when the Fed chairman appeared, after the U.S. subprime crisis sharply tightening credit markets, but will "decouple" economic growth from the more general topic shifted to the financial markets, in fact implied that the U.S. has lost in the world .leadership, the U.S. economy and even the global financial markets has significantly reduced the influence, and thus whether a U.S. recession or the credit crunch around the world have substantially enhanced immunity. .Even in the presence of military and political fields "decoupling theory" is nothing more than a superpower to the United States by the super powers, but also means that the U.S. global influence and control over a substantial decline in the development of the global trend of multi-polarization, .U.S. military and political developments in the field and getting out of line with the global changes. .But "decoupling" by no means be accomplished overnight, even the U.S. political, economic and military power is difficult to maintain global leadership, the U.S. and global decoupling, as Greenspan has said will be a "long-term proposition" and the long process .And from the world economic development and changes in the macro perspective, the U.S. economy and the global decoupling is that the U.S. economy's close ties with the global level has been relaxed. .The role of China's economic growth engine, driven by emerging markets and BRIC countries, the emergence of DiamondMax 11 countries and the EU economy as the euro rose more than the total of these new changes in the United States, and even settlement of Iran's oil trade in euros and urged OPEC to stop .oil trade in U.S. dollars, established in St. Petersburg, Russia, the ruble-denominated oil exchanges, have reflected the multi-polarization and economic globalization of the world occurred during the re-adjustment of economic structure, the process leading U.S. and influence .Although the decay will not suddenly disappear, but even the unusually strong economy in Germany, the Bundesbank President Axel Weber also admitted that "the global economy can not be decoupled with a permanent U.S. economy", so the influence of the United States on the global change will be a .long process. .Not rule out the IMF is misleading as President of Kahn said, "decoupling" of the people is misleading. .In the second debt only prolong the crisis, the global spread after spread to the particular field of global commodity prices and lead to global commodity prices, "3.19" crash, the "decoupling" for encouraging more and more like a pure market confidence " .misleading ", because after a sharp fall in commodity prices will inevitably fall into after a long-term instability, this instability and then passed to the different areas and types of enterprises, thereby affecting the profitability of businesses expected to shake the global market-based economic growth, the loss of market confidence to .gradually passed from the credit crunch, as well as to different areas of production and price of investment, leading to amendments to the magnitude of the global economy increase, in fact, a substantial slowdown in the U.S. economy will eventually be reflected in the global economy going, then all the contents of the "decoupling .On "In addition to actually have a partial role in inspiring confidence in the market, the market does not have a real basis for the purpose of misleading as the market for different components to be even greater. ."Decoupling" is a prospect despite the different elements of the "decoupling" has its purpose and background behind the different, but this no doubt reflects the different regions of the world and from the field dominance of the United States a strong protest, reflecting the .the development of a global trend and the trend of multi-polarization, this polarization not only in political and military fields, but also the most deeply infiltrated every corner of the world economy, even in the world economic imbalance is also manifested itself is the global imbalances ."decoupling" as a consequence of force development, so do not rule out future appears the U.S. economy and global prospects of a considerable degree of decoupling. .However, the U.S. will not stand still, not willing to global leadership and influence in the weakening of the neo-conservative Bush has pursued, launched in Afghanistan, the Iraq war, to promote NATO expansion, missile defense systems, and even the first use of the ABM .destroy space satellites, the system's actions show of force, have a profound reflection of the decline of U.S. global leadership can not be reconciled in the hard-line stance, and the "decoupling" of this "long-term proposition," need to practice history is not easy, Kahn called the "decoupling .On a misleading "is based on the current U.S. global leadership is still in reality, the cautious strategy for the actual market..

Fox TV host "anti Sunzhao" disgusting.

<P Align=center> host, Fox News Channel O'Reilly can not wait for the anti-China forces Weapon, teaching viewers how to "let the Chinese lose face." .</ P> <P> 4 月 9 日 pass the Olympic torch in San Francisco the day, Western media staged three successive "farce": First, when the Olympic torch was forced to divert due to security concerns, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC .) host the live broadcast of the news even when they laugh a few times, no cover manifested in feelings of schadenfreude and said, "(the torch relay case of interference) to the IOC embarrassed, embarrassing the Chinese government, .Let San Francisco embarrassment "; Second, the U.S. Cable News International (CNN) news commentator Jack Cafferty on the" Situation Room Seminar "program while attacking the Olympic torch relay, while viciously vilified by the Chinese people," In the past .50 years has been the Chinese people are basically a bunch of goons and thugs "; Third, the U.S. Fox News Channel host O'Reilly and Miller, guest laugh," O'Reilly the truth, "the talk show, but also can not wait .Weapon for the anti-China forces to teach the audience how to "let the Chinese lose face." .</ P> <P> Related Reading: CNN excuse to insult Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of speech: CNN will lack credibility </ P> <P> poison of discrimination of the CNN host made it ignorance or shameless? </ P> <P> .CNN Cafferty talk nonsense Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the </ P> <P>.

U.S. manufacturing sentiment has improved price pressures intensified.

Institute for Supply Management (ISM) 2 released May manufacturing sentiment index, though it is the fourth consecutive month of economic expansion in 50 points below the critical point, on behalf of a slump, but the level has been rising over April, and high .expected to show U.S. manufacturing sentiment has improved. .But the indicators also showed higher inflation. .<P> (Http://finance.) Institute for Supply Management said in May from the April index of manufacturing sentiment rose to 49.6 points to 48.6, but also higher than predicted by Wall Street analysts had 48.5 points. .But the index is the fourth consecutive month below 50 points, but also the worst since 2003, the situation, when the index from February to June for five consecutive months below 50 points. .</ P> <P> addition, according to the composition of the index, the U.S. inflation continues to heat up among the manufacturing prices paid index to 84.5 points from April rose 87 points, the most since April 2004 since .the highest level. .However, manufacturing employment and new orders in May had improved, including the employment index rose to 45.4 in April to 45.5 points from April new orders index rose to 49.7 points from 46.5 points. .</ P> <P> improvement in the U.S. manufacturing economy, the dollar extended gains on Monday against the euro from $ 1.5513 before the release of indicators rose $ 1.549, while the U.S. dollar against the yen from 104.6 yen is .rose to 104.77 yen. .But Wall Street investors are worried that inflation continues to heat up, coupled with no hope of the Federal Reserve cut interest rates in June, resulting in early trading U.S. stocks dropped on Monday, the Dow Jones index fell over 120 points. .</ P>.

German media: China, Merkel said the G8 to save the financial crisis urgently Chela.

<P> Recently, with the G7 countries, the program throws a variety of rescue, the Western media request "pull the Chinese to intervene directly to save the crisis," the voice is also increasing. .According to Deutsche Welle reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, 14, said: "The members of the G8 summit agreed that as soon as possible to the China, Japan or India dragged to the negotiating table, to get these out with the participation threshold countries to act together. ."</ P> <P> According to Deutsche Welle reported that Merkel and Berlin in the 14 representatives of industry and machinery when they meet to make such a stand. .The report also said French President Sarkozy and the EU will be the main Xi Sake at the upcoming EU summit in Canada to further introduction of this idea, and that we are going to host this meeting, but in this year. .</ P> <P> Merkel said that no such threshold countries, "Today has been unable to develop the financial market policies." .In the next week, Merkel will visit the Asia-Europe summit in Beijing, in this summit, she will work with Japan and India, countries, heads of government held talks. .Merkel said: "We must be very quickly put away the cornerstone of the second block, in order to make all this do not happen to such a crisis." </ P> <P> recently shot in China support the relevant requirements .the voice of the West to rescue the market continue to emerge. .Many Western media believe that if China does not reach out and help the United States in this predicament, "the United States will die very miserable," and that "the crisis resolved without China," and some countries have adopted various means to pull China's direct shot to save the crisis intervention .. .Stockholm University, Professor Anders Powell (http://finance.) Said the causes of global financial crisis from the speaking, to say nothing of China. .La China come in, in addition to the bailout is more abundant, the other can not see there will be a significant effect. .</ P> <P> Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said experts Zhao Junjie, in the economic globalization, China will not stand idly by, "but when shot, how much is our own thing, he country has the right to suppress us." .</ P>.

Bernanke dictator accused of conspiracy.

<P> Hands full this week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke - has just concluded a two-day monetary policy meeting, busy with the outside world to quell inflation, depreciation of the dollar and worries about rising interest rates government bonds, but also to cope with the Congress on the Merrill Lynch yesterday .events called. .However, now is not whether he was worried about re-election next year, when the most embarrassing, to the number of members of Congress for his mercilessly hunters. .</ P> <P align=left> Congress was "Strike Hard" </ P> <P> 6 25, the House of Representatives Government Reform Committee under the supervision and Merrill Lynch last year's events have played the roles Bernanke .a sternly questioned. .Bernanke's misdeeds Republicans also prepared a memorandum, most of the material referenced in the Merrill Lynch takeover is on the Federal Reserve has issued some of the e-mail and internal documents. .Purpose is to permit Mingbonanke Merrill Lynch Bank of America's disastrous merger with a conspiracy to play the role of dictator. .E-mail and document evidence of fair hearing to one hundred Bernanke. .</ P> <P> Bernanke defended himself saying that he was not on the U.S. M & A matters for bank management to the threat and did not direct any person to take threats to, and he also did not rise and the Fed Bank of America .pressure to prevent any of its Merrill Lynch announced a loss of information. .</ P> <P align=left> monetary policy is nothing new </ P> <P> announced June 24 the Federal Reserve to maintain a zero interest rate policy unchanged, keeping U.S. interest rates in the range of zero to 0.25%, but the emphasis on economic downturn .degree of mitigation, for a long period of time continue to maintain a relaxed monetary policy. .Although the current zero interest rate policy has brought benefits to consumers, but the continued loose monetary policy to the trillions of dollars into the financial system may exacerbate U.S. inflation pressures. .</ P> <P> Many economists believe the Fed now entered a new, stable policy stage in the process, will be enacted regulatory measures have been previously based. .Continue to buy U.S. treasury bonds, mortgage-backed securities, reducing consumer debt and other issues, the Fed does not introduce new content, only repeated that the changes in economic conditions will continue to evaluate acquisition of its securities and the amount of time. .Previously, the Fed announced plans to buy 300 billion U.S. dollars debt, so far, has purchased 177.5 billion U.S. dollars of debt. .</ P>.

Friday, April 8, 2011

U.S. household indebtedness, and over 8 trillion U.S. dollars, 50 million people a week Bankruptcy.

<P> Has repeatedly been warned, repeatedly pushed to new U.S. personal debt ratio, now seems even more horrible reality is much more than expected. .Total liabilities of U.S. residents have the country more than 8 trillion dollars, a substantial increase in debt from rising house prices mainly driven by increased credit lines, which is the formation of a crisis, the U.S. real estate bubble burst precursors might first appear in the credit .market. .</ P> <P> Although until now the U.S. real estate market has no direct evidence of the collapse, but the credit markets already show problems is approaching. .</ P> <P> the overall U.S. housing prices between 2000 and 2004 rose 65%, benefiting from low interest rates during this period. .However, this situation has changed now, the Fed raising interest rates 12 consecutive times, the momentum began to become a drag. .Fed Beige Book released last week on that, although the overall U.S. housing market remains active individuals, but individuals in many parts of the housing market activity slowed, Philadelphia, Richmond and Cleveland home sales release .Slow, mediocre Chicago and Atlanta, Kansas City area can not sell more stock. .</ P> <P> some time ago, a number of Bank of America announced a quarterly third quarter of the year, and have made a profit warning. .U.S. largest bank, said earlier that a quarter of the bad debt losses could reach over one billion U.S. dollars. .In addition to "Katrina" hurricane reason, there is a 10-month implementation of the new bankruptcy law caused by the U.S. surge in the number filing for bankruptcy. .</ P> <P> the new U.S. bankruptcy law bankruptcy raised the threshold of the American people, prevent the use of loose bankruptcy system to avoid debt, nature of the banking sector should be welcomed. .But even the banks themselves did not think of estimates, the problem is very serious. .</ P> <P> this year, raised interest rates, rising oil prices, hurricanes, plus prices no longer rose sharply as before, Americans are not good at saving the already stretched out. .Therefore, in the bankruptcy bill on Oct. 17 deadline for a few days before, a large number of Americans flock to the court for bankruptcy. .According to statistics, only in the Oct. 17 week, there are more than 50 million people declared bankruptcy, the equivalent of one-third of last year, grand evident. .</ P>.

"The sneeze, cold world" America's economic influence in China

: Http://finance., United States the world journal published the report said that "black Tuesday", Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market crash, along with the time difference with shift, spread worldwide stock market, almost without exception, the global stock of anguish. Germany media to "China sneeze, cold world" to describe the economic impact on today's China.

"Voice" in Germany, before China's stock market is a little on the world stock markets, but 27 events do cause global "squeeze foam movement," the world stock markets have followed the Chinese stock market crashed, and fall.

Report says, this time for the West generally see a new phenomenon: the Chinese stock market crash impact the world. The world is in the title of "China's repression of the unit value of frustration; der Spiegel Germany stock market" is the title of "China's collapse of the stock exchange, shaking the world." Global stock markets are down so crooked 7 twist. National analysis pointed to the source in China, also began to truly realize this fact, discuss.

United Kingdom broadcasting company and analysis are the voice of Germany pointed out that the Chinese stock market trend really affect the world, China's impact on the world economy has changed from quantity to quality changes.

At the same time analysis said that China's every move and also on the strength or weakness of the dollar.

There is also the raw materials on world markets, with China's economy has become the hot and cold. Not only steel, many raw materials are dependent on China's rapid growth, high demand for survival.

The third reason is that Chinese stocks and stock market are already in the process of internationalization. "Before we knew it, China's stock market suddenly received with international, is no longer completely isolated casinos. ”

The Fed does not meet the "cut addiction".

<P>: Http://finance. Information on the market, cut like a drug. .They can be exciting, but it can also lead to dependency. .Like drug addicts, the market requires increasing doses to achieve the same effect. .</ P> <P> This is the Federal Reserve (Fed) delineation of the market may have symptoms. .Today, the Federal Reserve will meet to decide monetary policy. .This year in September when it cut interest rates by 50 basis points, he had caused the market to soar. .However, the October rate cut only 25 basis points, resulting in relapse markets: U.S. stocks fell, the credit crunch again. .</ P> <P> Fed officials acknowledged that the liquidity crunch has intensified, traders speculated would be a recession, so the market that the Fed will again cut interest rates 50 basis points. .This led to the recent rise. .However, this speculation is getting cool: futures price that the market is expected to cut interest rates by 25 basis points rather than 50 basis points. .</ P> <P> Why? .Central banks last week, it sounds very tough. .Bank of England (Bank of England) lowered interest rates, but issued a warning of inflation. .Inaction of the European Central Bank (European Central Bank) sounds more like to hike, not cut interest rates. .</ P> <P> However, the most important employment data. .Federal Reserve ordered to achieve full employment, therefore, poor employment data for rate cut to provide a good excuse. .</ P> <P> last Friday's nonfarm payrolls data can not provide this excuse. .Employment increased by 9.4 million, higher than previously forecast 8 million. .This data showed the economy was not sliding into recession interval. .Family rather than by investigating household surveys compiled survey companies even showed a slight rise in employment growth also. .</ P> <P> the Fed can make a diagnosis based on the data it? .Corporate tax provision to track the company warned that this employment growth seems to have stopped. .</ P> <P> However, the Fed does not want to induce in the market, "addicted culture," do not want to show their fear of recession. .It appears that the Fed is most likely issued the prescription: reduce the federal funds rate by 25 basis points, and may be more significant reduction in their lending to the banks based on the higher discount rate. .</ P>.

Fed: Low interest rates may be maintained for some time.

<P> 20 Fed minutes released documents show the last regular meeting, policy-makers that "relatively low" interest rates may need to remain for some time to avoid recession. .On the same day, the Fed also announced the reduction of the expected U.S. economic growth this year to 1.3% to 2%, decrease compared with the previous forecast by 0.5 percentage points. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, analysts thus believe that the Fed's meeting next month on 18 may continue to cut interest rates, the rate of about 50 basis points. .But many Fed members also expressed continued concerns about interest rates may trigger a bubble. .</ P> <P> published papers according to the latest Fed officials believe that the "relatively low" interest rates for some time may be required in order to avoid the U.S. economic downturn. ."Several officials noted that downside risks are very clear that many policy makers fear that the stock price decline caused by falling and household wealth, may impact consumer spending." This January 29 to 30 Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting .Minutes of the file it this way. .At that time, the Fed announced the rate cut of 50 basis points, followed by 8 days before the emergency rate cut of 75 basis points. .</ P> <P> the minutes also revealed that, although the Fed has taken action to cut interest rates, but because of the housing sector has not yet appeared signs of stabilization, the financial situation is still not stable, the Fed believe that downside risks to growth remain. .</ P> <P> Also in 20, the Fed also announced that the U.S. downturn on economic growth in 2008 forecast, but that the pace of U.S. economic growth next year will be accelerated. .According to the latest forecast, the Fed estimated that U.S. economic growth this year, 1.3% to 2.0%, higher than forecast in October last year, down by 0.5 percentage points. .</ P> <P> Chicago Board of Trade movements of interest rate futures, the Fed on March 18 the probability of 50 basis points rate cut of up to 92%, when interest rates fall to 2.5%. .However, analysts also pointed out that the inflation situation is still severe, the Fed did not dare to continue to cut interest rates to prevent birth of a new bubble. .</ P> <P> U.S. core CPI in January this year, a record increase in the largest increase since the year and a half, the Fed expects core inflation this year will be the United States from 2.1 to 2.4 percent, higher than the original forecast of 1.8 .% to 2.1%. .</ P> <P> file according to the latest release of the minutes, some Fed members expressed concerns about inflation, some people think that needs to raise interest rates, and even once proposed to stabilize the international economic situation, interest rates should be "Sharp helicopter." .In this regard, Morgan Stanley economist David Greenlaw said the Fed is to learn from past experience, the authorities concerned to maintain low interest rates for too long, it will lead to asset bubbles. .</ P> <P> this week, HSBC Investment Report released in February that, after successive interest rate cuts, the U.S. real interest rates close to zero, the rise in the medium term inflation concerns, which may affect the enthusiasm of the Federal Reserve cut interest rates .. .</ P>.

Sovereign wealth funds into U.S. assets close hand the hot potato.

<P> Acquisition of Bear Stearns in cheap last minute deal, the apparent absence of one party concern that the recent drop in Wall Street hundreds of billions of dollars in sovereign wealth funds of funds. .</ P> <P> Reuters pointed out that these national sovereign funds have backed hundreds of billions of dollars in huge amounts of money, therefore, Western companies or of any suffering the pain of the credit crunch for companies .Their absence is a bad news. .United States and Europe are currently affected by the credit crunch. .</ P> <P> sovereign funds appear to avoid this is intended to save the nation's fifth-largest investment bank in the transaction. .Sunday, JP Morgan Chase agreed to buy $ 2 per share, Bear Stearns, Bear Stearns, the price is only 15 points on Friday closing price of one. .Since the deal did not come from the Middle East and Asia funds, analysts said on Monday so, sovereign funds may temporarily away from the U.S. financial assets. .</ P> <P> but far away from Wall Street was not just a large fund. .According to http://finance. Hearing, China's major brokerage CITIC Securities shares rose Monday, in part because the company, CITIC Securities and Bear Stearns is still negotiating to invest in each other, and have not to pay any price, can not guarantee reaching a final agreement .. .Bear Stearns and CITIC Securities announced last year that the two sides will each buy shares of Bear Stearns, CITIC Securities will invest about 10 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> as sovereign wealth funds and overseas investors refused to hand, a helping hand extended to foreign investors hoping to keep their jobs on Wall Street workers may be difficult to get comfort. .</ P> <P> Saxo Bank's chief market analyst Craig Russell asked, "is not someone to grab a falling knife. Why is involved?" He said, "In addition to the Fed, the market .No one wants to restore confidence, which will allow everyone to panic. dollar is a hot potato. "</ P> <P> last year, when Wall Street investment banks face subprime mortgage assets, the weight of exposure, the sovereign wealth funds .By providing a massive injection of support. .Since last November, Citigroup from Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Saudi Prince Alwaleed finance about 300 billion U.S. dollars, while its share price over the same period fell by about 38%. .UBS last December to accept the sovereign funds of Singapore and the Middle East after the injection of stock also fell. .</ P> <P> Also in December last year, the newly established China's sovereign investment fund agreed to subprime mortgages and other assets 9.4 billion loss suffered by Morgan Stanley injection of 5.0 billion. .Morgan Stanley's share price has since dropped by 25%. .</ P> <P> With the credit crunch deepened, financial stocks continued to fall. .Value of the dollar will fall. .Regional analyst at Macquarie Securities, said Bill Belchere, "because of prior experience, sovereign wealth funds will be more hesitant. This will make it to spread to other parts of U.S. dollar assets assets." </ P> <P> Belchere .said the Middle East sovereign wealth funds expected to invest more in Asia to increase through asset diversification. .Hong Kong, bankers said, the fund does figured in China has been the financial industry, natural resources and the potential transaction. .</ P> <P> sovereign wealth funds as a temporary fade out Wall Street, experiencing the credit crunch hit financial institutions will face retrenchment of employees working at the threat. .As investors in foreign funds in order to obtain a minority stake in the form of injection of funds, Wall Street so far largely avoided the massive layoffs. .However, if the troubled financial institutions were forced to walk for help, the job will inevitably overlap. .As JP Morgan Chase and its outstanding performance has a large investment bank, Bear Stearns investment bank's woeful. .</ P> <P> from the Blackstone Group) since its listing in June, China's Blackstone investment had fallen by half. .Saxo Bank's Russell said, for those interested in investing in sovereign wealth funds in western financial companies, the current lesson is: "Now, do nothing." </ P> <P> Related: fire sale of Bear Stearns: Finance .power crisis of the beginning 2008-03-18 </ P> <P> Fed desperate measures desperate throw hard how to do in China 2008-03-18 </ P> <P> 72h Sudden Bear Stearns: $ 240 million training and preparation Morgan .Chase 2008-03-18 </ P>.

U.S. Zoudie good gains and losses of tourism in New York.

While the poor economic environment, the economy of New York City is still booming, the dollar Zoudie foreign tourists to New York City and the occasion of procurement is the main driving force contributing to the economy of New York. .The first quarter of this year, international tourism to New York City's number of guests is not only a substantial increase over last year, the average consumption also increased. .<P> (Http://finance.) Marketing of New York City, according to estimates, tourism in New York in the first quarter of this year the number of about 9.5 million customers, compared with same period last year increased by about a hundred million, of which one fifth .international tourists. .</ P> <P> 950 million tourists spend in New York, an estimated 6.3 billion, compared to the first three months last year, tourist spending in New York City's 5.6 billion has increased significantly. .</ P> <P> The company also pointed out that the first quarter of this year, about 180 million international tourists came to New York City, international tourists in New York City is roughly equivalent to the consumption of all tourists half of the total amount of overhead, because .More international tourists keen on purchasing, and more willing to pay high ticket prices to see arts and culture programs. .</ P> <P> to New York among international tourists to the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Scandinavia, Italy, France, Japan, Ireland, Spain and the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg most. .Sterling, the euro appreciated sharply against the dollar and the yen, so that tourists in these countries to the United States Travel and Procurement are quite a bargain. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> New York City last year, the United States the number of domestic and international tourism estimated 46 million customers, their consumption is estimated at 280 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Wednesday afternoon New York trading, electronic trading, the euro was $ 1.5956, $ 1.5780 late Tuesday; U.S. dollar at 101.71 .yuan, 101.59 yen late Tuesday; Sterling $ 1.9714, $ 1.9615 late Tuesday; U.S. dollar against 0.9984 Swiss francs, 1.0067 Swiss francs late Tuesday. .</ P> <P> Analysts said a weaker dollar showed the Fed and ECB interest rate policy and their respective indicators rely heavily on the inflation impact of exchange rate movements. .</ P>.

New U.S. rules limit foreign: foreign investors should be simple background.

<P> Keyword: New safety of France and American foreign limited foreign investment in the United States that foreign investment </ P> <P> clear that the new Foreign Investment Security Act, Foreign Investment Committee in the review of foreign capital, if the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment for the purpose of foreign investment .doubts, regardless of the number of shares, can be reviewed. .Meanwhile, foreign investors will be required to submit on the previous government service in the military and personal information. .</ P> <P> U.S. Eastern Time on April 21 afternoon, the U.S. Treasury announced on the website on foreign and national security proposals (ForeignInvestmentandNationalSecurityAct, FINSA, hereinafter referred to as the new Foreign Investment Security Act), want to strengthen the foreign investment review. .</ P> <P> "These rules reflect the United States welcome foreign capital, a strong defense of its national security and sustained desire. Based on past experience, the rules require a higher resolution, and make more improvements. ."Assistant Secretary of International Affairs, Craig Laurie (ClayLowery) said. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, new foreign investment law on foreign investment review security conditions have been adjusted. .Requirements before, if not more than 10% foreign ownership and investment purposes, they will not "control" U.S. companies, thus not subject to review. .</ P> <P> clear that the new Foreign Investment Security Act, Foreign Investment Committee in the review of foreign investment, only foreign ownership in determining the purpose of pure investment, only need to consider the 10% stake. .That is, if the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS) for the purpose of foreign investors have doubts about, regardless of the number of shares, can be reviewed. .</ P> <P> new foreign security law was July 26, 2007 signed by President Bush. .Prior to the U.S. Senate has passed the security review foreign mergers and acquisitions aimed at strengthening the bill, on foreign mergers and acquisitions involving national security issues to give a new interpretation. .</ P> <P> the U.S. Treasury Department said in a statement, will be published in the proposal within 45 days of public opinion, and May 2 will be a hearing in Washington. .</ P> <P> the Ministry of Finance will hold a meeting of the relevant details will be announced in a public web site. .</ P> <P> last year, President Bush signed a "Bill of foreign investment and national security" (FIN-SA), updated the security of foreign government investment profile of the review. .</ P> <P> 2007 since the summer, many financial institutions affected by the global subprime mortgage crisis, the financial situation worse. ., The sovereign wealth funds to buy U.S. and European financial institutions frequently shot options, including the United States as the main subject of funding the country. .</ P> <P> 2007 年 11 26, UAE sovereign fund Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) invested 7.5 billion U.S. dollars, bought 4.9% stake in Citigroup; 19 December, China Investment .Morgan Stanley Investment company to 50 billion dollars, holding no more than 9.9%. .</ P> <P> in increased foreign investment review, the U.S. is not the first country to take action. .February 19, 2008, "Financial Times" reported that the Australian government announced the six principles to foreign sovereign wealth funds to adopt more stringent screening measures. .(Oriental Morning Post) </ P> <P> the United States intends to require foreign investors to explain whether the department had served in the military </ P> <P> review under the new provisions relating to the acquisition, plans to acquire sensitive U.S. assets to foreign investors .be required to submit on the previous government service in the military and personal information. .</ P> <P> board member of the foreign companies, executives and major shareholders of the information will be submitted to CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment). .The Commission is an inter-agency group to review the cross-border transactions involving national security. .</ P> <P> take into account the United States and the People's Liberation Army of China business links between the former Ren Junguan various concerns, the new rules may be particularly relevant to Chinese investors. .</ P> <P> In a recent case, Bain Capital (Bain Capital) and China's Huawei (Huawei) joint bid for the U.S. technology group 3Com, the transaction will not be approved by Foreign Investment Commission after the matter became clear, .The deal was canceled. .Members of the United States Congress expressed concerns about various, including Huawei and questioned the relationship between the PLA. .Huawei said that there is no association with the Chinese military. .But its founder, Ren had been a soldier in the People's Liberation Army. .</ P> <P> U.S. Treasury Department said privacy level based on considerations apply when the foreign companies investing in the United States of sensitive, personal information will be related to a limited number of inspection personnel, and standards with foreign companies to submit regulatory documents separately .placement. .</ P> <P> the proposed requirement that the acquirer and the parent company for all board members, executives and holders of more than 5% of acquirer shares of the parent company of personal information, including ID number, passport .numbers, and in government or military service time and nature. .</ P> sweet opportunities to overseas hunters! [Downing Street made sweet invitation to vote in UK subprime mortgage hunters] [Wall Street taking the first Chinese investment income] <P> Greenspan: U.S. economic crisis is the worst country out of World War II offers fund .taxation of investment securities temporarily thin dead camel than Ma? in the holdings of U.S. Treasury Fund risk: hit on her plate offers protection to outsiders hunters operating low-rent housing to avoid the housing business tax </ P>.

U.S. May unemployment rate soared Fed rate hikes may come to naught.

U.S. unemployment rate hit a 22-year in May the biggest monthly increase since that has been involved in the crash and gasoline prices soaring price of U.S. consumers are also facing a weak job market caused by increasing pressure. .<P> (Http://finance.) Dampen the financial market-related data or the Federal Reserve (Fed) rate hike as early as the autumn forecast. .Latest data show that U.S. non-farm employment declined the fifth consecutive month. .</ P> <P> the U.S. Labor Department reported that a survey based on commercial terms, May non-farm employment fell by 49,000 people, spread to the wider range, including manufacturing, construction, retail trade and business services industries .employment have declined. .April and March non-farm payrolls dropped by 28,000 and 88,000 people, and two months, following a revised decline are slightly expanded. .</ P> <P> According to a survey for the home, in May the unemployment rate rose 0.5 percentage points to 5.5% in October 2004 for the highest level since. .The survey also showed that employment fell by 28.5 million people in the month, the number of unemployed grew by 86.1 million people. .</ P> <P> deputy director of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, said Philip Jones, a substantial increase in the unemployment rate last month showed that more people lose their jobs, and first-time job and re-increase the number of job seekers. .He suggest that because young people entering the labor market, April to July of the household survey results may be volatile. .</ P> <P> 5 average, the hourly wage increase of $ 0.05, to $ 17.94, an increase of 0.3%. .Month a year earlier, average hourly wages rose by only 3.5%, indicating that wage costs remain subdued. .</ P> <P> Fed officials expect the economic slowdown of inflation to offset the inhibitory effect of energy, food, commodity prices and the impact of a weaker U.S. dollar to control inflation. .</ P> <P> Fed Chairman Ben? Bernanke (Ben Bernanke) said Wednesday it is important that, now almost 70 does not appear in the early 20th century, as the wage and price spiral of the situation. .Friday's payroll data to support this view. .</ P> <P> according to Dow Jones survey of Wall Street economists had expected May U.S. employment fell by 60,000, the unemployment rate was 5.1%. .</ P> <P> from last September to April of this year, Fed lowered the federal funds target rate seven times the level of rate cuts totaling 3.25 percentage points, the market is expected this summer, Fed officials will at least keep interest rates unchanged. .May before the release of employment data, financial market prices have been included in the first Fed rate hike in the fall. .But in May the unemployment rate rising, Wall Street expected interest rate increase may be weakened. .</ P> <P> However, Fed officials hinted in recent weeks, even as the economy remained weak, is unlikely to cut interest rates further. .</ P> <P> determine the economic outlook for the labor market is critical. .Before last month, although the demand for commodities has been in the housing market downturn, soaring energy prices dragged down under the lower, but still maintain an adequate labor market resilience, supporting consumer spending. .For example, despite record high gasoline prices in the lead car sales down, but Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (Wal-Mart Stores Inc) and other strong retail sales in May, may direct that the United States at least some of the tax rebate for families .consumption. .</ P> <P> but this may change. .Economists worry that American families unable to withstand the decline in employment and food, the double impact of rising energy prices, especially in the case of a weak labor market. .</ P> <P> data released on Friday, May kind of commodity production sector employment fell 57,000. .One class of companies manufacturing employment fell by 26,000, the number of such companies to reduce employment situation has continued for nearly two years. .</ P> <P> architectural firm employment fell 34,000, to 11 months of consecutive decline. .</ P> <P> 5 月份 service sector employment increased by only 8,000 people. .Business and professional services employment fell by 39,000 companies; financial sector employment fell by 1,000. .Retail employment fell by 27,100 people, for the 6th consecutive month of decline. .</ P> <P> 5 月份 temporary employment decreased by 3 million people. .Consistent with recent trends, the increase in employment is still concentrated in personal services industry, the industry's labor-intensive than manufacturing and other services. .Education and health services employment increased by 54,000; leisure and hotels sector employment increased by 12,000 people. .Government employment increased by 17,000 people. .</ P> <P> average workweek was unchanged at 33.7 hours. .Another statistical index of working hours per week total declined slightly. .</ P>.

Lehman contain violence victims in Hong Kong Legislative Council.

<P> Victims over a hundred Minglei Man 8 in the Legislative Council holding protest banners outside the building, requiring the establishment of the Legislative Council Select Committee withdrew check event. .Are victims, said the incident involving deceptive felt, had the Police. .Financial Secretary John Tsang reiterated the Government's proposed distribution of banks to buy back the Lehman mini-bond investors, the program is to recover part of the funds as quickly as possible, stressing the government would not "guarantee." .</ P> <P> Lehman CEO gym brutally beaten before the witnesses: to flat he </ P> <P> </ P> <P>.

Uncle Sam soon become the United States nanny.

<P> - "Wall Street Journal," Joseph B. White </ P> <P> Obama presidency from the first day, he has been urging the American people mature. .He cited in his inaugural speech, "the Bible" in the words, "time has come to set aside childish things." He also called for opening their own words "a new era of responsibility." .Since then, Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress have continuously made a wide range of proposals to encourage Americans in health care, financial and environmental fields to change their behavior. .Conservatives dismissed these efforts is to establish a "nanny government" that this decision will deprive citizens the right to destroy their capacity for personal acts. .The team of Obama and his advisers say that, they want to establish a "urged" the Government, the Government has to give citizens the freedom of choice, but will arrange a set of these choices, to promote the public for their own .and social interests take heart. .This practice is like a dish of fruit and parents on the child to place your fingertips, yet hidden in the biscuits on the sideboard of the most one cell, to keep the kids get easily. .</ P> <P> Obama is not the first one that has room for improvement in the behavior of American President. .President Reagan and his wife Nancy had told the Americans, the drug "just say no." .President Clinton has a large-scale reform the U.S. social welfare system, its purpose is to encourage some people who receive social assistance to work. .But Obama made no longer satisfied with good advice, he is the introduction of a wide range of policies to warn people to abandon bad behavior, receive a good choice. .</ P> <P> you still smoke? U.S. Food and Drug Administration to crack down on marketing aimed at encouraging smoking behavior, which is binding on the president himself. .Obama also want you to lose some weight. .In a recent speech he said "more healthy American" means people go running or fitness, raise children away from video games, and more time in outdoor activities. .If the issue of the President in waist circumference was not enough well-meaning members of Congress are discussing tax on sugary drinks and to require restaurant calorie content listed on the menu proposal. .</ P> <P> Office of Management and Budget spokesman for Bell said the government's goal is to help people make more informed decisions, not to limit people's choices. .Vanderbilt University political science professor emeritus Hage Luo said the Obama administration to appeal to people to improve their cultivation does not seem out of moral considerations, but the national interest, at least for now it is. .Hargrove said that preaching to people only know that Mr. Dao can not become anything. .</ P>.