Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You may miss the Golden Week International News.

<P> China supports Sudan in Darfur, $ 300,000,000 for payment </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Barney • Jopson (Barney Jopson) Nairobi reported </ P> <P> 2007 years 10 .3 April </ P> <P> is visiting Sudan, former U.S. President Jimmy • Carter (Jimmy Carter) that the Government of the Sudan's Darfur region have committed to pay 300 million U.S. dollars compensation, of which 2 billion will come .Loans from China. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> China's support for the U.S. financial companies in operation </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Jeremy • Grant (Jeremy Grant) Washington </ P> .<P> 2007 年 10 月 3 日 </ P> <P> group of American and Chinese business people established the first joint from the United States and all U.S. financial services company. .</ P> <P> joint venture company called Sino-American Capital Limited (HuaMei Capital Company), headquartered in Chicago and Beijing, highlights the central and western regions of China and the U.S. companies increasingly closely linked. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> unsafe goods reached the highest level ever </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Nicky • Tate (Nikki Tait) in London </ P .> <P> 2007 年 10 月 1 日 </ P> <P> in the entire European Union, is now a daily average of more than 20 dangerous product announcements - about half of them involving Chinese-made goods. .</ P> <P> UK Lovells (Lovells) for an analysis of the EU data shows that notice of dangerous products to the highest level ever, compared with the average level in 2006 increased by 43%. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> Schneider China imposed a fine of $ 45,000,000 </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Ya Mier • On behalf of the Lini (Jamil Anderlini) reports from Beijing </ P .> <P> 2007 年 9 月 30 日 </ P> <P> a Chinese court has ordered the French Schneider Electric (Schneider Electric) Private Enterprises in China Chint Group to pay $ 45,000,000 in compensation for patent infringement, this is the intellectual property cases .the largest amount involved in the case. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> North and South Korea promised to end the war </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Anna • Fifield (Anna Fifield), Seoul, Daniel • Dombey (Daniel Dombey) .Washington </ P> <P> 2007 年 10 月 4 日 </ P> <P> despite reservations about the U.S. government, but the leaders of North and South Korea have agreed commitment to the Korean War never ended 1950-53, .They signed the "North-South Relations, Peace and Prosperity Declaration" to enhance the bilateral economic and cultural ties. .The breadth of the scope of the Universal Declaration of surprise. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> Japan's lunar probe enters lunar orbit </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Jonathan • Soble (Jonathan Soble) Tokyo reported </ P .> <P> 2007 年 10 月 5 日 </ P> <P> Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said Japan's first lunar probe satellite has successfully entered lunar orbit. .Space race around the world today is getting worse, the United States, China and India also have lunar exploration program, but the Japanese catch in the front of these countries. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> Taiwan's military strength will be displayed </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" I Jialin (Kathrin Hille) in Taipei reported </ P> <P> 2007 年 10 月.the 4th </ P> <P> in this year's "Double Ten" (October 10) festivals, Taiwan will hold its first military parade in 16 years the ceremony, to the intense presidential campaign in the next year before the increase of people .patriotism. .</ P>.

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