Monday, February 14, 2011

Fed rate cut rally in the stock market in New York City, striking oil.

<P> According http://finance. Hearing, subject to such factors as the Federal Reserve cut interest rates to stimulate, New York, oil prices appear on the 31st June, the biggest single-day rise since, closing at a record 94.5 three dollars. .Dow Jones Index rose hundred and thirty seven. .</ P> <P> New York Mercantile Exchange, light sweet crude for December delivery futures price per barrel rose over the previous trading day four one five dollars, record high closing price. .London's International Petroleum Exchange, December Brent crude oil futures prices also rose $ 3.19 a barrel, above the closing price of stand ninety U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> Fed rate cut decision was a major factor in rising oil prices. .U.S. Federal Reserve Board decision the same day the federal funds rate that commercial banks overnight call rate fell to 4.5 percent in response to the credit crisis and the possible consequences of economic recession. .</ P> <P> the decision of the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, prompting New York trading the euro against the U.S. dollar also hit a record high. .One British pound against the dollar break through one to two eight, fifty years the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar broke through the one to one six. .</ P> <P> further dollar weakness, raised the dollar-denominated oil futures as an attractive investment products. .The lower interest rate means that oil speculators can lower borrowing costs, speculation in the oil Shangwang profit. .</ P> <P> market analysts also pointed out that the 31st rebound in oil prices is another major factor is the U.S. commercial crude oil inventories have dropped to the lowest point in two years. .U.S. Department of Energy report released the same day in the week ended Oct. 26, the U.S. commercial crude oil inventories decreased over the previous week, three hundred and ninety million barrels. .</ P> <P> is generally believed that oil prices break through hundred mark, but a matter of time. .Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is not willing to let go the issue of production, which also makes speculators believe prices will not be sharp adjustment in the short term. .</ P> <P> despite skyrocketing oil prices, the U.S. economy is in the third quarter's rapid 3.9 percent growth. .October, employers of private enterprises also provide more than one hundred thousand jobs. .Encouraged by this, and under the control of the Fed's monetary levers, first behind the New York stock market rose, the Dow Jones industrial average closed at late thirteen thousand nine hundred and thirty points, up one percent over the previous session. .S & P and Nasdaq also have five hundred more than one per cent increase. .</ P> <P> analysts believe the Fed has cut interest rates again during the small, but some improvement in domestic consumption and export trade is very active, U.S. economic prospects are more optimistic about the overall stock market was bullish fundamentals .. .</ P>.

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