Monday, February 14, 2011

US Embassy Enterprise Zhuanfan can't return Lucy rich

United States enterprises in China in 2005 achieved strong again, maybe the record profit levels. But a report from the United States company or the United States Congress these days about the trade of negative information, you can hardly see it.

United States business community seems to be often deliberately concealing their success in China. United States politicians in order to prepare to meet the potential trade war, highlighting China trade losers of, and is blind to many winners-this may not be a wise move.

United States company China harvest

According to the United States Bureau of economic analysis and statistics, 2004, United States of associated companies in China — — United States companies holding 10% or more — revenues of $ 3 billion, and in 1990, this number is zero. United States Bank Chief market strategist Joseph · Queensland, this figure is accurate shows United States companies from China, the world's fourth largest economies have been anything. He is expected in 2005, revenue reached a record $ 32.

In 2004, the profit is from China accounted for only $ 2090 United States affiliates of global gains. Japan contributed 113 billion, Mexico to 76 billion. But even in some very competitive industry, China's appeal to the United States companies are getting bigger.

To the automotive industry as an example: Although General Motors in the United States deficit is growing, but the 9 months of 2005 the company's earnings were $ 2.18 million-the money in the General Motors to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission but has not been mentioned in the file.

In Motorola's global sales, China 12%, China is by far the largest outside the United States market. Motorola does not separate calculation of its Chinese business benefits.

GE said its China business income reached 50 billion last year, the company hopes that by 2010 this income then doubled. GE also does not provide a specific number of profit.

Related news: General Motors was slain and 86 million Ltd industry fell glasses

No doubt, many United States companies in China to obtain considerable gains. But years of failures and frustrations--plus some significant failure-the people of China is investing in the impression of a black hole.

McKinsey Corporation Shanghai Office Director Jonathan · Wetzer recall 1 and a half years ago he was in New York to the business community was high for lectures · Jack Welch interrupted story. Welch, the former Chief of the General Electric CEO heard other audience questioning China's voice, he was obviously disappointed, he stood up and pointed at the top were asked, "do you make money in China? ... You make money? … You make money? "

Welch's on the spot investigation revealed that day arrived at the company almost 80% of all money.

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