Monday, February 14, 2011

Reuters: Hillary refused to withdraw from the election of the eight reasons.

Reuters reported on the 16th, Hillary Clinton asked her to withdraw from the U.S. Democratic presidential candidates for the voice laughed, and said he would continue to run "until the nominee have." .But the oath on behalf of his rival Barack Obama ahead in the ratings, is hard to surpass. .The following is Hillary persist until the June 3 election to complete the remaining 5 games pre-selection of several possible causes. .This five places are Kentucky, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Montana and South Dakota. .1. Taking into account --- Hillary in the next two primaries in Kentucky and Puerto Rico --- the more popular, she may wish to continue, so she felt seemed to try it yourself with all your choices, and explore every .be the last possible way. .2. Two big states --- --- Michigan and Florida primaries results invalid, disqualified, for which the Democratic Party of memory in the dispute. .Hillary may want to arrange for Florida and Michigan delegations at the Democratic convention in August's decision to allow her to narrow the gap with Obama, small enough to influence the decision of super delegates in favor of her .. .3. Hillary may wish to victory in the remaining primaries, Clinton's lead may be able to win over super delegates to her camp. .4. Hillary continue to campaign, presumably to see whether Obama would be a mistake, or may be involved in another re-raised concerns about voters being he has no experience of the dispute, allowing Hillary to become more competitive .candidates. .At that time, she can prove to the superdelegates that she is most likely to beat McCain. .5. Hillary Clinton Barack Obama may be trying to pressure her to join his vice presidential nomination list. .6. Hillary Clinton's campaign owed at least $ 20,000,000 of debt, may need more time to raise funds to repay campaign debts, including her own campaign team to pay 1,100 million dollars. .7. Hillary and her husband, Bill Clinton may want to protect their "legacy", and to ensure that this competition will end with dignity. .This will repair and revive them in the black community is increasingly damaged reputation. .The black community strongly supports Obama. .8. Hillary may intend to pursue in the U.S. Senate in turn play a leading role..

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