Monday, February 7, 2011

IndyMac still being run on the reopening of the people do not believe the government has.

Was once the largest U.S. mortgage bank IndyMac Bank of California (IMB) has recently been taken over the federal regulators on Monday and Tuesday are still hundreds of depositors to the bank line, expected to open the door they put all the savings banks of a withdrawal. .News of the closure by the IMB, the outside of the United States, large and small, have shaken confidence in banks. .<P> (Http://finance.) Regulator said earlier that, IMB there runs, depositors in 11 working days for withdrawal of 1.3 billion. .IMB re-opened on Monday, the first 5 hours, or 4:00, anxious depositors queuing up outside has come to withdraw money. .</ P> <P> Teng Leer retired teacher, said: "How do I and unexpected would happen, I will extract all the savings." 50-year-old Ross also said: "How could this situation in the United States .occur, such a thing would only happen in the Great Depression. "Rose's mother also bombarded Democrats Charles Schumer, referring to his disgrace. .Schumer pointed out that the IMB has closed down last month, the risk of depositors withdraw money immediately lead to the final IMB give way and collapse. .</ P> <P align=center> "ceases to financial institutions and government" </ P> <P> a depositor of anonymity, said: "I will withdraw all the money, many people do .until the money before hand Do not believe anyone. Interestingly, if the federal authorities take over the bank, why are there still so many people queuing in the bank? This is because people no longer believe that financial institutions and governments. "</ P> < .P> Since March this year, investment bank Bear Stearns by JP Morgan Chase have fallen into financial difficulties after the acquisition of low price, accusing him of Lehman Brothers investment has been plagued by negative rumors, its stock price from the high of $ 66 in February of this year, fell on Monday to close the .$ 12.4, a drop of 8 percent. .</ P> <P> so severe decline in major banks, regional banks have not much better, since the IMB spread the problem, many U.S. regional bank shares have tumbled, the U.S. bank National City's 10th largest single-day stock plunge Monday .15%, to close at $ 3.77, National City issued a statement to that bank depositors no unusual activity has more than 12 billion U.S. dollars and short-term liquidity. .</ P> <P align=center> panic in the market expected second quarter loss rose </ P> <P> Some analysts pointed out, IMB collapse of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae's status and will be coming in the mortgage banking loss .all fear the market is expected second-quarter loss will be the housing bank risen quite fast. .</ P> <P> However, the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Bell said the insured deposits and the banking system is absolutely safe, although there will be more bank failures as IMB-like, but do not appear large closures. .</ P>.

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