Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hillary Wall Street fund-raising campaign.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, a group of powerful Wall Street bankers, private equity and hedge fund managers, industry executives as Hillary Clinton has organized a fund-raising activities, Warren Buffett .will serve as special guests. .The fund-raising event was organized on the occasion, the relationship between Wall Street and Washington are at a delicate moment, the U.S. Congress is considering to revise the tax bill, you may hit the private equity and hedge fund managers. .</ P> <P> It also shows the financial community dignitaries and the United States the complex relationship between the presidential candidates. .Although Buffett is the most dazzling figures before, but he did not support Hillary, he said, Hillary Clinton and Illinois Senator Barack Obama can become an outstanding president. .</ P> <P> Morgan Stanley Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Mack ─ ─ also the long-term supporter of the Republican candidate ─ ─ dinner one of the organizers of today, but is not expected to attend. .Activities will be divided into two parts. .First, about 50 guests and Hillary Clinton and Buffett's "intimate" dinner, the guests paid $ 4,600 per person - the planners say, this is the maximum amount permitted activities. .Then, more donor contributions will be poured into the smaller of the Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan, listening to Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York and the world's second richest man Warren Buffett's speech. .</ P> <P> </ P>.

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